We've had a busy but fun week at LREV. Hope you all have a great weekend
Case of the week -
Patchie is a horse Shelley met for the first time on a routine vaccination. Patch's owner mentioned that Patch was struggling with performance issues in front and was mildly lame. When his foot balance was examined it was found to be suboptimal and Shelley thought this might have an impact on his performance.
Patch had xrays taken that showed medio-lateral imbalance, long toe and an under run heels in both front feet. Shelley and a local remedial farrier soon set to work to correct the issues highlighted in the xrays. We are so pleased that Patch is back sound and back to work. He is throughly enjoying getting back to dancing and so is his mum Louise. Whilst a lot of balance correction can be done by a good farrier just by looking at the foot and how it is placed in relation to the horse's body. It is vital in cases of performance horses to ensure that the balance of the feet is correct. The old saying no foot, no horse is so very very true even in this modern age.
If you have a horse you are struggling with, then please phone the office on 01782 898102 and one of our vets will be happy to discuss options with you
This is Harry Brown or HB for short - when we met him on a yard (whilst looking at another pony), his owner wasn't sure what to do with him. He is a chronic laminitic who was on medication but he was dead behind the eyes and lacked the ability to go out and graze for more than 30 mins at a time. He had fat pads in all the usual areas (behind the shoulder, over his bum and above his eyes. His owner was concerned that because of the inability to be able to ride him coupled with his limited grazing, that they would have to think about his quality of life longer term.
We examined HB and took blood tests that showed he had a very high insulin count. He was already on medication to treat this (metformin) but it obviously wasn't working anymore. He also has Cushings disease which was being well controlled by using prascend. We swapped HB from metformin onto a drug called Ertugliflozin. This drug alongside his prascend has helped HB to get back to riding and they even had a little jump a few days ago. He has gone from a pony just existing to one who now tries to escape from his paddock and is according to his owner back to his cheeky wee self.
We are so pleased that HB is back on form, and living his life to the full. Routine examinations of horses and ponies is so very important, thats why we do these routinely at Vaccination time. It helps us to keep your team working together.
If you have any questions on this case or on treatment for laminitis, please do nto hesitate to phone us 01782898102
A day in the life
We love what we do
Happy Friday folks, we have a satisfying case to show you. This weeks topic is wounds. We hope you have a great weekend! #littlerockequinevets #whoseinyourteam #happyfriday #horsevetsnorthstaffordshire #salthousestables
Happy Humpday guys. It's been dry and everyone has had a fab day at the office, hope you have too :)