Sally Tarpey Canine Behaviourist

Sally Tarpey Canine Behaviourist Thank you for visiting my page, if you cant see what you're looking for then please contact me.

Behaviour consultation with Sprocker siblings today.Through the process of the consultation I've identified the underlyi...

Behaviour consultation with Sprocker siblings today.
Through the process of the consultation I've identified the underlying cause and implemented some work to help get things back on track for them and their owners.
Back in a couple of weeks for the next stage.

Lambing season will soon be here.Please keep your dogs on a lead.Ewes can abort easily when they become stressed.

Lambing season will soon be here.
Please keep your dogs on a lead.
Ewes can abort easily when they become stressed.

Back out with this handsome boy for his training walks, he did fantastically well today, walking past traffic on a busy ...

Back out with this handsome boy for his training walks, he did fantastically well today, walking past traffic on a busy road with no reaction whatsoever.
I mixed the walk up with training, scentwork, focus & engagement work and desensitisation to the moving vehicles.
Felt like a proud mum seeing how well he did and he's not even mine ๐Ÿซฃ.

Bit of a rant incoming.When you commit to taking on a dog, you commit to providing for it's needs, be it vet care, groom...

Bit of a rant incoming.
When you commit to taking on a dog, you commit to providing for it's needs, be it vet care, grooming, training or behaviour.
When you pay a breeder thousands of pounds or a rescue hundreds, don't then expect the other things you may need for that dog to be free, or as cheap as possible.
They're not included in the purchase price, they're additional, professional skills you may need, that come with owning a dog.
Those of us that have invested in a professional education to qualify & undertake ongoing learning to ensure the absolute best for the dogs we work with, also have bills to pay, we don't live on fresh air unfortunately.
Pic of me and some of mine at our recent beach trip.

I got the beautiful Lola out of kennels for a break the other day.Minimal training, got her harness off and she was just...

I got the beautiful Lola out of kennels for a break the other day.
Minimal training, got her harness off and she was just allowed to run and play in a secure field.
She's full of beans and still a puppy, albeit a big one.
She's had some interest from potential new homes, so the kennels will make sure she's rehomed to the most suitable environment.
I'm back with her next week to see how she's doing.

**Client review from a recent request for help**     My friendly Malinois had  developed an aversion to having his nails...

**Client review from a recent request for help**
My friendly Malinois had developed an aversion to having his nails clipped & was increasingly anxious at any attempts that were made, becoming grumbly & growling, which is out of character.

Sally came in, using a slow & calm approach to make him feel at ease & gain his trust.
I requested he be muzzled, which we did with ease, nails were clipped & muzzle removed in less than two minutes with no reaction from my boy !
I'm a very happy owner, I know I can call on Sally again for help.

Call me mad, but I've always had an interest in dog aggression & handling those dogs safely, be it dog on dog, or dog on...

Call me mad, but I've always had an interest in dog aggression & handling those dogs safely, be it dog on dog, or dog on human cases.
I've handled & restrained many over the years & managed to avoid any bites.
These are often intense, emotive, complex cases with a number of underlying causes that require time, patience & a specific skillset, by that I don't mean wading in, wrestling with a dog & having a stand off, I mean reading the dog & the micro body language signals they invariably demonstrate & responding accordingly, this takes as long as it takes & it's when people rush the dog, injuries happen, when injuries do happen, or, are highly likely to happen, it adds another element to the complexity of the case.
Ive been ploughing through this course for several weeks, it's been hard going at times, watching some graphic footage, but I've finally finished it.

This little old lady has dementia and cataracts, I know her mum.Mum was taken poorly at the start of December & has been...

This little old lady has dementia and cataracts, I know her mum.
Mum was taken poorly at the start of December & has been in hospital since.
She has no family, so Ella has been with me, she even tagged along on our beach trip yesterday & loved running on the sand.
Her mum's desperate to get home so she can have Ella back as they're never apart but she's not well enough just yet.
This is an important reminder to have something in place for your pets, in case of situations like this, ask friends or family if they could help in an emergency, some insurance policies cover boarding fees for events like this.
All being well,.Ella and mum will be reunited in the new year.

If you've followed my page for a while, you'll remember Wolfie, the Dutch Herder x Wolfdog.He was picked up as a stray a...

If you've followed my page for a while, you'll remember Wolfie, the Dutch Herder x Wolfdog.
He was picked up as a stray at ten months old & never claimed, having gone through the procedure for strays, he was at risk of being put to sleep as there was nowhere for him to go, that's the sad reality of what happens.
RSPCA Worcester and Mid - Worcestershire Branch stepped in & got him into their kennels, I did some training with him then a friend offered him a home, the rest is history.

I absolutely adore this dog & he very nearly came to live with me but my male Mali didn't approve, I get to see him on a regular basis, yesterday, it was a beach trip with mine to see Wolfie & his mum, lovely day was had by all, he's such a lucky lad & matured into a cracking dog โค๏ธ.

Thank you to Deansford Kennels for passing my details to this gorgeous Boxers familyI met them all yesterday afternoon f...

Thank you to Deansford Kennels for passing my details to this gorgeous Boxers family
I met them all yesterday afternoon for a behaviour consultation.
Typical bouncy young Boxer with some underlying anxiety to help resolve.
His dad sent me the update this morning.

With the new year approaching, there will no doubt be fireworks again.Some animals are fine, but a lot aren't.*Bring the...

With the new year approaching, there will no doubt be fireworks again.
Some animals are fine, but a lot aren't.

*Bring the small pets that live outside, in for a few nights.
*Make sure cats are indoors.
*Give dogs a safe space of they don't already have one, a covered crate or behind a chair where it's dark and comfy.
*Turn the TV or radio up.
*Do some training to keep them occupied.
*Interactive games with treats can also be used.
*If you know your dog is timid, maybe use a lead to take them into the garden for toileting, even the highest of fences can be scaled when a dog goes into flight mode.
*Make sure the microchip is up to date.
*There are supplements you can buy to help with anxiety, for some dogs, this isn't enough and they may need something stronger, in this case, visit your vet who can prescribe an appropriate medication.
*They will legally need to examine your dog if they haven't seen him / her recently.
**Bear in mind, most vets will have limited opening hours over the holidays, so don't wait til last minute**.

If you have any other tips you've found helpful, drop them in the comments ๐Ÿ‘‡

What to expect when you contact me, as a qualified behaviourist.๐Ÿ“ฑ An initial call to discuss the issues & establish if i...

What to expect when you contact me, as a qualified behaviourist.

๐Ÿ“ฑ An initial call to discuss the issues & establish if it's a training or behaviour issue.
Training and behaviour are two very different things, I can help with both but we need to find which is the best approach.
Training is less in-depth and complex than behaviour.
๐Ÿ’ณ When we book an appointment, I will ask for a 50% non refundable deposit.
The remainder being payable on the day I visit.
๐Ÿฉบ A request from me, to see your dogs clinical notes from your vet.
๐Ÿ“… If your dog hasn't seen a vet recently, I will ask you to book an appointment for a clinical examination.
if I feel it necessary, I will contact your nominated vet and explain anything relevant that was mentioned during our call.
I have a good working relationship with all the local vets & take referrals from them on a regular basis, we often work together alongside owners on cases.
๐Ÿ˜– Undiagnosed pain and discomfort are the underlying cause responsible for around 80% of behaviour issues. ( Ref CAM )
๐Ÿค“ I will read and interpret those notes, this will help me to identify any medical causes underlying the behaviour issue.
๐Ÿพ A vet and behaviourist are very different roles, not all vets have behaviour knowledge & will be treating the clinical symptoms they're presented with, not all behaviourists especially those unqualified, have little to no veterinary knowledge & won't understand the terminology, meaning things can be missed.
๐Ÿ“ธ Reading the notes & speaking to the owner helps build a picture of what's going on.
๐Ÿ“‹ At the consultation, I come to your home to meet you, the dog and any family members involved with the dogs day to day care.
๐ŸŒฒ If your dog doesn't cope with new people in the home, I'll suggest we meet outdoors, if the dog is comfortable in the garden, we can do it there, if not , this can be done at a secure field.
๐Ÿ•ถ๏ธ During this, I'll be listening to your responses, but also observing your dogs body language closely, this will tell me how the dog is feeling emotionally.
๐Ÿฅฃ During the consultation, I will ask about everything related to the dog, from diet, routine, exercise, habits, ๐Ÿ’ฉ.
I'll also ask about the human element, though I don't need to know about your diet or ๐Ÿ’ฉ .
Gathering all this information helps me work up to a diagnosis of what is underlying the behaviour issue, once we've got this, I can start putting things in place to help resolve / manage the issues.
It's then a case of regular updates so I can monitor progress & amend anything, it's also regular sessions to move you and the dog forward, so a time & financial commitment is necessary.
The more commitment that goes in, the sooner & better the long term outcome is achieved.
โฐ There is no time limit on behaviour modification though, some dogs take longer than others & lots of things can impact this, the dogs emotional state or owners time.
โค๏ธIf your vet is a Fear Free Pets certificate holder, like me, we will also monitor progress with a FAS chart.
Don't worry if they're not, I can still use this approach for monitoring progress of anxiety levels.
๐Ÿ‘ป Once we've resolved the issue, I don't just disappear and leave you to it, I'm there in the background like a ghost, and always encourage owners to keep in touch and let me know how things are going, once we've worked together, I equip owners with the skills to notice subtle changes early on so we can deal with any potential issues before they escalate.
If you'd like more information, drop me a message.

What a lovely message to receive today.Well done Essie and family โค๏ธ

What a lovely message to receive today.
Well done Essie and family โค๏ธ

We're all having a quiet, chilled day.The dogs aren't used to a noisy household, so today won't be any different.Lots of...

We're all having a quiet, chilled day.
The dogs aren't used to a noisy household, so today won't be any different.
Lots of homes will be busy and noisy & the day will be full of excitement, especially with kids around.

Dogs can get easily overwhelmed when their routine changes.

Make sure they have somewhere safe to take themselves off to for some peace & quiet, if they go, leave them alone.

If they eat anything they shouldn't, ring your vet, if your vet's closed they'll have an answerphone message telling you who the emergency vet is for advice.

Enjoy the day, stay safe, don't put your dog in situations they can't cope with & if you eat all the chocolate & mince pies fast enough their's no chance of the dog getting it ๐Ÿ˜‹.

Happy Christmas ๐ŸŽ .

I know I said I'd finished for Christmas, but....The kennels asked me to pop in and have a look at a couple of dogs that...

I know I said I'd finished for Christmas, but....
The kennels asked me to pop in and have a look at a couple of dogs that have gone in.
This beautiful bulldog is with them, he was picked up as a stray & no one claimed him.
He's on the thin side, commonly known as 'looks like a toast rack' because his ribs are so visible.
He's getting plenty of tlc & good nutrition now & an absolute star of a dog.
No idea of his past but he will make someone a great mate.
Check out Happy Staffie Rescue website for more info.

These two are siblings from different litters, I was working with four from the same breeder at one point, all with the ...

These two are siblings from different litters, I was working with four from the same breeder at one point, all with the same issues, so clearly a genetic / epi genetic issue.
They'd had a fractious relationship for a while and when the vets referred them to me, the owners were really struggling with sudden outbursts of aggression & fighting.
It was impacting all of them, dogs and humans.
It was all driven by fear and anxiety, once I'd identified this, we got to work to make things better, it took a while, but quick fixes aren't my thing, they don't work, you're not addressing the issue, you're simply putting a plaster on it & the issue will never heal.
Their mum sent me this earlier, this is what consistent input achieves.
I don't think I'd be exaggerating if I said this has been life changing for the dogs and owners.
I haven't used aversives, I don't.
I've identified the issue, implemented behaviour modification work, trained the humans to identify issues and the rest has come together nicely.
Thank you to Shepherds' Vet Centre for the referral on this one.

๐ŸŽ Mali Christmas๐ŸŽ„That's me done for the year...apart from a couple of emails & a phone call that I'll get done over the ...

๐ŸŽ Mali Christmas๐ŸŽ„
That's me done for the year...
apart from a couple of emails & a phone call that I'll get done over the weekend, then I won't be answering messages until January 2nd 2025.
I've worked with some amazing dogs, owners, rescues, vet teams, Police DLO's & other trainers this year.
There have been massive highs & lows, good days and bad days but it's all been about the dogs.
More of the same next year with some new things being announced.
There will be some scheduled posts coming out & I'll put some more info out about the patreonage scheme, where you can donate to, or sponsor a rescue dog & help the rescues fund training & behaviour work, thank you for the interest so far โ™ฅ๏ธ.

Thank you for the recommendations, referrals & most of all, trust, allowing me to work with the dogs.

See you next year ๐Ÿพ



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm





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