Wrth ddiolch am eich cwsmeriaeth ffyddlon a’ch cefnogaeth eleni, hoffem ddymuno blwyddyn newydd dda a llewyrchus i chi. Welwn ni chi yn y flwyddyn newydd!
While thanking you for your loyal custom and support this year, we would like to wish you a happy and prosperous new year. We’ll see you in the new year!
💥💥 Sheep and Cattle Mineral Powders 💥💥
Back in Stock / Nôl mewn stoc
Get in contact for prices // Cysylltwch am bris
📞 01570 422540
✉️ [email protected]
📍 Mark Lane Mill, 88-90 Bridge Street, Lampeter, SA48 7AG
🐑🐄🍼 Stocked Milk Replacer Products 🐑🐄🍼
We stock a variety of products to help give your calves and lambs the best start to life. They are designed to promote healthy, fast growth in young animals.
In stock -
Enerlac Instant
- Made using Volac's unique concentrated milk protein this whey protein based milk formula and specially designed for beef or mixed enterprise.
- A carefully selected blend of Imunopro®
- Specially designed for beef or mixed enterprises
- For non-replacement animals
- Gardion® health package
- Elevated leucine
- Energy 12.1 Mj ME at feed rate of 625g/d
Blossom Easymix
- Blossom is formulated to achieve the growth rates needed for high performance dairy and beef calves.
- Tried and trusted performance
- Great results every time
- High Imunopro® content
- Gardion® health package
- Higher levels of leucine
- Energy 14.85 Mj ME at feed rate of 750g/d
Mole Valley Calfstart Advanced
- Advance is a high protein inclusion milk replacer specially designed to help achieve fast frame growth in early life whilst your calf's feed conversion is at its peak.
Lamlac Instant
-Ideal for bottle feeding, ad-lib feeding systems and some machine feeding systems which require an instant mixing powder.
-Available in 10kg and 25kg bags
Lamlac Freeflow
- Ideal for use in automatic machine feeding systems which require a freeflow powder.
- available in 25kg bags.
Get in touch for more information.
📞 01570 422540
✉️ [email protected]
📍 Mark Lane Mill, 88-90 Bridge Street, Lampeter, SA48 7AG
Paratowch ar gyfer y tywydd oer!❄️☔️
Gyda'n hystod o welingtons ar gael i gadw'ch traed yn gynnes ac yn sych yn ystod yr eira, rhew ar glaw, galwch i mewn i'r siop i ddod o hyd i'r ffit perffaith i chi!
Get prepared for the cold weather! ❄️☔️
With our range of wellies available to keep your feet warm and dry during the snow, ice and rain, call into the shop to find the perfect fit for you!
Prisiau Gwrtaith / Fertiliser Prices
Mae prisiau newydd gwrtaith wedi cyrraedd. Ar gael ar ein loriau neu'n llwythi cyfan direct o Yara. Cysylltwch am bris.
The new Fertiliser prices have arrived. Available on our trucks or direct artic loads from Yara. Get in touch for a price.
📞 01570 422540
✉️ [email protected]
📍 Mark Lane Mill, 88-90 Bridge Street, Lampeter, SA48 7AG