Santa Paws is coming to town🎶
Every Friday we have a team meeting to go over the previous week, help each other with any training needs and go over upcoming important subjects.
Now I’m a stickler for time keeping so thought of a forfeit…
Meeting at 8am and both Freya and Bex turn up at 8:04.
Sorry girls 😂
We’re recruiting very soon
If you’re thinking of applying this video is for you😁
Buster used to pull like a train.
We’re not quite there yet with positioning but what a massive improvement🙌
Results are important!
Storms owners had spent upwards of £3000 on training with other trainers locally and even in different counties. After working with Reece for just over a month reactivity training is coming along nicely with the training transferring over to storms owners in what id describe as a difficult environment 💪
When a dog fits into your lifestyle it makes everyone’s lives enjoyable meaning a better quality of life for all.
Pumpkin has been touring France with her awesome owners Morgan & Zoe. Over message I said to Zoe I’m expecting to see Pumpkin on a paddle board😃
Well here she is😍What a lucky dog she is to live such an awesome life with awesome people and we are truly overwhelmed that we got to play a small part in her life ❤️
Wheel chair training continued💪
What a performance!
Well done team
One of our favourite things is getting videos from our clients showing improvements.
Eric showing that he doesn’t have to bark at other dogs in the coffee shop.
This is why our training is done in real environments because it has to fit in with your lifestyle.
Well done Freya for a great start to training and to Paula and Eric for being a great team❤️
We will get to training sessions by any means possible💨
I love the team work here but I’m not too convinced on the farm yard noises 🐷
Kobe update 3
So what have we done so far?
Up until now all of Kobes training has been through positive reinforcement mainly using food in a controlled environment.
Today we took the scary deep dive into distractions in real world environments where we have had to use a pinch of negative reinforcement. We came across other dogs, kids playing, people running, boats and our biggest challenge...... Canadian geese to be more specific their poop. Did we avoid the problem? Absolutely not we worked through it!
Overall Kobe did great and with more exposure that heel work will be bomb proof in any situation.
Note how important the early training for focus has been and how much it has played a part in working in this environment.
Not bad for a weeks worth of training ehhhh?
Kobe day 4 from pulling like a train to walking to heel.
How we’ve got to this stage…
Initial bonding
Focus building
Recall into the heel position
Delayed rewards
Focus under distraction (kids on bikes, other dogs, motorbikes, roads, football)
Distinguishing the difference between a reward and verbal correction)
4 days of short sharp sessions and we’re already at this point ahead of schedule I can’t wait to see where we are in another 17.
See I do get my hands dirty every now and then. Even doing a Saturday.
I see it all too often trainers teaching dogs to follow the hand. That’s all good at the beginning for teaching positions but most forget the most important factor when it comes to heel work and any sort of obedience for that matter FOCUS is key.
Here you can see that Kobe understands that the reward comes from looking at me not looking at the BRIBE *cough cough* I mean REWARD