Let’s be honest: we all envy our cats once in a while, especially if we need to get up at 6am to head to work and they don’t even bother leaving the bed to say ‘Good morning!’.
Tell us, what would you do with your day if you were a cat? 😺
Though every cat is unique, we’ve put together 9 types according to common traits of feline personality. 🤭 Which one is yours? Let us know in the comments! ⬇️
1) The stereotype - independent, self-reliant, will allow you to pet them if and when it pleases them.
2) The dog - follows you around everywhere and is always eager for pets.
3) The freeloader - only shows up when they want something, usually food.
4) The snoozer - every time you see them, they're napping.
5) The yowler - is very vocal and always keen on taking over conversations.
6) The thoughtful - always has something waiting for you, dead or alive.
7) The sergeant - is in charge of everyone's schedule - when you get up, when you cook, when you leave the house…
8) The decorator - loves rearranging textures (fight the carpets) and objects (your fragile vases) around the house.
9) The ninja - you never know where they are, and only know for sure that you have a cat from litter tray evidence.
We all love being pet owners, but did you know that the company of animals can also be beneficial to your health? 🐱🐶🐰
This is because our faithful friends help reduce stress and anxiety, motivate us to be more active and offer us a significant level of companionship and emotional support during tough times!
How does your pet make your day better? Tell us everything in the comments! 👇🏻
Busy day? Don’t worry—PetsApp is here to help! Manage your pet’s healthcare with just a few taps. Whether you need to:
✔️ Book an appointment
✔️ Settle an invoice
✔️ Chat with our vets
✔️ Have a video consultation
It’s all possible from your phone! Stay in touch with us, no matter where you are, and make caring for your pet stress-free.
Download PetsApp today, and let’s take the hassle out of your pet’s health. 🐾
🔗 https://www.bayvets.co.uk/
Gooooood morning cake fans!!!! don’t forget our Milnthorpe surgery are holding their annual Macmillan coffee morning at the surgery this morning from 11-1. All proceeds going to the most amazing cause and all cake going to a well received cause - your tummys haha!! Please pop in if you can to say hi and inhale sweet treats and hot drinks!! There will be a raffle and plenty of people there to have a good old natter to. Thank you for your support as always!!!
A recent law change has introduced mandatory microchipping for cats 🐈.
We feel this is an amazing step forward for the protection of our beloved feline family members as it helps pets who have been lost or stolen get reunited with their owners.
Is your cat microchipped? If they aren’t yet, or if your contact information is outdated, don’t hesitate to schedule a visit with us!
What pet insurance can mean for you and your pet. 🩺
It truly is a privilege to own and care for a pet. However, you must consider the different costs when becoming a pet owner.
Even when you have everything planned and budgeted, you cannot predict the future and any unexpected veterinary or pet-related costs that might arise.
Have you heard of feline idiopathic cystitis? Check out our reels, and get in touch with us if you spot any of these signs on your cat. 😺
If you ever notice that your cat cannot urinate or is straining to pee and nothing comes out, this is a medical emergency, and you should bring them in right away.
If you’ve ever adopted a puppy, you’ve probably heard of canine parvovirus. This illness can be life-threatening in puppies and is one of the diseases that vaccinations protect against. 💉
Check out our video, and get in touch right away if you spot these signs on your puppy!
At Bay Vets, we're not just here for your pet's medical needs – we're here to support you as a pet owner. 💙
Our website has a dedicated section on pet care and common conditions, designed to fill you with knowledge and insights into your furry friend's well-being. You can learn how to spot signs and symptoms of common illnesses and gain valuable tips on preventive care. 🐾
Explore our website, and remember to let us know which interesting facts you discover!
Have you recently adopted a kitten? If so, we're thrilled for you! Raising a kitten is an amazing experience, but it can also be full of challenges and unexpected surprises.
Our blog post covers everything you need to know, from preparing for your new kitten's arrival to bringing your kitten home to nutrition, litter training, socialisation, exercise, sleep, and healthcare.
Read our blog post 👉 https://www.bayvets.co.uk/an-essential-guide-to-your-new-kitten/
Here at Bay Vets, we wish you a wonderful Easter filled with memorable moments with your pet. 🐰
However, remember that some foods we usually eat at Easter, like chocolate, are toxic for our dogs because they contain theobromine and caffeine. If you suspect your dog might have eaten chocolate, get in touch with us right away!
You can find more information on toxic food for our pets in our blog post 🔗 https://www.bayvets.co.uk/pawly-pooches-toxic-food-that-can-hurt-your-dog/