Terrin is a full trained and qualified with a diploma in barefoot trimming, having trained with Dan Guerrera at the Barehoof Strategy School UK (barehoof.com)
Safe and Sound Trimming! A bare hoof is a natural trim, gentle and non-invasive, trimming each horse to support the horses natural wear and conformation. Sensitive Soles, Brittle Hoofs, Navicular, Laminitus, Founder White Line Disease and
Thrush are all scary but they are man caused issues! Maintaining your current barefoot horse / shoe removal / special cases / behavioural problem / hoof advice / young or old ... Every case welcome! Answering all questions before, during and after the barehoof trim. Every rasp is done for a reason and Terrin is happy to explain her every rasp. A little bit about Terrin: Terrin own's two barefoot coloured geldings, Argy 10yrs old and has had Argy since he was 4 and Py 4yrs old, who was bought as a project at 2yrs old. Terrin loves to ride out, covering all terrains and any obstercals! Previous case studies can be seen on http://glasshouse.smugmug.com/TerrinUK
If you would like to know more information about barefoot trimming and who it can help you can your horse please feel free to ring, email or post!