Sorry to ask, and I completely understand if you have had, or do have, issues with dog walkers walking multiple dogs.
But this new law could impact me and my job looking after your dogs. You may have seen on the news that SKDC have received complaints in larger towns about people walking 6+ dogs. Due to this, they would like public opinion. They propose that one person by law, can walk only 4 dogs max. As a licensed boarder for 5 dogs, if this law came into force it would mean I have to separate the gang and leave 1,2,3 or 4 dogs alone whilst out walking.
I always walk the dogs in a pack in a safe quiet area, away from the public as much as possible so I really feel this is unfair. If you can, please take 2 mins to fill in this survey to help our case in this matter. Heidi π
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