Woof to Hoof Pet Services

Woof to Hoof Pet Services Dog walker, cat sitter and small animal carer. Horse & pony care and large animal care.


Bargain Fleece neck cover.Clasps for attachment to a rugLined at withersIdeal for keeping your horse clean for showing SIZE: PonyCOLOUR: Black


Helloooo - What you doing...? šŸ˜Š

Box ready for the charity shop!!šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸ˜

Box ready for the charity shop!!šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸ˜


Not for the squeamish but very interesting

Another happy cat customer. She looks very serious but she was a wee darling really šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸ„°

Another happy cat customer. She looks very serious but she was a wee darling really šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸ„°



Can everyone please look out for Roo!

Roo the collie went missing at around 2PM today (20/09/2021), two miles south of the Spittal of Glenshee in Perth and Kinross. Roo went missing while gathering sheep in a very remote area. She is microchipped and volunteers are out searching tonight with their thermal scopes. Can everyone please share for Roo and please get in touch immediately if you have any information. Thank you ā¤ļøšŸ¾


Roo has been found safe! A huge thank you everyone for all your help and support ā¤ļøšŸ¾

Wise words

Wise words

Donā€™t Over Socialise Your Dogā€¦

We often have this perception of Socialising as letting our dog, play with as many dogs as possible at a young age so itā€™s friendly.

This is actually probably the biggest (unspoken) mistake we make as pet owners.

Play is just a very small part and probably the least important part of socialising.

First we must teach dogs to ignore dogs, using leads, rewarding them for breaks in focus from other dogs, teaching them, YOU are way more fun then other dogs.

Creating breed fulfilment is a great relationship builder and great to use whilst dogs are in the background.

For example: fetch with a retriever, scent games with a spaniel, tug of war with a terrier or flirt pole etcā€¦ you be the one who starts and stops it.

Next part of socialising with dogs is to teach them to be calm and well mannered. Find a club, pack walk or a friend and go for a walk, make sure these are on lead and calm.

If the dogs are compatible let them meet for a brief second, face to ass, not face to face and keep it to a 3 second rule.

Remember Quality is far more important then quantity when it comes to socialising with dogs.

Remember dogs need to first be exposed to well mannered and calm dogs, this is often why (unless run properly) we donā€™t advise puppy classes.

Remember if your dog is knocked over, jumped on, bullied at a young age, because you think they just need to learn and get on with it or you canā€™t read play, this will leave a very negative, long lasting imprint on them and usually around the 6-12month mark, reactivity is born and/or extreme fear as a result.

As a rule I never let my dogs play with strange dogs, especially if they come running across the feild as the owner screams ā€œitā€™s ok he is friendlyā€ this means they have no control, they havenā€™t taught a basic recall, donā€™t understand that not all dogs are compatible and therefore you can bet your bottom dollar, they wonā€™t be able to read body language or stop a dog fight if it happens, so why would I ever expose my dog to that, itā€™s asking for trouble.

Let your dogs play with dogs you know are trained, responsive and compatible with your dogs.

Donā€™t forget, socialising with dogs is only part of socialising, humans next then we will tackle environmental socialising, stay tunedā€¦



Looking for someone to care for your pets when you have a busy day? Looking for pet care while you are on holiday? Pop i...

Looking for someone to care for your pets when you have a busy day? Looking for pet care while you are on holiday? Pop in visits, daily visits?
Give me a call on 07949 466791 or email: [email protected] to discuss. Areas covered Fettercairn, Laurencekirk, Auchenblae and surrounding area.


Learn your dogā€™s silent language so you can understand what he is trying to communicate.

Be open to listening. Let go of human expectations.

Gently, without coercion, try to teach skills (not obedience training) to help your dog navigate the human world.

Try to remain flexible although some things might not make sense from the human perspective. Trust the dog's perspective is valid and very real to that individual dog.

You will make mistakes along the way, get frustrated, and lose your cool at times, but you will learn so much from your dogā€™s point of view and, in turn, learn about yourself as well.

Great news!

Great news!


Iā€™m happy to finally announce that the dogs stolen from the Kirriemuir area of Angus have been found safe after being dumped in the Dundee area. The hugest of thank youā€™s needs to go to the public for rallying around and giving tremendous support to the family and spreading the word about these girls on every corner of Facebook, to the kind lady that found them, the SSPCA and the police. They have now been reunited with their very happy owner who is over the moon to have them home! Thank you again so so much everyone as thanks to everyoneā€™s quick response these girls were found safe so quickly ā¤ļøšŸ¶šŸ¶ā¤ļø



šŸ˜»Nose touching (and sniffing) is a type of tactile feline communication

šŸ˜»It is thought to be a type 'friendly greeting' behaviour seen between two cats (it's also super cute!šŸ˜­ā¤ļø)

šŸ˜»The behaviour is usually seen as one cat approaches another in a friendly way, relaxed but interested and with its tail raised

šŸ˜»However, this behaviour is not always appreciated by the recipient, it can depend on the individuals involved - do your cats touch noses?


Atkinson, T., 2018. Practical feline behaviour: Understanding cat behaviour and improving welfare. 1st ed. Wallingford: CABI.

Brown, S., 2020. The cat: A natural history. London: THE IVY PRESS, p.44.


šŸ¾ Can we find Princess a home this National Black Cat Appreciation Day?

She is a very worried soul who is looking for a very experienced and understanding home.

It is important that Princess has a room of her own initially with plenty of hiding spots where she won't be disturbed too much while her confidence grows. Her new owners will need to be patient with her and understand she may never be a cat that is keen to be touched.

Princess is quite greedy so the use of food will help in building a bond with her!

Find out more about Princess here: https://bit.ly/3jYBGO9


This is Pen Farthing. He is an ex marine who runs an animal charity in Kabul, Afghanistan called Nowzad.
They have dedicated the last 10 years to save dogs and cats (and other animals) in Afghanistan.
Sadly, due to the Taliban currently taking over Kabul they are now at massive riskā€¦with 98 dogs and 88 cats to save as well as 25 local staff, they need to get out of Kabul In the next 48-72 hours!! They are trying to save as many animals, staff and their immediate families as they can by trying to get a cargo plane and permission to leave the countryā€¦please please help them by donating to
or appealing to your MP for help. They risk being targeted by the Taliban who famously outlawed dog ownership in the past and would probably kill the animals and staff. Please please help these guys if you can.

Read more about Nowzad on their website and what they have done for the people and animals of Afghanistanā€¦itā€™s amazing work that is due to be destroyed in the next couple of days. šŸ˜¢šŸ¾


The Scottish Gamekeepers Association (SGA) unites all gamekeepers, stalkers, ghillies, wildlife mana


Here is a bust-worthy myth about tug-of-war we didnā€™t even know existed.

About one week ago, there was a very sad news item about a baby killed by a dog in Australia (https://salten.cz/2021/07/15/staffy-who-killed-a-five-week-old-baby-on-the-central-coast-viewed-infant-as-prey-experts-warn/). Such stories, while rare, unfortunately reappear again and again in the news. The local media interviewed a dog trainer who stated:

ā€œā€¦humans often teach canines to kill by playing games like tug-of-war with them. Dogs arenā€™t meant to have toys ā€“ theyā€™ve only been around for 40 to 50 years and we now have more problems than weā€™ve ever had before. When dogs use their mouths on something non protein-based, they learn that itā€™s OK to do that with other objects. Tug-of-war is violent and riles the dog up, so weā€™re teaching them thatā€™s okay.ā€

Playing tug with your dog will no more teach him to kill than playing fetch will teach him to knit. Thatā€™s ridiculous. A few thoughts to rebut the trainerā€™s comments a little further:

1. Dogs tug naturally. Not only that, but many will solicit ā€œco-mouthingā€ with other dogs by shoving objects into their faces. Mutual pulling then ensues. Play is a necessary and naturally driven behavior and is needed to practice social skills and give-and-take. Some of the practice is also predatory, of course, but dogs are perfectly capable of killing prey without being educated in tug play.

2. Dogs arenā€™t meant to have toys? What does that even mean? And as far as 40-50 years of toydom, Nylabone has been around for 66 years (!), but dog people have been fashioning toys for their companions for as long as dogs have lain around their campfires. And, yes, itā€™s perfectly cool for dogs to put their mouths on non protein-based objects. Hereā€™s a cool early 19th century Italian statuette of a dog playing with a toy: https://www.englishaccentantiques.com/product/italian-early-19th-century-carved-wooden-dog-playing-with-a-toy/

3. Tug-of-war can rile dogs up but the play can be well controlled by ensuring that tug is played with specific, tug-dedicated toys like a braided fleece or rope toy, by teaching the dog to let go of the toy on cue (by using food or a different toy with the cue, e.g. ā€œdrop it!ā€, then just using the cue. Of course, dropping the toy can be reinforced by giving the toy back and playing some more! And, finally, the play should be stopped if the dogā€™s mouth lands on human skin or clothing. Tug is an awesome game for redirecting an excited dogā€™s energy, such as at the end of a good, clean agility run ļŠ, or for distracting a restless young dog who needs to wait her turn in training class.

The original story, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with playing tug. Safety practices with infants and dogs must include strict separation unless the dog is well controlled (leashed or verbally), and never, ever leaving them alone together. But suggesting that play can teach dogs to kill is over the top and diverts attention from more important and rational practices such as separation and active supervision.


I have been asked many times about feeding raw. Here is an article written for PGRā€™s Simply Gundogs šŸ™šŸ»

Article by Mrs V L Payne BVetMed MRCVS


Few topics will cause as much debate as, ā€œWhat is the best thing to feed my dog?ā€ and the truth is that there isnā€™t one perfect diet or weā€™d all be feeding it! Over recent years there has been growing interest in feeding a diet based on raw meat and bonesā€¦so, is this diet for you and your dog?

Owners often want to change their dogā€™s diet to fix a health, training, or behavioural problem and whilst a good diet is the very foundation of health it is important to rule out other causes before chopping and changing diets.

For example, is a ā€˜hyperactiveā€™ dog getting enough mental and physical stimulation or is a dog with ā€˜not enough staminaā€™ actually just unfit, or maybe painful.If you and your dog are happy with what youā€™re feeding then there is no need to change, but if you feel youā€™d like to try raw feeding here are some points to considerā€¦

Is a Natural Diet healthier for my dog than a processed one? There is no scientific data to prove this is true. However most owners following this diet report that their dogs are well muscled with shiny coats, full of energy and need less trips to the vets. Teeth in particular benefit from the cleaning action of chewing bones and obesity is less common on the diet.

I thought feeding bones was dangerous? Raw bones, especially those of the ribs, neck and spine, are relatively soft and can easily be chewed, swallowed and digested. Cooked bones should not be fed as they are liable to splinter and could pierce the intestines. Leg bones are too tough for many dogs and trying to break them to reach the marrow may lead to tooth fractures. Choose bones of an appropriate size for your breed of dog.

Is it safe to feed raw meat? What about bacteria? All raw meat can carry bacteria so take the same hygiene precautions as you would when preparing your own meals. Dogā€™s stomach juices are more acidic than ours and food stays in the gut for less time meaning they are at much lower risk of ā€˜food poisoningā€™. Never feed your dog meat that is ā€˜offā€™. Owners with a compromised immune system should avoid feeding a raw diet.

Doesnā€™t my dog need some carbohydrates? Dogs evolved as scavengers eating mostly bones and other food waste. Their diet, and that of their ancestors, contained little grain. Modern dog food uses grain as an energy source as it is cheaper than energy from animal fat and protein. Your dog will get some carbohydrates from fruit and vegetables in his diet and most dogs need no further carbs. A few dogs benefit from a small amount of cooked rice, potato or quinoa but avoid processed carbohydrates.

Is Raw Feeding expensive? It doesnā€™t have to be. Complete prepared raw diets can be expensive for larger dogs but by buying in bulk and preparing your own meals the cost can be surprisingly low. A freezer to make the most of cheap meat and bones when available helps keep costs low.

Is a Raw Natural Diet suitable for all dogs? No. Elderly dogs or those with certain illnesses may not tolerate a raw meat diet. Home cooked diets may be suitable or choose a good quality commercial diet. Bones are a high value food, so do not start a raw diet if your dog has food guarding issues. Sort these out first!

Am I letting my dog down by not feeding Raw? No. Raw Natural Feeding is not for every dog or every owner. Alternatives include high meat content wet foods or quality ā€˜hypoallergenicā€™ kibble. Look for foods which have a high meat content, an easily digested carbohydrate such as rice or potato and no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Baked or freeze dried foods are less processed than extruded kibbles.

How do I switch over? It is generally thought that it is best not to feed raw meat and cooked kibble in the same bowl. Most dogs suffer no ill effects from switching straight from kibble or tinned meat at one feed to raw food at the next. Will feeding bones make my gundog hardmouthed? Definitely not! There are lots of raw fed dogs out there working and winning Field Trials. You can even feed game carcasses whole or minced.


You need to supply your dog with raw meat and bone every day. Most raw feeders add blended vegetables too to supply additional vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants. Meat can take the form of minces or chunks and you should feed a variety of meats, offal and maybe even fish during the week. Bones should have some meat attached and be of a suitable size for the dog. Ideal bones include chicken wings and carcasses, ribs, necks and spines. Bones and carcasses can be bought from the internet or sourced from butchers and gamedealers.

Supermarket chicken wings are a great standby but donā€™t provide much entertainment or tooth cleaning for big dogs! A handful or small cup of vegetables is enough for most dogs, more can be fed to overweight dogs to fill them up. Vegetables should be pureed in a food processor to allow the dog to digest them. A small amount of fruit can also be fed. Most vegetables are suitable but avoid onions as these can be toxic.

Root vegetables contain quite a lot of sugar so limit these; green leafy vegetables and herbs should make up most of the vegetable portion. You donā€™t need to buy veg especially for your dog; peelings, stalks and slightly soft or yellowed vegetable all make good dog food. Eggs can be fed occasionally.

Article by Mrs V L Payne BVetMed MRCVS


This post popped up on memories from this day last year, and itā€™s worth a reshare.


I think the hardest thing to teach people working with horses is having the right perspective. A dictionary definition of perspective that I found on google is
"a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view."

Answering questions on my Facebook group this morning there were two completely different posts, asking questions about their horses, and I think that the questions cannot be answered without a change in the persons "attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view."

Both posts were ignoring where the horse was up to, and skipping ahead to what the human wanted, and then being concerned about the results.

It was almost like a man writing into an advice column saying "There's a girl I know, she won't talk to me, she just turns away when she sees me coming, and if I follow her and trying to hold hands with her she struggles and pulls away. How do I stop her from struggling when I try to hold hands with her?"

I know that sounds ridiculous, a man would have to be completely oblivious or suffer from "Social-emotional agnosia", also known as emotional agnosia or expressive agnosia, which is the inability to perceive facial expressions, body language, and voice intonation.

A person like that would make you not want to be around them, and so if you put yourself in your horse's shoes, it becomes quite apparent why they would act a certain way.

The principles of "work with the horse you have today", "don't go to bed angry" and "they need to know the answer before you ask the question" are a big part of STTDP and all of them rely on you reading your horse and not putting your wants in front of their needs.

That last sentence is the perspective change that's needed. In order for the relationship to grow, you need to put their needs first, and your wants come a distant second. It seems like that's backward, but that is the quickest way to get your wants met.

(Photo of a Barb stallion in Morocco last year. As he got relaxed enough to lay down the call to prayer came from the muezzin in the minaret of the mosque across the road, it was one of the most surreal moments of my life ).

Taking a break? Need holiday care for your animals, pop in visit for your pet or just a rest from poo picking your ponyā€™...

Taking a break? Need holiday care for your animals, pop in visit for your pet or just a rest from poo picking your ponyā€™s paddock?

Give me a call on 07949 466791 or email: [email protected] to discuss. Areas covered Fettercairn, Laurencekirk, Auchenblae and surrounding area.

Happy world Cat day 2021šŸ±šŸ±šŸ±Did you know...?   A  catā€™s tongue has backwards facing spines about 500 micrometres long, wh...

Happy world Cat day 2021


Did you know...? A catā€™s tongue has backwards facing spines about 500 micrometres long, which are called papillae. These are quite rigid, as they contain keratin. These spines allow cats to groom themselves by licking their fur, with the rows of papillae acting like a hairbrush. Some cats, particularly longhaired cats, occasionally regurgitate hairballs of fur that have collected in their stomachs from grooming. These clumps of fur are usually sausage-shaped and about two to three centimeters long.



Arnbarrow Farm Cottage





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