Mead’s Marvellous Rodent Food includes species specific Supreme Pet Gerbil Food including for Duprasi (fat tail gerbils), Supreme Syrian Hamster Food, Supreme Dwarf Hamster Food and Supreme Pet Mice food all natural food made with ALL Natural ingredients it’s designed to stimulate foraging and provide enrichment. We love our pet rodents so we feed them these formulas. In a variety of sizes. Designed for them to thrive and not just survive. Go over to our website our Etsy store
Mead’s Marvellous Rodent Food is pleased to announce our homemade luxurious Gerbil, Hamster and Mice Food. Containing all Natural Ingredients of seeds, Grains, Insect Protein, Forage, fruit and Vegetables.
Made for the benefit of natural feeding which will encourage natural foraging. We believe every pet rodent matters and so does their nutritional needs. Individual recipes blended and packed and sealed. Take a greater look at our Etsy store for full ingredients. We are proud of our ingredients.
From Gerbils, Hamsters and Pet Mice Mead’s Marvellous Rodent Food have their needs covered. With great treat bags of dried fruit and a selection of nutty treats. We believe in ethical rodent care. Our mixes are free from all processed items and contain no preservatives or taste stimulants. Our mixes are based from seeds , grains, Insect protein, forage (edible fliers and herbs) with dried fruit and vegetables. All packaged and labelled in resealable pouches that sealed at point of sale to keep freshness. No cheap muesli ingredients in our mixes. Take a peep 👀
Someone decided to make an appearance today :) hamster 🐹