Rainbow shiner
Rainbow shiner - Notropis chrosomus Rainbow shiners are the perfect splash of colour for a cold water aquarium. This stunning species like cooler temperatures between 10-22°C, high oxygen levels and plenty of room. They are a mid to top dwelling species that prefer to be kept in shoals of 6+. Licence number - AWL0031. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Live food
Live food has now arrived into store. We have Bloodworms, Daphnia, Brineshrimp and copepods.
Gift card Christmas delivery
Gift cards make the ideal gift for that fish enthusiastic family member/friend.
Loaded with anything from £10 to £500, our gift cards are safe, versatile and can be used to purchase anything from livestock to filters, ornaments to aquariums and everything in between.
They really are the perfect gift for the Fishkeeper in your life!
License number - AWL0031
We have had 4x sterlets arrive into store today.
Sterlets are the smallest sturgeon. They like cool, flowing water with high oxygen levels. They usually grow to 75-100cm but could reach up to 125cm.
License number - AWL0031
Hard coral shipment
We received an amazing hard coral shipment last week. These stunning pieces of coral are now ready to go.
Newest arrivals - koi
We have a new selection of 5-6” koi. They have settled in well and are now on sale.
License number - AWL0031
🤩 what a stunning Moorish idol
License number - AWL0031
Take a look at this beautiful pair of plasma clowns.
This is just one variety of the stunning clown pairs we have available in store.
License number - AWL0031
The skills on this arrowhead crab catching his lunch. 😂
Arrowhead crabs are a fascinating species of marine invert. They can reach a leg span of 20cm+, they do well in marine reef aquariums however caution should be taken as they will eat other crustaceans and other small invertebrates.
License number - AWL0031
A new unique customer came into store today!
License number - AWL0031 (aquatic animals only) 😂