Dogs are not born friendly, they are born with the potential to be friendly!
I am truly in my happy place when I’m training. Never trained Nikita (but I do walk her so some training does go on). My end goal was to ask her to come to my right and not swing her bottom out and want to face me (which is common if you think about it as usually all treats come from the front but I like my dogs to come to my side and close). Just LOVED this and can’t wait to repeat what we did today.
How good is your recall? You want it to be lightening fast, a head whip…..not a casual after thought after the 5th time of asking!
At last! Got to walk Nikita in the day light and a much needed play with a ball 😄. ❤️
Where do you build value with your dog?
So this is a short training session. Goal is to have Tia wait on her mat and wait for cue to leave mat and take food from bowl, returning to the mat. Stupidly I put a piece of food in her bowl, she went to get it and i moved her away with my hands, this then created uncertainty in Tia. You see I put the food down, asked her to get the food but she was hesitant and can you blame her! Such a stupid thing to do on my part. I let her know that it was ok and when she felt happy what I was asking she took the food and then we were back on track.
Sorry long post but this is a run down of the Tug e nuff toys I currently have ❤️
Vito game progression
Sorry for the chittery video, the youngest was filming for me 😂. Hope those who are having a go at this are doing well.
Think this is day 4!! Who knows 😆
Building on it and adding another layer. Sorry for the long post tonight