Once again .... please ensure that if you are using an establishment with a water treadmill
1. The operator is fully trained and properly qualified (this does not mean a half hour little online course which introduces them to treadmilling)
2. That they are SPECIFICALLY insured to have your horses on a water treadmill,
3. That they are able to competently discuss a plan for your horse, its level of fitness and any issues it may have (speed and water depth are crucial particular in relation to injuries) and
4. If you still go ahead without the above do not permit them to have the water too deep too soon, it can be very harmful to the rehab process!
In short use qualified & insured facilities for the best results.
Cryogenics is a fabulous way to reduce inflammation and kick start healing. Tendon or suspensory issues, and bone bruising benefit from cryo treatments. Livery spaces available!
Why we don't nappy horses on the water treadmill, we want :
- a true reflection of gait and tracking up
- a better rotation and swing of pelvis
- a better range of movement of hind legs &
- no weight hanging on their hind end in the inevitable event of a poop!
Wearing a nappy
- inhibits rotation and swing of pelvis
- inhibits tracking up
- inhibits range of movement of hind legs, &
- places an unnatural weight if they do poop!
Cold saltwater spa time! Helps freshen up hard working legs, epsom salt and pure salt rich and 2.5° - that's very cold!
When they're so little and the spa nappy is too big there's no option but to get in with them!!
Grade 1 Racehorse sent to us from a yard in England to rehab with an extensive core lesion having been ultra sound scanned and told to boxrest for 12 weeks and then put to the field and out for a minimum of a year! That's not how we do things about here!!
You must be proactive with tendons and ligaments to achieve optimum healing WITHOUT scarring :-
Week 1 we applied cryogenics several times a day for 7 days to reduce inflammation;
Beginning of Week 2 a UTC scan from Equinetendon.com to show exactly what damage had been sustained - a large and lengthy core lesion. PRP was administered by equineathleteinternational.com and then over to #ierfc to undertake further rehab work using the Dss tendon support system using dry treadmill sessions, cryogenics, and walking and trotting in hand.
At the end of Week 3 there was a followup UTC scan which shows a 70%+ reduction in both lesion and fibre disruption!!
Weeks 4 and 5 work was ramped up in time and cryogenics reduced. A further UTC scan showed a 90% improvement by the end of Week 5. #equinerehab #healing #prp #treadmill
Utc scans are in the comments to see the improvement.
Work continues with adjusted settings and loading on the DSS boot. A modified schedule for weeks 6-9, and a further UTC scan scheduled for the end of Week 9
What is the goal - back to ridden canter work end September and racing next season again! Watch this space ...
Thanks to Karen and Mary for their donation of apples today, a wee treat in dinners for our rehabbing patients over the next couple of days!
Thanks to Sean Cooney and Botanica for the continued support to IERFC ...and the new banner!!