This is important reading for all dog owners.
Aggressive like behaviours in dogs
There has been a lot in the news recently about unpredictable and aversive dog behaviour - "dog aggression", dog bites, dangerous breeds, even talk about licensing and changes to the dangerous dogs act 1991.
We must remember - dogs do NOT bite for no reason. Aggression is an active outward expression of how they feel. And the context and environment we place them in affects how they feel.
Basically we MUST always look for a cause for their choice of behaviour.
Dogs are constantly communicating with us. It's up to US to learn their language so that we can hear them when they are threatened because they are uncomfortable, stressed, scared, frustrated, or IN PAIN.
It is when we don't observe and listen to their signals that they resort to shouting louder with more overt behaviours that they know will get them what they think they NEED, which is for us to LEAVE THEM ALONE. This is where what we recognise as aggression comes from.
Following the pandemic and the rapid increase in dog ownership over lockdown, we now have a complicated cocktail of poorly socialised doggos with limited coping mechanisms and well meaning but inexperienced dog owners. Many of these young dogs' social needs simply aren't being met, which is not a dig at new dog owners, just a nudge that more education is needed.
Throw into that mix a dog that is in pain = recipe for disaster. Their tolerance/ abilities to cope will be reduced.
Here at CAM, we believe part of the answer comes down to education. And we want to educate more owners on the signs of pain in dogs so that the dog's needs can be met and they don't feel the need to escalate their signals?
Our beautifully illustrated children's book 'Why Don't you Listen' is a great start.
It teaches children (and adults!) how to recognise when dogs are in pain. It is a must read for all families that share their lives and homes with our four-legged friends.
Head to the link below to find our more and get your very own copy: