Christmas has hit The Doggy Arms☃️
Sparky the assistant manager insisted on it😂
This year I’ll be selling bottles of your favourite perfume to take home with you over the holidays😍
See my next post for more details🐶🫧
#TheDoggyArms #AHappyPlaceForDogs #DogGroomer #Lisburn #ChristmasTime #LocalBusiness #SmallBusiness #SupportLocalBusiness
Decoration season is my favourite season🍂🎃
Complimentary Halloween bandanas for all bookings in October👻🐾
#TheDoggyArms #AHappyPlaceForDogs #DogGroomer #DogGrooming #Lisburn #SmallBusiness #LocalBusiness #SupportLocalBusiness #Halloween #Decorations
Finally the de-shedding shampoo is back🫧🧼
I know LOADS of you have been asking for this so I’m pleased to say it’s back😁
Remember, it usually takes a few washes to see results💡
#TheDoggyArms #AHappyPlaceForDogs #DogGrooming #DogGroomer #Lisburn #LocalBusiness #SmallBusiness #SupportLocalBusiness #DeShed #Shampoo