Deansford Lane is having carriageway work done from tomorrow for 50 days! The work is starting from the A450 end, but you can access the kennels from the A456 Blakedown end. We have been assured that the staff and customers will be let through
Don’t forget that Deansford Lane is due to be closed from Tuesday 16th July for approximately 6 weeks for the edge of carriage way scheme to be undertaken. The contractors are starting at the A450 (Harvington) end so if you do need access as a local resident or to one of the businesses for example Deansford Kennells best to access from the A456 (Blakedown) end. Please follow the signage and ask the traffic management contractors on site for information on access.
I am very pleased that this scheme is being undertaken at my request to tackle the potential holes and dangerous drops between the road and the verge.