Unleashed - Danny Wells Dog Training

Unleashed - Danny Wells Dog Training Proving trainers with proven methods that guarantee results. Danny’s passion for training dogs is second to none.

His reputation (as a multi dimensional dog trainer) in rehabilitating dogs that other trainers have deemed a lost cause/untrainable, is forever expanding. He has garnered much respect and esteem among established and well publicized dog trainers/behaviourists, that clients have been referred to him by such people, even from foreign continents.

Danny's refined methodology for training/rehabilitat

ing dogs' speaks for its self, and with regards to 'working dogs', be it, protection or detection, has completely revolutionised many dog trainers specific approach in how to train working dogs/handlers.

Danny has worked with a number of the U.K`s leading canine professionals. He regularly attends further learning seminars in order to stay ahead of the curve and also maintain efficient and innovative practices.


The XL Bully legislation has been announced and as I explained (called it) in a previous video, this ban will impact a lot of Bully crosses.

Here is a broken down, easy to understand version of the key points of the criteria for anyone who is struggling to understand it.

Please SHARE and give as much access to this information as possible.

Much love,

Danny & The Unleashed Team.

Here’s the link for exemption.. However, you are currently unable to register any dog.



Learn what to do and DON’T FLAP!


Control your dogs!!!


Research has show that dogs deal with extremely stressful situations much better than people do..

So why are so many pet owners dogs so stressed?

Find out all you need to know about how dogs deal with stress in this weeks episode of The Dog Scholar. Completely free on YouTube!



Having a high ‘Training IQ’ is the most underrated quality in the industry. So underrated that most people, even professionals don’t even know that it’s a thing.

You can not purchase a high ‘Training IQ’ via an online course. Nor can you achieve it in a webinar/seminar.

You can’t get it from a text book and you won’t find it in the classroom.

Having a high ‘Training IQ’ is a result of applying your theoretical knowledge practically, time and time again.

Some people have a natural higher ‘training IQ’ than others but the reality is, we ‘all’ have to earn a ‘Training IQ’. It’s NEVER gifted to us.

Get out there, train as many dogs as you can. Seek the tricky dogs that no one wants to train. Train the dogs that don’t learn as well as others. The dogs that have little motivation and the dogs that have undesirable character traits.

Earn your IQ!

FACTS!  Choose your trainer wisely!  Certificates do not equate to good dog trainers/behaviourists!

FACTS! Choose your trainer wisely! Certificates do not equate to good dog trainers/behaviourists!


We spend so much time trying to communicate with our dogs that it is easy to forget - they’re trying to communicate with us too! Find out all the info on this subject in this week’s episode of The Dog Scholar.



If you’re lucky enough to have a dog from a puppy, then understanding how your puppies personality develops will save you a world of fallout. Today is the brand new season of and this is the topic we are discussing. Don’t miss out! Get the facts by heading over to YouTube to watch The Dog Scholar “how to puppies personalities develop?”


XL Bully’s. It’s not the dog it’s the owners. But really?


Got a bit carried away in this live. That combined with being unwell made not directly address my point. I could of been more clear. So here goes:

“BSL doesn’t work in the long run unless we deal with the root cause of these issues. Those being, people charging ridiculous amounts of money for puppy’s, which encourages unethical breeding of litters in their thousands. This means that aesthetics are more important than temperament.

Harsher punishment for ‘all’ out of control dogs MUST be implemented.

And lastly, we need to wake up and realise that life is not a Disney film. Dogs are dogs. Not babies. Refusing to discipline dogs from the get go, in favour of only ever rewarding ‘wanted’ behaviour (bowing down to this ridiculous ‘Force Free’ ideology) is seeing dog attack stats along with out of control dogs go through the roof!

In the mean time, This breed ‘type’ must be banned, as the numbers/stats speak for themselves. We must safeguard the public and the only way we can do that, as it stands, is to ban the breed.

If both the government and the public do not wake the £uck up, we will inevitably see more people attacked/killed and more powerful breeds banned!

It’s time for a change. Don’t let this ban be in vain.



Stress kills dogs!! Find out more in this weeks ‘stress episode’ of The Dog Scholar! Available FREE on YouTube! the Dog Scholar


I bumped into Therese Coffey when attending the rural reaction party conference


Had the opportunity to ask some questions relation to her hypocrisy regarding the ecollar, today. Sadly, she wasn’t feeling very chatty. She told be she was busy working on her laptop so I went back over when I seen her put it away. Still didn’t wanna know. I’d expect politicians to be keen to talk about the legislation they push.

People who truly care about their Clients and dogs welfare!!  Very proud of all my guys and good on all the trainers who...

People who truly care about their Clients and dogs welfare!! Very proud of all my guys and good on all the trainers who showed up!

Training matters!!(Lose* loose!  Typos are the bane of my existence! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣)

Training matters!!

(Lose* loose! Typos are the bane of my existence! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣)


“🐾 Tired of your dog pulling on the lead and ignoring your calls? We can help you create peace and harmony on your walks. Learn how to train the Unleashed way and be a part of the Unleashed family ! 🚶‍♂️🐕 ”

People honestly think they can get away with lies! If anyone is subjected to this utter garbage spouted by an owner that...

People honestly think they can get away with lies!

If anyone is subjected to this utter garbage spouted by an owner that just wasn’t prepared to put the work in with her two dogs, that were clearly too much dog for them, then here’s my reply to this nonsense google review she left! To save you the job, I’ll post it here.

People would rather talk crap than just own up to being $hitty dog owners and all round low lives.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth with me! And as usual, I can back up everything I’m saying because I ensure that all my trainers follow everything up in writing!!

I’ll add some key points that have been pointed out to me:

Why didn’t she - as the legal owner - upon seeing that her dog was in need of water - give it some? Let’s also keep in mind that her appointment was at 9.30am… ANSWER - BECAUSE SHES TALKING BS!

Why is she concerned about you doing her second dog if she is claiming that her first dog was treated so badly?

Why is the opening statement about the price, as opposed to the welfare of her animals, which ought to be her primary point of outrage?

“Absolutely not the case, Amy. Which is why you are literally the only negative review we’ve had in 10 years.

You booked a double assessment for your dogs and messaged me the night before asking if one of the dogs would be ok to be assessed as he had an altercation with a cat. There was no physical damage and I told you he would be fine.

When you arrived to your assessment, you insisted that the dog was traumatised and not be assessed. My trainer Robbie is not going to force a decision on a client so complied with your request.

The other dog was assessed and you and your partner were assigned homework. It was agreed that the ‘traumatised’ dog would be assessed at a later date.

Robbie then spent the next 4 weeks chasing you via text message ( which then turned to two months) to arrange the appointment, sometimes not getting a reply for two weeks. Every appointment he offered was not good for you. So he offered a Saturday that he was not suppose to work. Still, you both went about your day and confirmed nothing. He also text multiple times asking for progress reports for the dog that was assessed and again, there was no reply. (I have all these screenshots saved)

Months later, your partner sent me an abrupt email stating, and I quote “the training was sh*t” and going on to mention this nonsense about a dog being locked in a cage in extreme heat. Hard to believe, considering your appointment was first thing in the morning! And both of you had no issues until you realised that you had to put some work into your dogs and it wasn’t going to be a quick fix.

inbetween your assessments and now, you took it upon yourself to write a sly comment on one of our Facebook videos, despite Robbie making every effort to check how training was going and to get you in for your second assessment. Which tells me, there is zero communication between you and your partner and as previously explained, Robbie has gone above and beyond to get your assessment booked in and check how training was going. THAT IS WHY YOU WERE BLOCKED ON FACEBOOK.

I’ll tell you what I told your partner via email - the both of you are extremely entitled individuals. If you think treating/speaking to people in this manner gets you your own way, you really couldn’t be more mistaken!

By law, I don’t have to refund you. But out of good will I am still offering you the appointment as I offered your partner.

Please note, I have all screenshots which blatantly prove what you are claiming is lies. I will be speaking to my solicitor and if this review containing false information constitutes slander or defamation in any way, I will pursue you via the legal system.”

If you love them - don’t cry and moan.  Train them and keep them and keep them safe! That way - everyone is safe!

If you love them - don’t cry and moan. Train them and keep them and keep them safe!

That way - everyone is safe!


The politics of the dog world make me laugh and not in a good way!

Jamie Penrith is one of the most educated and talented trainers in the uk.  Today, he has released his puppy training pr...

Jamie Penrith is one of the most educated and talented trainers in the uk. Today, he has released his puppy training program and let me be the first to say, anyone with a young dog/puppy would be mental not to sign up to it.

It has more content than any other puppy program online and is cheaper.

Get amongst it and your puppy’s will hit the ground running.


This ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE package was originally only as available on a subscription basis, with members giving feedback via live discussions which you will occasionally…



I just want to take the time to pay tribute to PC Stephen Powell! A fantastic police dog handler, a true Dog Man and an ...

I just want to take the time to pay tribute to PC Stephen Powell!

A fantastic police dog handler, a true Dog Man and an all around straight shooting great guy.

I’ll forever cherish the training memories and football banter, mate.

Gone too soon!

R.I.P Powelly! X


In light of the many recent dog attacks people are asking me for this video quite a lot. So here it is “how to take a dog off when it’s locked on to a person or a dog” same technique can be done with clothing or a spare lead.

Easy steps to muzzle condition your dogs. Start muzzle conditioning your Bully’s NOW!

Easy steps to muzzle condition your dogs.

Start muzzle conditioning your Bully’s NOW!

171 likes, 15 comments. “*** MUZZLE CONDITIONING*** Here are 4 east steps to create a positive association to the muzzle. Be sure not to rush the process, make sure that your dog is comfortable with each step before moving on and don’t be afraid to go back a step if necessary. There are many way...

Start training now!

Start training now!

95 likes, 17 comments. “Muzzle conditioning any dog is a must. It is especially important to muzzle condition your Bully breeds. Due to the volume of incidents that Bull breeds are involved in, I’m hearing of a lot more incidents where vets are refusing to treat without the use of a muzzle and p...


The XL Bully ban! How have we got here? What can you do? Questions..

You wanna know about this XL Bully? Here’s the info here. Absorb it, share it and do right by your Bullies.

Much love

Clarification - I’ve just watched this live and realised that I exaplined something wrong (bloody lives lol) so, you can’t now push to be a keeper of an exempt dog unless the owner has died or is terminally ill to the point that they can’t look after the dog. Even then it has to be someone close to the dog. I meant to say - give a bully a home before the ban comes into place and then you can get the dog exempt. All just come out wrong lol 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bloody well done, Jackie form ! Behaviour is observable and quantifiable…. So I say it again - “SHOW US YOUR F-ING DOGS!”. has literally made a living off behaviourally destroying dogs, gaining views for doing so and selling BS dog products to the people that follow his nonsense. Trick training is not what the average dog owner is struggling with but it’s the only thing Zak knows. Stay in your lane! This guy and others like him are absolutely destroying dog training!


Any real dog trainer will tell you that it’s astonishing how often we here that neutering your dog is a quick answer to behavioural problems.

It’s even more astonishing that this advice of being given by veterinary professionals (thankfully, not all veterinary professionals).

Here’s what the science says!

Like, subscribe and share 😉


📢 Hello good dog people! 🐾🎙️🎧 Tune in to the latest episode of The Dog Scholar podcast! 🎉 This one is all about an impor...

📢 Hello good dog people! 🐾🎙️

🎧 Tune in to the latest episode of The Dog Scholar podcast! 🎉 This one is all about an important topic that every dog owner should consider: whether or not to castrate your Dog. 🤔

🐶 Join us as we dive deep into this thought-provoking subject, discussing the various factors to consider, the potential benefits, and the possible drawbacks. 📚🔬

🗣️ myself and expert hosts will weigh in with their insights and experiences, shedding light on the impact this decision can have on your pup's health, behavior, and overall well-being. 🌟

🙌 Whether you're a seasoned dog owner or just starting your journey, this episode is a must-listen! Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your knowledge and make an informed decision for your K9 companion. 🐾💡

🔊 So grab your headphones, sit back, and join us on this educational and captivating adventure with The Dog Scholar podcast! 🐕📖

Thousands of dogs were studied, the data is in, and it is astonishing. Neutering or spaying dogs can actually lead to worse behaviour. Do we need to rethink ...

 stood up in parliament and told outright lies, claiming that 90% of the British public want an ecollar ban.  This matte...

stood up in parliament and told outright lies, claiming that 90% of the British public want an ecollar ban. This matter was actually put to a vote and the result of that vote seen 64% of the public ‘against’ a ban.

These sort of lies and misinformation are disgraceful and NOT a representation of the supposed ‘democracy’ we live in!

is also removing any comments on her social media that question her statement.
If these politicians are this corrupt about a matter as simple as the E-collar, just imagine what else they are lying about to fit their own agendas!

You should be ashamed of yourself!


BVA still fail to provide evidence on their claims

Take the Lead Dog Training

Please guys, take the time to fill in this questionnaire and fight against the proposed bad of Electronic Collars. These tools literally save dogs lives but unfortunately fall victim to propaganda based lies in order to suit a ‘positive only’ agenda.

Lets get one thing straight, the attempt to ban this tool is not just an attack on the tool itself. This is the start of an attack on ‘all’ balanced methods. Let’s fight together!

Much love,


Okay folks ... Thanks to the determination, patience and skill of a couple of incredible people, especially one workhorse of a web-guy, the ARDO site, complete with a simple to navigate questionnaire and embedded access to contact your individual MP (a MUST do) has now been tested and is good to go!!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, get this post circulated as far as you can throughout the UK, so that we might get as many TRUE representations of remote-collar users as we possibly can.

****Together with the questionnaire, the ‘contact your MP’ is ESSENTIAL to our success. This option comes up after you submit your questionnaire. ****

Please check the box to permit the anonymous sharing of your answers at the end. If you don’t, we cannot use them.

***If you are happy to do so, PLEASE ALSO copy the message to your MP and forward it for anonymous collation to:

[email protected]***

ARDO membership/registration will follow. We intend to collaborate on some truly tremendous ventures involving online guidance information and education!! Everything underpinned by a passionate commitment to the development, maintenance and enhancement of TRUE welfare.

Here you go! Let us know how you find it!!


Jamie Penrith


***CLIENTS, I’m asking for you’re help***

I’m asking all clients that I recommended use of an E-collar as part of your dogs rehabilitation to PLEASE email me a testimony of your experience ([email protected])

Even if you are a follower of my work and found the use of an Ecollar helped your dogs rehabilitation but was introduced to this training aid via another ‘balanced’ trainer. Email me your stories.


My Labrador, Flint.

Flint, is a trained Gundog. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a venue to work him over the past few months so I’ve been playing around with some Gundog based exercises whilst allowing him to be a little more ‘self employed’ whilst searching proactively.

I’m undecided on Flints future at the moment. I am completely torn whether or not to keep him as a Gundog, use him as a ‘passive’ dog and imprint him accordingly or have him work as an explo dog (at distance)...? Seems a wast to not utilise his distance control.

Either way, he’ll be an absolute beast at whatever he does. 👍



Akita World Fan Page

“Right, now that he’s let go just ‘click’ and reward..” 🙄


If you can't control a 'Big Dog' then you shouldn't own one. Here's the proof. By Yow Konakai.



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm


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