Kenko food range continues to expand, Sturgeon and Sterlet food now will be available to purchase in a couple of days.
This range now includes our Kenko Koi Food
Kenko Koi treats
Sturgeon Foods
2-3 more product lines to complete
QK January Harvest
Another incredible bowl of Koi from our 8000gallon grow on pond 😊
Features Kohaku, Sanke & Showa from Isa, Tamaura and Okawa Koi farms.
The best from the North and South of Japan 🎏
Ogata Nisai Shiro Utsuri
It’s been an exciting week for Harvey & myself in the shop.
One of our biggest 8000gallon grow on ponds was out of quarantine and ready to photograph and video for the first time 🥳
Not only that but we had the one and only Chip Kawalsingh over to film the process on day one for his YouTube channel 🎥If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe to his channel to view the highlights when his video is released. Just search “Rasta Koi” in YouTube to view.
These incredible Ogata Shiro Utsuri were a personal highlight of ours. All female Nisai ranging between 45-55cm 🎏
These and many others will be available online in the next few days 😊
Our Kenko food range
Rebranded packaging
New pack sizes
A small selection of VHQ Showa from Tamaura
All listed on our website and completed QT
Excellent value for money !
Available to view in store or online
A sample of VHQ Kohaku from Tamaura at Queni Koi, QT complete and listed on our website. Can be viewed in store or via our website.
Excellent value for money !