Just a bunch of Goby's doing what Goby's do! 🤣
Fresh delivery of Dutch plants in stock at Fathoms 🍀
Wow. What a whopper!
This is our sea hare that lives in our display tank.
He doesn't come out much during the day, but when he does he's hard to miss!
Show us your sea hare's... can you compete with the size of ours?
Could love be in the air... or under the water? ❤️
Banggai cardinalfish reproduction begins when the female courts the male with a dance. She then releases about 40 eggs—which are all connected by filaments and referred to as a clutch—from her body and into the water, where they are fertilized by the male. Within seconds, he sucks up all the eggs into his mouth!
CB/LANW/21/001310 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Fathoms Aquatics
Leighton Buzzard Garden Centre
Hockliffe Road
Tel. 01525 854955
Spotted our Shrimp and Goby pair doing a bit of house maintenance today. Although I think the Shrimp is doing all the hard work!
We've had a delivery from TMC today.
3 boxes packed full of fish, inverts and frags.
Keep an eye out for some spooky specials on our marine section over the weekend...
Open weekdays 9.30-5.30
Sat 9.30-5.30
Sun 10-4
Fathoms Aquatics
Leighton Buzzard Garden Centre
Hockliffe Road
01525 854955
CB/LANW/21/001310 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Create the perfect aquascape in an instant, the New EcoReef is now available to purchase in store.
For more information pop in store or call us on 01525 854955
#tmc #ecoreef #newproducts #nowavailable #marineaqurium #marinetank #nanoreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #lfs #marinefish #tropicalmarinecentre
Glorious Guppies available in both @hobbyfishmk & @fathomsaquaticslb now!
These beautiful omnivorous fish do best in shoals of 6 or more, and require regular feeding with algae based foods!
Pop in and see us to check out all our wide variety
#guppies #shoals #algaebasedfoods
#popinandseeus #tropicalfish
#freshwaterfish #coldwaterfish #temperatefish #roomtemperature #supportyourlocalaquarium #localfishstore
Fountain display at Oase HQ