Furry Dogmother Huyton

Furry Dogmother Huyton Making the World Beautiful one dog at a time. I qualified in 2004 with Paws Awhile Grooming School, Southport. I have undertaken a First Aid for Dogs course.

Fully Qualified Dog Grooming Stylist providing a personal, professional and reliable dog grooming service done one to one in a homely environment. 16 years experience in most breeds and temperaments. My aim is to ensure there is a clean, safe, friendly and relaxed environment to help your dog settle in and enjoy their groom. I have gained experience in styling many breeds and always aim for a hig

h standard. I constantly learn new techniques, products, equipment which help in achieving a better style as well as the best welfare for our canine family. I am a member of the Pet Industry Federation and the British Dog Groomers Association. I have undertaken a TTouch course in dog massage to help calm and promote confidence in a positive/gentle way. I actively involve myself with rescue centres and try to fund raise as well as helping to find any lost or stolen dogs.


My most asked question is, "what's your favourite breed to work with?" and my answer is always "I don't have one, but my favourite type? The Senior Dog" they hold such a special place in my heart ❤️

Tomorrow at Edition Dog Live I will be talking about how you can spot signs of myofascial pain in your senior dog and suggesting some things you can do, along with things to stay away from, to help them immediately.

I prefer to mix things up a bit so will be leaving plenty of time for lots of Q&A about your own dogs and if you are bringing them with you, pop along to the Canine Massage Guild stand for a free muscular health check with all therapists trained by ourselves for a service you can rely on.

I'm also in the main ring leading a demonstration of how to hands off assess your dog for muscular pain with the Canine Massage Guild at 1.15pm so why not join us (just be sure to book in at the Guild stand as theres only 30 places available)

I look forward to seeing you and your dog there!


Penny ❣️


Barkley 😍




Penny is always a Star when she comes in. She's quite nervous of the dryer but we're getting there slowly.

Perfect example of how dog's hide pain so very well

Perfect example of how dog's hide pain so very well


This is Twig my yorkie, as many of you know she was born with deformed back legs. She has patella issues, cruciate issues, malformed hocks and also elbow disease.

Despite all of this, Twig would play all day. She is a young dog and would run non-stop, play with toys, play with my other dogs 24/7 if she could. She always wants to go for a walk- she never wants to turn to go home, she would walk all day if you let her.

She’s never grumpy, never shows any aggression even when she’s in pain. She partially ruptured a cruciate a few months ago and despite not being able to use her leg she was still desperate to go for a walk and kept dropping balls in my coffee (obvs I didn’t let her walk or play!) 😳

She has phases where her legs are really bad and she is in pain. It would be really easy for me to think she’s ‘fine’ and not in pain as she would still play all day if I let her. My only behavioural signs of pain with her are that she wakes in the night and takes a while to settle again and she barks a bit more than normal at outside noises.

I’ve also seen night-waking with my Dalmatian, Lucky, when he was in pain and my first sign of his back issues was that he would wake up and wander around in the middle of the night. He also still wanted to walk and play.

People often think that a dog who is in pain won’t want to go for a walk but dogs in pain are often still keen to go for a walk and they will want to chase a ball etc and play if you let them. Don’t ever assume they aren’t in pain because they want to run and play!

Signs of pain can be subtle and these are some that I commonly see in dogs I work with -

🛌 They may wake in the night or find it hard to settle in the evening, pacing or moving from bed to bed

🐕 They may vocalise more (whine or bark) and be more attention-seeking (nudging your hand to stroke them all the time or following you from room to room)

🛋️ Hesitating or unable to climb on/off the sofa, go up the stairs or get in and out of the car or needing a bigger run up to get in. Being slower to get up from resting.

😔 Being unhappy about being handled (groomed/dried etc) or unhappy about people sitting next to them on the sofa or walking past their bed

🐩 Changes in interactions with other dogs on walks- less keen on interacting or less keen on certain types of play etc

🏀. Lying down on walks or walking at a slower place but also conversely running excessively (‘runners high’ endorphins make them feel good temporarily)

You may also notice physical changes (the way your dog moves or the way their body looks.

💊 Please chat to your vet if you see any changes, dogs don’t suddenly change and start or stop doing things for no reason.

Pain is one of the primary causes of many aggression in dogs. Dogs also often don’t stop running and playing when they are in pain- signs of pain can be subtle and easy to miss so please, please seek advice from your vet if you see changes

Laura McAuliffe, Dog Communication 2024


Please meet Sooty (Grey) and Elmo (Tan and White), a very sad case who we have urgently had to bring in. Sooty is a terrier mix around 10yrs and Elmo is a Shihtzu and is 13yrs 🤍

This beautiful pair have had it rough the last few months but have now been groomed, health checked, vaccinated and neutered.
They love each other very much, they share their food, their toys and their bed!! Please don’t let their age put you off as they are still full of life and fun. They love their food and bum scratches 💕

After everything they have been through together, we would love to find a home for them together.
They need a pet free home without children where they can be the centre of attention and get some well deserved TLC 🤍

The fee for this pair will be reduced as we would just love for them to be back in a home together soon.

Please apply below ⬇️


Why we never go too short on a nail clip and sometimes the quick (vessel) is very low

Why we never go too short on a nail clip and sometimes the quick (vessel) is very low

Amongst other things I am working on a nail, and foot short course. I say short, but these areas are important so knowing me it’ll be about 10 hours long 🤣

If you take one top tip it is this! There is a bone in the nail, cut it and you’ll cause all sorts of ongoing problems.



If a pup wants to sniff walk for longer than the 5 minutes per month of age then they can. We no longer need to restrict the length of the walk just not subject them to certain movements like stairs and chasing a ball. But gentle walking as long as they aren’t tired is perfect!

All courses taught by a vet ❤️


We worry about heatstroke, and rightly so! Temperatures like we are seeing this week are dangerous for many pets.

Fly strike is another potential summer hazard. A dog with diarrhoea, especially if hairy can get a dirty bottom! And that’s how the process begins. Maggots can burrow through skin and make a pet so seriously ill. So check those bottoms and keep them clean!



Frozen Hydration Treat for our Dogs 🐕

Legs, Paws and Claws are quite hard to handle. I myself experience this on a regular basis and I know many of my clients...

Legs, Paws and Claws are quite hard to handle. I myself experience this on a regular basis and I know many of my clients do too through our daily conversations.

The following article by F. Adrienne explains why:

"A dog's paw pads are lined up with super sensitive sensory receptors known as 'pacinian corpuscles' these allow dogs to detect minimal mechanical and vibratory pressure, and the top of a dog's paws are also highly sensitive and loaded with nerve endings that fire off sending a warning to the brain upon sensing pressure."

This is why I've opened up a day dedicated to this so I can help owners understand. If your pet is quite foot and leg reactive there are techniques that can be used at home as it can take time to desensitise them after a bad association and it's not a quick fix in the groom room.

Even if they're absolutely fine but need their nails clipping book in and we can then rebook throughout the year.

Although I'm talking about dog's this is also a day for cats. My sister has now qualified as a Cat Groomer and will be on hand to help you.

Dog and Cat Nail Clipping ServiceI'm having a Pawdicure Day as I get so many enquiries for nail clips so thought I'd off...

Dog and Cat Nail Clipping Service

I'm having a Pawdicure Day as I get so many enquiries for nail clips so thought I'd offer these days throughout the year to ensure all the dogs are looked after. My sister will look after the cats as she is now a qualified cat groomer but they will come in separately!

Small or Large welcome!

Plus I've been studying reflexology and trying it out so be great to offer it as a little add on.

It's best to text me please as these slots will go super fast 🏃‍♀️ 🙂

Is Your Dog Aggressive in the Groom Room?I get a lot of enquiries for help with a dog that bites the groomer or is nervo...

Is Your Dog Aggressive in the Groom Room?

I get a lot of enquiries for help with a dog that bites the groomer or is nervous.

There are specialist groomers who can help but there aren't enough to cope with demand. A lady called Sue Williamson is taking the lead on this Taking the Grrr Out Of Grooming Dogs and this is the group you can go to for information.

I have been grooming 20 years and I have a few dogs that started with me in such a state. It can take a very long time, years in fact, to help to manage something like a face trim or nail clip.

I always look for an underlying cause and work with the dog, not on the dog! Something I learned during my 2 year study to become a Massage Therapist with Canine Massage Therapy Centre

I observe them, will ask lots of questions, check for health issues which, 99% of the time is the cause. Skin issues, joint issues, overweight, unbrushed, dental issues. When these are ignored they get worse not better and can decrease their life by a good few years and be uncomfortable too.

The older dog who needs veterinary care but because he's old that's the way it is. Left old and miserable. There are lots we can help, Reiki is great for seniors even those who are terminally ill.

My Dog is 13 years old has been diagnosed with patella luxation, collapsed trachea and a heart murmur. I work with my vet and take on board his advice. Keep her weight down! Simple. She is healthy, active, and has good food with a supplement, daily walks, massage therapy. She is not on any medication! Costs at the vet are minimal.

So there it is, when you're dog is unhappy at the groomers or anywhere 🤔 ask yourself is there more I can do for my dog's wellbeing?

I'm always happy to help with this please ask 😊


☕Beans Coffee☕

Logos £15 - Commissions Open

Arlo ❤️ isn't he fab. He's had a tough start when he injured his femur. He was a puppy and spent weeks in a crate and pl...

Arlo ❤️ isn't he fab. He's had a tough start when he injured his femur. He was a puppy and spent weeks in a crate and plaster. He then had anxiety issues. His family have all done the groundwork and he's making great progress. His leg has healed and his anxiety is improving.

Arlo did start off on my pup intro sessions and thankfully he's no issues with grooming so we can achieve a lovely poodle style.

Everything I offer and have trained for, its so much more than a hair cut, please read ....Fully Qualified Dog Groomer (...

Everything I offer and have trained for, its so much more than a hair cut, please read ....

Fully Qualified Dog Groomer (City and Guilds Level 3 and OCN Diploma) with 20 years exoerience

Your pet will receive a full pre-grooming health check. As a qualified groomer we cannot replace your vet and diagnose BUT we can look out for signs and symptoms and provide the adequate care your dog needs as well as alerting you to any concerns that should be referred to your vet.

Clinical Canine Massage Therapist

I have trained for two years in dog’s muscular, skeletal and physiological anatomy. I have palpation skills which means I can palpate your dog and identify any muscular or tissue injuries. I have also trained in gait and postural analysis so I can identify, by the way your dog moves or reacts, if there is some pain or injury going on that will need to be referred to a vet for diagnosis. Your vet will advise if massage therapy is ok for your pet.

I am now offering FREE MUSCULAR checks which will need to be pre-booked – no vet consent needed for this.

Body Condition Score

If you feel your dog has had weight gain or weight loss I can help with a ‘body condition score’ and also look at your dog’s daily calorie intake. Help you work out these calories. I can also identify any concerns which may need to be referred to a vet. I’m even happy to offer a Weight Control Clinic if you want.

Holistic Dog Grooming

Although I am not fully holistic and I do use harnesses for your dog’s safety whilst in my care, I am moving towards a more ‘permission based’ grooming whereby the dog is allowed to express their needs and wants. This means that if the dog does not cope with anything in my salon even after some training both at home by you and me in the salon, we may have to leave some parts of the groom.

Reiki Master and trained in Tellington TTouch both complimentary therapies which ALL DOGS respond positively to.

I use crates for the dog’s to wait. I do not allow them to get stressed in them and it keeps them safe when I need a break myself. I’ve heard about dog’s escaping and ending in a fatal road accident. They are used for security and safety reasons and there’s absolutely nothing cruel about them except our own perception. They actually feel they’re in a safe space. I understand if you wish to use a groomer who has a crate free environment.

I ensure my salon meets the Five Animal Welfare Needs in my salon as per the Animal Welfare Act.

Brushing your dog Daily

Brushing is a constant concern and this simple task, if done on a daily basis, can alleviate so much stress in the groom room for your dog and me, so PLEASE take on board my brushing tips. In future, if a dog is presented with knots that cannot easily be brushed out, then the coat will be taken short.

Some dogs need more than just ‘top brushing’ you need to brush and be able to take a comb right through the coat to the skin easily. I very rarely am able to do this when they come in for a groom.

Unbrushed or longer coated dogs = more frequent groom ie 4 to 6 weeks and possibly a much shorter cut.

Dental Hygiene

I have done various training in dental hygiene and offer Cleanyteeth dental hygiene. It is not a replacement for veterinary care, its not a descale and can help as a preventative.

However, 4 to 6 weeks is a long time in between teeth cleaning sessions as it takes 48 hours for plaque and tartar to form. I have sent all my clients tips on at home maintenance, diet etc to help keep your dog’s teeth as clear from bacteria as possible.

One thing I can say is that I have used Cleanyteeth for a few years and those dogs that come in for a regular maintenance brush have much cleaner teeth, healthier gums and they’re breath is so much better than those that don’t.

Dog’s hide dental pain well.

Skin and Hair

I see everything on your dog’s skin both when wet and whilst drying. I will alert to any issues and know what issues need to be raised with your vet.

Although products can help alleviate the symptoms ie itching, redness, funky smells you need to get to the root cause of the problem. I always start with diet, what goes in must come out. Human foods are a NO! Please speak to me about your dog’s diet if you have concerns. I have diet sheets to help and loads of information. Sometimes we are just unaware what we are feeding is causing a health concern.

Lumps, bumps and rashes must be seen by a vet.
I do not offer flea treatment but can recommend some toxin free ones but also recommend your vet.

I am a Fully Qualified First Aider

Fully Insured

I undertake Continued Professional Development that is monitored and assessed


414 Princess Drive

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm




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