Small World Vet Centre

Small World Vet Centre Independent and locally owned. Complete pet care in modern, purpose-designed premises. Welcome to Small World Vet Centre! Why 'Small World'?

Founded on the principle of One Health, promoting sustainable pet ownership and environmental stewardship, and captured in our award-winning pet health plan! We are an independent vet practice in Liphook, Hampshire, providing complete care for all your pets in one location. In fact, we are the ONLY independent, locally owned, full-service practice in the area. As a client, you will always see the

same team on every visit for that all-important continuity of care and, should your pet need ongoing treatment, we have full hospitalisation facilities so they can stay with us out-of-hours. We understand that 'the vets' isn’t always a favourite place for some pets if they're feeling poorly. So, for the most comfortable and relaxed visit possible, we have designed the practice entirely from the perspective of our patients and guests-

• Separate cat and dog waiting rooms and wards
• Air conditioning and fresh-air ventilation throughout
• Large comfortable kennels
• Sound insulation for peace and quiet
• 15 minute appointments- plenty of time to discuss their needs

If they're happy, we hope you will be too. Well, primarily for the reason mentioned above- we look at the world through the eyes of our animal companions who depend on us for their health and happiness. But equally because we are a local business, part of the community we live and work in, and will always remain so. Your money is reinvested in the practice to enhance the service we can provide to you, and ends up back in the local economy. Lastly, and no less importantly, it is because we take our environmental responsibilities very seriously as part of a global community. What we do affects those around us and others on the other side of the world. To represent this we have chosen a house martin as our emblem, a bird that flies thousands of miles to become our neighbour by nesting in our eaves and one, like so many, in need of our help.

FOR YOUR PETS AND OUR PLANETOur patients will always come first (it is what we are here for after all) but, faced with a...


Our patients will always come first (it is what we are here for after all) but, faced with a biodiversity and climate crisis, we want to go much further.

The health of all animals, including ourselves, is intrinsically linked to that of our environment – an idea called One Health.

Clean air, pure water, rich soil growing wholesome food, diverse habitats supporting abundant wildlife… everything flows from this and it is our mission to do everything we can to make it a reality.

Our wellness plans are One Health in action, making the best pet care affordable and sustainable.

We’re excited to invite you to join us in this mission:

We believe in the concept of One Health – that the health of people, animals and the environment are all linked and must be considered as one. That’s why we hold our work on sustainability and preserving local ecosystems as central to our ethos as a veterinary practice.



Our email address has changed! It is now:

[email protected]

Any emails to our old address will be received for a little while before we close that account completely.

As mentioned last time, we encourage you to use PetsApp for routine enquiries whenever possible.

Thanks for bearing with us during the transition- IT upgrades are rarely as straight-forward as they first seem!

EMAIL GLITCHESWe're having a few minor problems with our email system during an IT upgrade, so please bear with us. As e...


We're having a few minor problems with our email system during an IT upgrade, so please bear with us.

As ever, the best way for our clients to contact us for anything non-urgent is via PetsApp - for sending prescription requests, photos, questions... receiving reminders and video consultations... and you can even sign up to our 🎉AWARD WINNING🎉 wellness plans in just a few clicks.

It's free and your data is safe. Just download it from your app store or here:

One Health in action...😊Wondering if the water at Radford Park is safe for the kids (and dogs) to paddle?Just scan the Q...

One Health in action...😊

Wondering if the water at Radford Park is safe for the kids (and dogs) to paddle?

Just scan the QR code on the sign to find out the most recent test results.

Why not get involved with the testing-

FOR THOSE ATTENDING 'WILDING' AT THE LIVING ROOM CINEMA THIS WEEKYou will find (or have found) a letter and small gift o...


You will find (or have found) a letter and small gift on your seat. I have posted the text below so you can click through to the web-sites. Many thanks to for their enthusiastic help with this. If you're not already booked, give yourself a treat this week.

Dear Patron of TLRC,
I am sure you are about to be moved and inspired by 'Wilding' and the transformation of the Knepp estate.
Many of you will no doubt already be actively working towards a greener, wilder, healthier future. Equally, you may be wondering...
'what on earth can I do to make a difference?'

We don't all have hundreds of acres to rewild, but even the smallest patch of unpromising ground can become a haven for wildlife. Imagine if some of the 22 million private gardens in the UK became a network of mini nature reserves... road verges, parks, roundabouts.... potentially 400,000 hectares!

A lawn of mono-culture rye-grass, or an unloved border, can become a swaying, buzzing, colourful display of native flowers and insect food-plants, attracting a huge diversity of species- the foundation of a thriving ecosystem.
We have lost 76% of our flying insect biomass in less than 30 years, so the need for action is urgent.

So here's a start with our best wishes, to be sown in the autumn, each packet enough for one to two square metres of brilliant border display- there's some brief sowing instructions overleaf.
No space? Give them to someone who does, or become a 'guerilla gardener' and secretly sow some in a neglected public place ;-)

One thing is always true- our impact is greater when we work together. So, if the film leaves you brimming with ideas and you would like to find like-minded people to explore them, take a look at these:
Really local, monitoring for pollution of our river, restoring habitat, and preserving our riparian heritage.
Again, really local, and managing the stunning Lynchmere Common nature reserve.
Fantastic, family-friendly citizen-science projects to discover how best to enhance our gardens for wildlife.

There are many more- county based Wildlife Trusts, amphibian and reptile groups (ARG), bat groups (BCT), Bumble Bee Conservation Trust (BBCT), Buglife... the list goes on, all doing vital work and needing volunteers. However, for more inspiration, and for change on a LANDSCAPE scale-
No explanation needed- flying the flag for rewilding (flyer attached).

'Feral- Searching for Enchantment on the Frontiers of Rewilding'
A wonderful book by George Monbiot- highly recommended.

'Rebirding- Restoring Britain's Wildlife'
Another book to fill you with hope, by Benedict Macdonald
Add your voice!

About us-
‘Independence’ is more than a’s what gives us wings!'
Our patients will always come first (it is what we are here for, after all) but we want to go much further and recognise that the health of our pets, ourselves and that of our environment are all intrinsically linked - ‘One Health’. Caring for the environment is not traditionally the role of a veterinary practice, but is a foundation stone of Small World Vet Centre – the clue is in our name! Faced with a biodiversity and climate crisis, this has never been more important. From energy efficiency and minimising waste, to promoting sustainable pet ownership, and raising money for conservation projects… there is no aspect of our locally-owned, independent business that is not tilted towards this aim.
And sponsor of seat C3!

About the seeds-
Sow in Spring or Autumn onto bare damp earth, each packet spread evenly over 1-2 square metres. Don’t rake the seed in- just press it in gently or give it a light roll. Do not cover or add compost. The seeds need very little help and do best in low-nutrient, 'unimproved' soil. They will take up water and germinate slowly over the next 8 weeks, providing the soil is warm. The annuals will predominate in the first year and then the perennials will add to the display thereafter.
For more advice (and seeds)-

“The idea of wilderness needs no defence. It only needs more defenders. Remaining silent about the destruction of nature is an endorsement of that destruction.”

“Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread. A civilization which destroys what little remains of the wild, the spare, the original, is cutting itself off from its origins and betraying the principle of civilization itself.”

Edward Abbey

The Knepp Wildland Foundation was founded to galvanise nature recovery across Sussex and contribute to our global effort to reverse our biodiversity crisis.

FREE POO TESTS- ENDS THIS FRIDAY!  For a limited time, for our registered clients only, we are offering a FREE laborator...


For a limited time, for our registered clients only, we are offering a FREE laboratory faecal test for cats and dogs, testing for the presence of intestinal worms. If you worm them regularly, then we'll check it's working well. If you don't, then we can see what gut worms they've encountered since their last dose.

All we need is a small amount of fresh poo, that hasn't been on the ground for more than a couple of minutes, brought in to us the same day or the day after collection (week-day).

Pop in to pick up a sample container! LAST DAY FOR SUBMISSION OF SAMPLES IS FRIDAY 5th JULY 2024.
Don't forget, our unique and pioneering 'Pet & Planet' wellness plan enables you to tailor your pet's worming treatment to their actual, individual need, avoiding unnecessary medication.

Through our innovative wellness plans, we can use the latest diagnostic advances to assess your pet as an individual, providing tailored preventative healthcare. 

RAW- DAY 4Happy Day Four of Rabbit Awareness Week 2024! 🐰Today, we're diving into how important adequate space is for yo...

Happy Day Four of Rabbit Awareness Week 2024! 🐰

Today, we're diving into how important adequate space is for your bunnies and their health! Along with nutrition, space is a vital part of rabbit husbandry which helps to ensure they stay happy and healthy. 🏡

The simple truth is that rabbits require a lot of space – the more the better. This not only allows us to reduce stress between bonded companions, but keeps things interesting for our pets and allows them to engage in healthy behaviours such as running, hopping and the beloved excited binkies!

Space promotes exercise which puts our companions at a lower risk of diseases such as gut stasis, pododermatitis, arthritis and obesity! Below you can find recommendations for enclosure sizes and further guidance can be found on the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund here: with lots of recommendations for how to improve your set ups.

Don't forget to like, comment, and share the posts with your fellow bunny lovers! 🐰

RAW- DAY 3We hope everyone's enjoying Rabbit Awareness Week 2024 just as much as we are! 🐰Today, they're diving deep int...


We hope everyone's enjoying Rabbit Awareness Week 2024 just as much as we are! 🐰

Today, they're diving deep into bunny behaviour. It is important we learn how to nurture positive habits and recognise the signs when something might be off with our furry friends. Your bunny counts on you to understand their needs, so let's hop to it!

Rabbits are very emotionally complicated creatures and have complicated social structures in the wild. It is important that the environments we house our rabbits in allow for full expression of natural behaviours to reduce stress and conflict between bonded companions.

As rabbits are prey species and hide signs of pain and illness as much as possible, signs of stress or illness may be relatively subtle in some individuals. It is therefore important we spend a long time getting to know our pets and learn their individual personalities to ensure subtle changes are not overlooked.

For reliable guidance of bunny behaviour have a further read of this article

For further enthusiasts we would also recommend the following book by Buseth and Saunders which is a long-standing guide to many successful rabbit owners.

Like, share, and comment to keep the conversation going! 🐇✨



Welcome to Day Two of Rabbit Awareness Week 2024 - Healthy Diet, Happy Bunnies!

Today we’re hopping right into how what your bun eats affects their health. As hind-gut fermenting species bunnies require a constant supply of good quality hay which promotes proper digestion but also lowers the risk of dental disease by wearing down their continuously growing teeth!

It is important to encourage normal feeding habits and avoid serving everything on a silver platter. A large litter tray can be used to scatter feed pellets and treats in thick layers of fresh hay which encourages foraging and offers behavioural enrichment. It is important that older or sick bunnies have easy access to their food, but if they are otherwise healthy a little bit of 'puzzle feeding' is encouraged.

For further advice check out this detailed guideline on rabbit nutrition:

HEALTHY DIET = HAPPY BUNNIES!🐰 It’s day one of Rabbit Awareness Week 2024 and we’re diving straight into the importance ...


🐰 It’s day one of Rabbit Awareness Week 2024 and we’re diving straight into the importance of a healthy diet for rabbits!
Whether one is a well-seasoned rabbit owner or just a bunny lover, there’s something for everyone! So let’s spread the word and make sure all bunnies are well-fed and thriving🥬

You can scan this QR code for further guidance developed by the founders of RAW and download the step by step feeding guide!

Stay tuned for more tips and info throughout the week, and don’t forget to show your support! Let’s make the best one yet!💚

SPRINGWATCH Many of you will have seen the report in last evening's Springwatch episode in which Prof Dave Goulson (Univ...


Many of you will have seen the report in last evening's Springwatch episode in which Prof Dave Goulson (University of Sussex) and Sean McCormack (presenter and vet) discussed the problem of river pollution by spot-on parasite treatments for pets.

These products are potent insecticides which persist in the environment, and easily wash off into waste water when bedding is washed or the pets themselves bathed, eventually entering rivers. The adverse effect on river invertebrates, the foundation of a whole ecosystem, is profound.

The majority of these parasite products come from supermarkets and subscription services but you may be happy to know that your veterinary practice has been ahead of the game regarding their use for many years:

1) Since opening in 2015, we have NEVER prescribed fipronil or imidocloprid products for routine use, only for occasional treatment of specific cases and, even then, very rarely and with appropriate advice. Instead, we recommend alternative products that are also more effective.

2) We always aim to treat pets according to need, rather than treating for all parasites, all the time. Our Pet & Planet health plan is a UK-first, and elevates this approach to a different level, using testing to tailor treatment to your pet's individual risk profile, avoiding unnecessary medication.

3) We are actively engaged in investigating the prevalence of parasites in our local area and the effect of prescribed medications on the environment.

4) We advise our clients on the correct use of parasite medications and encourage picking up and correct disposal of dog poo.

Watch this space for more related news on this subject!

NEWSPAPERS NEEDEDWe have a rather messy hedgehog with us over the weekend and the demise of print media has left us shor...


We have a rather messy hedgehog with us over the weekend and the demise of print media has left us short of newpaper to line his kennel. If you have some, and are local, could you drop off a few for us? Just leave them in the front entrance.

Many thanks!

FREE DOG & CAT FAECAL TESTS!  For a limited time, for our registered clients only, we are offering a FREE laboratory fae...


For a limited time, for our registered clients only, we are offering a FREE laboratory faecal test for cats and dogs, testing for the presence of intestinal worms. If you worm them regularly, then we'll check it's working well. If you don't, then we can see what gut worms they've encountered since their last dose.

All we need is a small amount of fresh poo, that hasn't been on the ground for more than a couple of minutes, brought in to us the same day or the day after collection (week-day). Collect it just BEFORE their next wormer is due.

Pop in to pick up a sample container! LAST DAY FOR SUBMISSION OF SAMPLES IS FRIDAY 5th JULY 2024.

Don't forget, our unique and pioneering 'Pet & Planet' wellness plan enables you to tailor your pet's worming treatment to their actual, individual need, avoiding unnecessary medication.

THE ELECTION HAS BEEN CALLED...We CAN all make a difference.We're supporting Zero Hour, the campaign group behind the Cl...


We CAN all make a difference.

We're supporting Zero Hour, the campaign group behind the Climate and Nature Bill—an important new law that seeks to address the full extent of the climate and nature crises.

This election year is a critical moment for people and planet—the next Westminster election is our “last, best chance” to turn the tide on these crises before it's too late.

We need as many candidates who are standing in the next General Election to join us to ensure the CAN Bill is a priority for the next UK Government, whoever they may be.

That’s why we ask you to join us in showing your Westminster election candidates that we, the voters, want real action on climate and nature. Sign your Constituency Action Page today—the nation needs you!

Thank you,
Phill and the SWVC team.

Ask your UK General Election 2024 candidates to back the CAN Bill.


32 Station Road

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 6:30pm
Thursday 9am - 6:30pm
Friday 9am - 6:30pm
Saturday 9:30am - 11:30am


Be the first to know and let us send you an email when Small World Vet Centre posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.




Our Story

Welcome to Small World Vet Centre! We are a new, independent vet practice in Liphook, Hampshire, providing complete care for all your pets in one location. In fact, we are the only independent, locally owned, full-service practice for miles around us. As a client, you will always see the same team on every visit for that all-important continuity of care and, should your pet need ongoing treatment, we have full hospitalisation facilities so they can stay with us out-of-hours. We understand that the vets isn’t always a favourite place for some pets, especially if they're feeling poorly. So, for the most comfortable and relaxed visit possible, we have designed the practice entirely from the perspective of our patients and guests- •separate cat and dog waiting rooms and wards •air conditioning and fresh-air ventilation throughout •large comfortable kennels •sound insulation for peace and quiet •15 minute appointments- plenty of time to discuss their needs If they're happy, we hope you will be too! Why 'Small World'? Well, primarily for the reason alluded to above- we look at the world through the eyes of our animal companions who depend on us for their health and happiness. But equally because we are a local business, part of the community we live and work in, and will always remain so. You will not suddenly find us taken over by a 'corporate' chain and answering to remote share-holders who have no interest in your pets. Your money is reinvested in the practice to enhance the service we can provide to you, and ends up back in the local economy. Lastly, and no less importantly, it is because we take our environmental responsibilities seriously as part of a global community. How we live affects those around us and others on the other side of the world. To represent this we have chosen a house martin as our emblem, a bird that flies thousands of miles to become our neighbour by nesting in our eaves and one, like so many, in need of our help.