Leek Veterinary Clinic

Leek Veterinary Clinic We are a friendly, local and compassionate team meeting all of your pet's needs, whether it's dogs,

We are a friendly, local and compassionate team meeting all of your pet's needs, wether it's dogs, cats, small furries or exotics. It is our opinion that your pet deserves the best possible care and we will always endeavour to provide this. As we believe continuity of care to be important your pet will be seen by the same experienced Veterinary Surgeons wherever possible and we pride ourselves on the good personal relationships we hold with our clients.

Did you know dental health is just as important for our feline friends as it is for us? Dental and periodontal diseases ...

Did you know dental health is just as important for our feline friends as it is for us? Dental and periodontal diseases can affect cats, causing discomfort and impacting their overall well-being. Here's what you need to know:

🦷 Dental care matters: Regular brushing with cat-specific toothpaste and a soft brush helps prevent plaque buildup, reducing the risk of dental disease.

👀 Watch for signs: Lookout for signs of dental problems, such as bad breath, swollen gums, difficulty eating, pawing at the mouth, or excessive drooling. If you notice any of these, consult your vet.

😺 Promote chewing: Provide dental-friendly toys or treats designed to help clean teeth and massage gums.

🍽️ Healthy diet: Feeding your cat a balanced diet, including dental care formulas, can help maintain their oral health.

🩺 Vet checkups: Regular dental checkups are crucial! We can assess your cat's oral health, perform professional cleanings, and address any underlying issues.

Remember, good dental hygiene helps prevent discomfort and serious health issues in our feline companions. Stay proactive in caring for your cat's teeth and gums 😺❤️🦷

As your pet ages, their needs and requirements will inevitably change in comparison to when they were a young, spritely ...

As your pet ages, their needs and requirements will inevitably change in comparison to when they were a young, spritely pup 🐶

Here are some top tips for caring for senior pets:

👉 Regular veterinary check-ups: Just like humans, senior pets may require more frequent visits to the vet. Regular check-ups help catch any age-related health issues early and ensure your furry friend stays happy and comfortable.

👉 Balanced nutrition: Senior pets have unique dietary needs. Consult us about age-appropriate and nutritionally balanced food options to support their overall health and joint mobility.

👉 Joint support: Consider providing your senior pet with comfy bedding and orthopaedic support to alleviate joint pain and stiffness. Gentle exercise and low-impact activities tailored to their abilities can also help keep those tails wagging.

👉 Mental stimulation: Keep those senior minds sharp and engaged! Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and regular playtime can provide mental stimulation, preventing boredom and cognitive decline.

👉 Dental care: Dental hygiene is crucial for our senior pals. Regular teeth brushing and veterinary dental cleanings can help prevent gum disease and maintain good oral health.

Share your own tips or experiences in the comments below, and let's support each other on this journey of caring for our senior pets.

Really useful advice, especially as we are currently experiencing such hot weather ☀️We strongly advise taking measures ...

Really useful advice, especially as we are currently experiencing such hot weather ☀️

We strongly advise taking measures to prevent our pets from becoming too hot 🥵 but if you find yourselves in an emergency situation then this may save your pets life 🫶🏻

Is it true that if we use cold water on heat stroke pets they will go into shock?

One of the most common things we still hear is that we can only use tepid water on a pet with heat stroke, incase they get some complications like hypothermic overshoot, peripheral vasoconstriction hindering a cooling response, and cardiogenic shock...

We have heard not to use cold water in case it causes shock... this rarely happens!

But guess what? In a recent study over 26% of dogs presented with heat stroke died, with flat faced breeds making up nearly half of heat stroke cases seen in the study.

You should:

💧Get someone to call the local veterinary practice and tell them you're going to travel down with a heat stroke patient
💧Pour, hose or if possible immerse the pet in very cold water (this should obviously be done under constant supervision, ensuring the head is fully above water and immersion should not be attempted if the animal is too large, or you are unable to do so without hurting yourself)
💧NB: If using a hose pipe, make sure it has run through until cold, as they can often contain water that is extremely hot in the tubing initially
💧Do not drape in towels and leave them in situ. Keep the cold water flowing.
💧Move to a cool, shaded area
💧Prepare to transport to vets in a cold, air conditioned car

In studies they found that:

🌅International consensus from sports medicine organisations supports treating EHS with early rapid cooling by immersing the casualty in cold water.
🌅Ice-water immersion has been shown to be highly effective in exertional heat stroke, with a zero fatality rate in large case series of younger, fit patients.
🌅Hyperthermic individuals were cooled twice as fast by Cold Water Immersion as by passive recovery.
🌅No complications occurred during the treatment of three older patients with severe heat stroke were treated with cold‐water immersion.
🌅Cold water immersion (CWI) is the preferred cooling modality in EHS guidelines and the optimal method applicable to UK Service Personnel
🌅Studies suggest using either ice-water or cold-water immersion

The best intervention is PREVENTION, but if you find yourself with an animal with heat stroke, using cold water either by pouring, hosing or ideally (if safe) immersion then this may help reduce their temperature to safe levels while you transport to a veterinary practice.

Read more below:


Update.. my owner has been found 😻I’m lost…Please help me to find my owner 🫶🏻🤞🏻Found on Britannia Street, Leek on Tuesda...

Update.. my owner has been found 😻

I’m lost…
Please help me to find my owner 🫶🏻🤞🏻

Found on Britannia Street, Leek on Tuesday. Fortunately he’s not injured.
He has a microchip but sadly the details are not up to date.

He’s a neutered male, all black with a sprinkle of white hairs on chest. No collar.
We believe his age is around 6yrs

Please share…


Did you know that a group of cats that know each other is called a clowder? 🐱🐾

Let's explore some fascinating animal group names together... we’ll start... a group of owls is called a parliament!

Parking in the shade and windows down are not enough! ⚠ Heatstroke can develop in as little as 10 minutes, and dogs can ...

Parking in the shade and windows down are not enough! ⚠ Heatstroke can develop in as little as 10 minutes, and dogs can die in 20 minutes when locked inside a hot car.

Dogs should not be left alone in cars, especially on warm days or in the sun, as the temperature inside can climb quickly and they can’t lower their internal temperature, easily leading to fatal heatstroke.

Please share this post! And if your pet is suffering from heatstroke, or you suspect they might be, give us a call immediately 📲

Other than their cuteness, bunnies are also well known for their prolific litter making. 🤭Neutering your bunnies can not...

Other than their cuteness, bunnies are also well known for their prolific litter making. 🤭

Neutering your bunnies can not only prevent unwanted litters, but also protect them against life-threatening reproductive diseases 🐇

Talk to us today if you’d like to know more!

A friendly reminder from the team here to get in touch with us if your pet is due their vaccinations soon! 💉🐾

A friendly reminder from the team here to get in touch with us if your pet is due their vaccinations soon! 💉🐾


Cats have a unique method of communication known as "tail talk." 🐈

Their tails can express a wide range of emotions and intentions. A straight, upright tail indicates confidence, while a twitching tail could mean they're feeling playful or agitated.

Pay attention to your cat's tail language, and you'll be better equipped to understand their moods and desires.

Having a pet is known to boost mood, reduce loneliness, and reduce blood pressure! 🩺👏🐾

Having a pet is known to boost mood, reduce loneliness, and reduce blood pressure! 🩺👏🐾

Today is World Blood Donor Day! Cats have different blood types, which are A, B and AB, with A and B being the most comm...

Today is World Blood Donor Day! Cats have different blood types, which are A, B and AB, with A and B being the most common. 🩸

We use them to determine compatibility during vital blood transfusions, and we need to ensure donors and recipients match to have a safe, effective transfer.

For us to have all of the types available for these life-saving procedures, we rely on amazing owners like you! If you have a cat, consider checking their eligibility to donate and help save the lives of other feline friends in need. 🐾


Are hairless cats hypoallergenic? 🐱

Contrary to popular belief, hairless cats, such as the Sphynx breed, are not truly hypoallergenic. Most allergens come from skin glands, dander and saliva, so even hairless breeds can still cause allergic reactions.


We'd love to hear from those who've been there and done that.

What's one thing you wish you had known before embarking on your pet ownership journey?

Share your pearls of wisdom with our community and help new pet parents start off on the right paw! 🐾💡

Tell us how you start the day...

Tell us how you start the day...

The answer is cats! What pet trivia do you know that you can share with fellow pet owners? 🐾

The answer is cats! What pet trivia do you know that you can share with fellow pet owners? 🐾


Life as a pet owner is anything but dull, right? 🐾

We want to hear your funniest pet stories! Share the most laugh-out-loud moments involving your pets in the comments below.

Let's spread the joy and celebrate the endless laughter our fur babies bring into our lives! 🐶🐱😄


Did you know that rabbits are social butterflies? 🐰

Contrary to popular belief, rabbits are highly social animals that thrive on companionship. They enjoy the company of humans and other rabbits alike. If you have a single bunny at home, consider adopting a second one to provide them with a lifelong furry friend.

It's double the cuteness and double the happiness! 💛

Let's unleash our imaginations, pet parents!

Let's unleash our imaginations, pet parents!

That’s a lot of wagging tails! Share your dog in the comment section below...📷🐶

That’s a lot of wagging tails! Share your dog in the comment section below...📷🐶

We’ll start...sassy, strong-willed and curious 🐶

We’ll start...sassy, strong-willed and curious 🐶

Is your pet due for a vet visit soon? Here are a few tips to help you prepare for their visit.What else would you add? 👇

Is your pet due for a vet visit soon? Here are a few tips to help you prepare for their visit.

What else would you add? 👇


As dogs age, they can develop lumps in or under their skin. 🐶

While the majority of lumps we see in our practice are not harmful, some can be. So it's always a good idea to regularly check your pet's skin for any signs of lumps and bumps.

If you find a lump please get this checked by our vets as soon as possible. 🩺

While some pets love visiting the vet, this can be a difficult experience for others.Here are 5 tips on reducing your pe...

While some pets love visiting the vet, this can be a difficult experience for others.

Here are 5 tips on reducing your pet’s fear of having an appointment with us:
👉 Get your pet used to being examined at home and from a young age by touching their ears, paws and opening their mouth regularly
👉 If you’re using a carrier, leave it out around your home, so your pet can get used to it
👉 Reward your pet with tasty treats during the visit, so they’ll associate it with a positive experience
👉 Make the car trip to the practice as direct and as calm as possible
👉 If any pre-visit medications have been prescribed, don’t forget to use them as instructed

If you’re still struggling with reducing your pet’s fear of visiting us, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. 📞


You've probably seen your dog moving while asleep and wondered if they're dreaming. 💤

The answer is probably yes! It is believed that dogs dream during the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of their sleep (just like us!)

Although we don't know what they dream of, there's probably some running, playtime and lots of snacks! 😋

Have you ever caught your dog dreaming on video? Show us below!

If you see a dog with a yellow ribbon, bandana or similar, this means they need some extra space. 💛This could be because...

If you see a dog with a yellow ribbon, bandana or similar, this means they need some extra space. 💛

This could be because the dog is nervous, is in training or is recovering from an illness or injury or is simply a dog that prefers to keep some distance from people and other dogs.

Were you aware of this? Tell us in the comments!


Huge apologies we are having trouble with our phone line ☎️
We are working hard to resolve it but if you are having trouble getting through please use our Mobile number 07940475877 or drop us an email: [email protected]
Thank you ☺️


Did you know that globally, there are over 20,000 dogs currently working as guide dogs? 🤔

Even though it’s tempting to do so, guide dogs shouldn’t be petted while working, as this can distract them from helping their owner to get around safely.

Have you ever volunteered with a guide dog organisation?

Tell us about your experience below!


If you’re a cat owner, you’ve probably noticed that their whiskers fall out from time to time. But have you ever wondered whether they grow back? 😺

Cats’ whiskers are essential to enhance their sense of touch and orientation.

Whiskers occasionally fall out, but only one or two at a time. They do grow back again, but it can take between two weeks to three months for a whisker to fully grow back and become functional!

Did you know this?

Is your pet a fan of water? 🌊 🐾 This post is for you! Blue-green algae (or cyanobacteria) season is just around the corn...

Is your pet a fan of water? 🌊 🐾 This post is for you! Blue-green algae (or cyanobacteria) season is just around the corner, and some species of cyanobacteria produce toxins that might be very harmful for pets who ingest them. We urge owners to get to know the signs of contaminated water and keep their furry friends away from it!

Here are some ways blooms might show up:

👉 Water that looks like it has a green or blueish paint spill

👉 Thick green foam

👉 Cloudy green water with dead fish or amphibians

If you spot water that might be contaminated, keep your pets away from it and report it on 📲 0800 80 70 60

Did you know that cats who are 15 years old and over are considered super seniors? 🦸They deserve a special shout-out for...

Did you know that cats who are 15 years old and over are considered super seniors? 🦸

They deserve a special shout-out for the love and companionship they bring into our lives. 🥰

To celebrate, we invite you to share their stories and photos in the comments below!


80 Broad Street

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Saturday 9am - 11:30am




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