It’s not Christmas without the annual Farm Gate Vets Christmas Song so here we go 🎶 🎶🎄🎅🏼!! Introducing for 2024 “Boggy Wet Land” - it’s certainly topical and the singing is marginally better 😅- Merry Christmas everyone 🎉 #vetschristmassong #vetscansing #farmvets #merrychristmas #britishfarming🌾🚜🇬🇧 #backbritishfarming🇬🇧 #farm24
One to watch 💈 ⚠️. We have seen several recent cases of Haemonchus in the practice which is a common finding across the vet labs at the moment. Also called Barbers Pole Worm, unlike other worms, this one takes a blood meal causing anaemia. Find out more at our next Sheep Client Meeting October 8th, 7pm at Kirkby Lonsdale Rugby Club. #heamonchus #barberspoleworm #scops
Bestico fly traps doing their job! 🪰 #bestico #flycontrol
To celebrate Great British Beef Week 23rd - 30th of April we will be having a Staff Beef Off! We’ll be cooking our favourite beef dishes and posting the pictures on here, the photo with the most likes will receive the prestigious title of “Great British Beef Week Master of the Kitchen”. Winner to be announced at the Beef Expo at J36 on Saturday 27th April. Please look out for the post and place your votes!! #gbbw2024 #naturallydeliciousbeef #buybritishbeef
This is the first of a mini parasite series from Sol. Year on year we are having more and more conversations about this one ..
#sheepscab #scops #sheepparasiteprevention
Thank a farmer this pancake day!! We’ve had are own pancake party at J36 this lunchtime with varying abilities on the flipping 😅! #britishflour #britisheggs #britishmilk #thankafarmer #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #pancakeday
The moment we think you have all been waiting for, Farm Gate Vets Christmas song 2023 - Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree 🎄 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎵🎵🎵🎬🎬🎬🎬
The singing might be marginally better?? 😂😂
Wishing all our clients a very Merry Christmas, thank you for your continued support and all the very best for 2024. #christmasnumberone #christmasatthevets #singingvets #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #merrychristmas