My first business-y post of the year comes with a photo of yours truly and my 7 year old chocolate lab, Ellie.
Ellie is one of 9 pups from Bob and Millie’s naughty antics before we could get Millie spayed (naughty, naughty Bob!!). At the time, we didn’t even know Bob had issues with his hips, so when we did find that out, it was always going to be a chance that his children would develop hip dysplasia somewhere along the line.
Of the three pups who still live with our family, Ellie has drawn the short straw, and developed severe hip dysplasia.
In short, this condition means that the hip joint isn’t formed correctly - usually the socket is misshapen, and the ball doesn’t move properly within it. The condition can be very painful for the animal living with it, and can cause stiffness, an uneven gait, limping and changes in behaviour (Ellie, for example, follows her dad’s lead and is a grumpy mare most of the time!)
In some cases, surgery can help to reshape the hip joint, and may help the dog to live a more normal life. With Ellie, however, I don’t really want to put her through a major surgery unless I have to - and, as her vet says - she’s very lucky to live with me!
Ellie is visiting the pool regularly (a few times a week for shorter sessions, just like her dad used to!), and I’m hoping to see a significant improvement for her as we shed the extra kilos (because, yes, even my dogs can get overweight!!), build that muscle around her joints, and let the warmth from the pool help to ease those aches and pains! At home, we do a quick laser session a few times a week too, just to maintain the benefits from the pool!
I’m sure she’ll benefit from the sessions we do together, even if she’ll never be completely cured!
(I’m starting to agree with the vet - she is a lucky dog to live with someone who can do all of this with her!!)