Show Notice – New Strain of FIP Virus on Cyprus
17 November 2023
Dear Exhibitor,
Unfortunately, the outbreak of FIP on Cyprus is continuing to affect an increasing number of cats. In addition, a case of FIP caused by the Cypriot strain of FIP Virus, now termed FCoV-23, has been confirmed in a rescue cat that was recently imported to the UK from Cyprus. There may well be other cases as no control of cats entering the UK from affected countries has yet been implemented by DEFRA.
An increased incidence of FIP due to FCoV-23 has now been confirmed in three other countries – Greece, Lebanon and Turkey. Therefore, Greece has added to the others on the Veterinary Advisory Committee’s list of ‘at risk’ areas.
At October Council GCCF has introduced two important changes to the show declaration to ban from shows any cat from a household to which a cat from Cyprus, Greece, Lebanon or Turkey has recently been imported, and/or homes where FIP has caused death, or the disease has been successfully treated in the past month. You can read the revised rules via the link below:
As the revised declaration was not available when you entered this show, please read the message below and withdraw your entry if l. or 2. below applies to you.
For the welfare of all cats shown, do not bring any cats in your household to a show if you have:
1. Imported a cat from an ‘at risk’ area in the last month.
(Current at-risk areas are CYPRUS, GREECE, LEBANON and TURKEY)
2. If it is less than a month since you have had a death from FIP, or since one
of your cats has completed a course of treatment for this disease.
We hope you can show again soon, but welfare is high priority.
Be assured that the entry fees you have paid will be refunded following contact with show management in advance of the show.
Contact us
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01278 427575
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