Awww 🥰
Rocco is so excited about his birthday 🎂
Sharing is caring! The lovely @nazliyuceloglu and Ian sharing their Lick&Mix.
All our treats are nutritionist approved for dogs AND hoomans. Packed with plant based goodness.
#sharewithyourfriends #premiumdog #handmadedogtreats #bestdogtreats #giftsfordogs #giftsfordoglovers
Sneak peak of the new packaging!!! #newproductlaunch #yummydogtreats #pizzabones #handmadeuk
Eating with true enthusiasm. It’s Lupin’s first taste of Lick&Mix treats and he loves it!
#ukdogs #rescuedog #wholesomedogfood
#plantbaseddogfood #eatyourveggies #veganuk
Free pup cakes with every purchase @well_st_common Festival today!!
12pm-6pm on Well Street Common, E9.
Looking forward to meeting all the dogs and their hoomans trying our local, handmade treats #londondogslife #hackneydogs #hackneydogshow #victoriaparklondon
#marketslondon #wellstreetdogshow
😂 Now THIS is how to pawty!! No time for chat, just @lickandmix birthday cake! @littleoatysausage and his friends had Carrot 🥕 and banana 🍌 cake 🍰 with peanut 🥜 butter and seeds. Delicious!
Thank you so much for the lovely video!
#pawty #pawtytime #pawtycake #doggycake #dogbirthdayparty #dogbirthdaycake
Did you know that Lick&Mix is nutritionist approved for both dogs and humans? I couldn’t help but steal a little nibble off the coconut bone. 😋
We are the first company ever to specifically make treats dogs can share with their owners.
#premiumdogtreats #healthydogtreats #sharefood
#handmadedog #vegandogfood
They smell sooo chocolatey and they taste sooo good!
Choco bones made with high fibre, high protein grain from East London Brewing. Hits the chocolate spot without the sugar rush.
#treatstosharewithyourpup #treatstoyourdoor #zerowastefood #vegandog
Get yourself to @refilltherapy in Hackney Wick for your @lickandmix pick-a-mix fix! Beautiful zero waste shop where you can fill up your own containers with all kinds of wonderful…groceries, seeds, nuts, soap, olive oil, even soap! They stock Lick&Mix Peanut Pyramids, Coconut Bones, Choco Bones and Pizza Bones 🦴 #zerowasteshoplondon #circulareconomy #lowcarbonfootprint #deliciousdogtreats #vegandogfood #plantbaseddog