Lucy Butt - Equine Behaviourist

Lucy Butt - Equine Behaviourist Equine Behaviour Consultant. Helping owners understand their horses with a welfare-centred approach.

YOUNG HORSE CLINICSThe next dates for young horse desensitisation clinics are now confirmed and available to book. These...


The next dates for young horse desensitisation clinics are now confirmed and available to book.
These have proved very popular and beneficial for all horses and owners. They help expose horses to a variety of novel objects in a relaxed and supportive environment.

There are a variety of venues, times and days so hopefully there are days that suit everyone.

It is likely that these will sell out quickly so pop me a message to secure your place. Full payment will need to be received in order to secure your place.

Dates are as follows:

Water Farm Equestrian (Raydon, Suffolk)
29th June 2:15-3:45pm
21st July 12:15-1:45pm

Beechwood Equestrian Centre (Nr Chelmsford)
24th June 1:45-3:15pm
12th July 6:15-7:45pm

Anglia Ruskin University (Writtle Campus, Chelmsford)
1st July 12:15-1:45pm
23rd July 12:15-1:45pm



Hello everyone,

I have been having a conversation on messenger with a lady called Julie and we have booked in a obstacle clinic at her yard. Unfortunately it now seems to have disappeared off of my Facebook!

Just want to verify some final details and make sure they still want the day I have booked in!

Feel free to comment or message me if you see this Julie 🙂

I AM BACK! Hello everyone,I am back from an amazing time away in Montana. Very sad to leave but happy to be back with my...


Hello everyone,

I am back from an amazing time away in Montana. Very sad to leave but happy to be back with my ponies. Of course I couldn't have a holiday without doing some training, I will give a full update of my project pony Summer I had whilst in the USA.

Thank you to our amazing friends at Rocking Z
Ranch for an amazing time! Miss you all❤️

I will be getting back to everyone over the next few days but if I don't give me a push!

OUT OF OFFICE Wow the last few weeks have been busy! Thank you to all of my lovely clients for allowing me to help you h...


Wow the last few weeks have been busy! Thank you to all of my lovely clients for allowing me to help you help your wonderful horses. I look forward to seeing you all on my return.

I will be out of office until 12th June and so won't be contactable until then. Any enquires, queries or wanting to book onto a clinic, feel free to still message me and I will reply once I return.

Have a lovely few weeks with your ponies🥰

P.s. how cute is Sky enjoying her after session scratches the other day!

I want to send my heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of eventer Georgie Campbell who sadly passed away over...

I want to send my heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of eventer Georgie Campbell who sadly passed away over the weekend ❤️

These two are smashing it! 🥰

These two are smashing it! 🥰

The more I work with this pony the more I love her! We had Lucy Butt - Equine Behaviourist over today to do another training walk, the plan was to walk round the village lap (she’s not done this before) but half way we met a lorry and a road closure so we doubled back. We met bikes, several cars, truck and trailer full of cows (!!) and she didn’t put a foot wrong. After the rearing issues we had early on in our relationship this is such a huge improvement, she’s managing to keep mostly under threshold, and when she does get a bit anxious she comes back to earth quickly. Positive reinforcement for the win!

FUN FACT FRIDAY Following on from my last FFF on foal behaviour. We are going to look at how human interactions with mar...


Following on from my last FFF on foal behaviour. We are going to look at how human interactions with mares and significantly effect human interactions with their foal.

There is much contrasting advice as to whether we should handle foals regularly or leave them to be as natural as possible until they are older. There are positives and negatives to both of these ways. Whilst it is ideal to allow mares and foals to bond and experience as much of a natural start in life as possible, we have to remember that most of these foals will one day be expected to carry a human. Therefore, it may be in the foals best interest to do some handling from a young age. This is also beneficial for vet procedures that may happen. This does not mean that we should keep mares and foals in a stable and handle them everyday - they still need to be horses and ideally be turned out with other mares and foals or youngstock.

Research has been carried out on how positive human interactions with the mare can significantly increase the chance of the foal wanting to engage with humans and accept human touch. This research was carried out by Henry et al (2005), and clearly depicts that increasing the positive experiences we give the mare, means that the foal is much more likely to seek out this human contact. Therefore, making it easier to handle the foal in all situations. It is vital that these interactions are never forced onto the mare and foal, this could cause unnecessary stress to both and potentially set you up for negative associations with people in the future.

It is vital to build these positive associations as often as possible. Unfortunately it seems to be a common occurrence that aversive restraint is used on young foals. There are much better ways we can communicate and interact with foals in a way that is enjoyable for them and builds these positive associations!

Henry, S. Hemery, D. Richard, M, A. Hausberger, M. (2005) Human–mare relationships and behaviour of foals toward humans. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 93(3-4), pp. 341-362.

HOLIDAY Apologies for the lack of updates and posts recently I have been super busy! I have some availability over the n...


Apologies for the lack of updates and posts recently I have been super busy!

I have some availability over the next few weeks but will be away from 28th May - 12th June. So if you want a session before then get booked in quickly!

Some dates I have available are:

Friday 17th early afternoon - TIPTREE/MALDON or surrounding areas
Monday 20th - afternoon
Thursday 23rd - early afternoon - HALSTEAD/COLCHESTER or surrounding areas
Saturday 25th - morning
Sunday 26th - early afternoon - WITHAM/MALDON or surrounding areas
Monday 27th - morning - COLCHESTER or surrounding areas
Tuesday 28th - early morning slot near Colchester

I may be able to squeeze people in around these dates so message me if you would like a session!

📸 Jessica Grange Photography

YOUNG HORSE CLINICSThe next dates for young horse desensitisation clinics are now confirmed and available to book. These...


The next dates for young horse desensitisation clinics are now confirmed and available to book.
These have proved very popular and beneficial for all horses and owners. They help expose horses to a variety of novel objects in a relaxed and supportive environment.

There are a variety of venues, times and days so hopefully there are days that suit everyone.

It is likely that these will sell out quickly so pop me a message to secure your place. Full payment will need to be received in order to secure your place.

Dates are as follows:

Water Farm Equestrian (Raydon, Suffolk)
29th June 2:15-3:45pm
21st July 12:15-1:45pm

Beechwood Equestrian Centre (Nr Chelmsford)
24th June 1:45-3:15pm
12th July 6:15-7:45pm

Anglia Ruskin University (Writtle Campus, Chelmsford)
1st July 12:15-1:45pm
An additional date is yet to be confirmed for ARU.

Happiness is riding your horse to the field ba****ck for the first time after an amazing first try at liberty! These two...

Happiness is riding your horse to the field ba****ck for the first time after an amazing first try at liberty!
These two rock🥰

I think Emily's smile says it all☺️

Happy bank holiday everyone, I hope you've all been enjoying the sunshine with your ponies❤️🐴

FUN FACT FRIDAYIt's that time of year again when we see adorable foals appearing around the world. The next few weeks I ...


It's that time of year again when we see adorable foals appearing around the world. The next few weeks I am going to focus on foal behaviour and the best action to take to help your foal grow up into a happy and healthy horse.

Normal foal behaviour can depend on a variety of factors. It is very common for foals to:

🐴 Engage in play behaviours
😄 Use their mouths to communicate
💤 Sleep lots!
👍🏼 Want to interact with other horses
🥕 Attempt to eat their mums food (even from a few hours/days old!)

Behaviours foals perform are usually their form of communicating with other horses and us. They are trying to figure out their world. It is vital for foals to be handled often when they are young (as long as their mum is comfortable with this!) and ensure all of these experiences are positive so that they want to engage with us. It is also vital that they have time to be horses and explore their surroundings, as well as spend time with other mares and foals.

A lot of behaviours performed by young foals is innate and allows them to get up and be able to run from only a few hours old. It is vital for their development that we allow them to perform as many natural behaviours as possible!

📸 by Magda Lassota of the adorable Cora loving her scratches!

Love this!

Love this!

Understand Horses contributors, Rosa Verwijs and Justine Harrison, have consulted with The British Horse Society Horse Care & Welfare team to produce a useful new guide explaining what stress is, what causes it, how it can impact the horse, how to recognise signs of stress and what you can do to reduce it.

ℹ️ You can find the guide on the BHS website here 👉





Look no further!

I am very excited to bring you all something I have been working on behind the scenes for a while now. I have decided to develop a series of virtual training packages to help you kick start or progress your positive reinforcement journey!

These packages are affordable and easy to download. The first one I have developed is an introduction to positive reinforcement, this will guide you through the science behind positive reinforcement and how you can implement it into your training. There is a step-by-step guide to starting R+ with your horse including how you can use it for loading and helping with 'forward' on the ground and ridden.

Soon to be released packages will include; co-operative care, enrichment and body language. I will also be developing some video training packages to help further these skills.

The R+ package is now available to purchase from my website:

Hopefully you will find these packages useful! As always I am very open to any suggestions/feedback and what you would like to see next!

Lucy x

📸 by the amazing Jessica Grange Photography

FUN FACT FRIDAY How do you know what training method is best for your horse?There are so many different training methods...


How do you know what training method is best for your horse?

There are so many different training methods that it can get very confusing deciding which to use and how to do it successfully.

I strongly believe that each horse is an individual and we need to bear this in mind when training them. Most training methods can be altered horse-to-horse. There are a majority of training methods in the industry that use aversive techniques in order to achieve results.

What do we mean by aversive?

Aversive means something the horse finds unpleasant, this can vary between horses. Most commonly this involves pressure. There are lots of ways training methods describe pressure such as 'feel', 'energy', 'movement'. Be aware of this wording when thinking about the best method to use.

Why might R+ be the best technique?

😃It helps build your horses bond and trust with you
🐴It helps your horse exhibit their natural behaviours
✅It gives the horse choice
🥰It motivates the horse
👍It can help make cues and signals clear to your horse

Plus many many more!

I have used a variety of different techniques throughout my time with horses. R+ has been by far the best, most successful method. It helps create happy horses that want to engage with us!

Remember I am available to help you introduce R+ to your horses and guide you to the best ways to use it. I also have a R+ introduction training plan available to purchase on my website. Follow the link here to purchase it now!

This a great post! Let's help keep all of our equine professionals safe❤️

This a great post! Let's help keep all of our equine professionals safe❤️

BRAND NEW VIRTUAL TRAINING I am very excited to bring you all something I have been working on behind the scenes for a w...


I am very excited to bring you all something I have been working on behind the scenes for a while now. I have decided to develop a series of virtual training packages to help you kick start or progress your positive reinforcement journey!

These packages are affordable and easy to download. The first one I have developed is an introduction to positive reinforcement, this will guide you through the science behind positive reinforcement and how you can implement it into your training. There is a step-by-step guide to starting R+ with your horse including how you can use it for loading and helping with 'forward' on the ground and ridden.

Soon to be released packages will include; co-operative care, enrichment and body language. I will also be developing some video training packages to help further these skills.

The R+ package is now available to purchase from my website:

Hopefully you will find these packages useful! As always I am very open to any suggestions/feedback and what you would like to see next!

Lucy x

FUN FACT FRIDAY For today's FFF I thought we would discuss expectations we have for our horses and training. Far too oft...


For today's FFF I thought we would discuss expectations we have for our horses and training.

Far too often people think...

"I have been using PR for weeks and it hasn't fixed my behavioural issue!" - this could mean that either the problem is very complex or it requires an altered approach!

"PR is just making my horse fat" - it can be difficult if your horse is prone to weight gain and something we do need to be cautious of, but usually if your horse is gaining excessive weight due to PR it is likely you are using a food that is too high in starch and sugar.

"But I have seen this specific trainer 'fix' this issue in one session!" - whilst it may appear that the issue is 'fixed' I would question the techniques used and whether your horse was truly relaxed and below threshold throughout the experience. It is highly likely that quick fixes will not last long term and although your horse may 'cope' with the situation, they may not be truly happy with it!

We need to be very aware of the techniques and expectations we have for training our horses. It can be frustrating when progress is slow, but we need to remember that our horses don't know the final goal we have in mind so we need to break training down into manageable steps for them!

Next time you train your horse, think carefully about how quickly you are pushing them and whether you need to break down your training into more manageable steps 🥰

WHAT DO I DO?I have some availability over the next few weeks and am already getting bookings for the summer. With good ...


I have some availability over the next few weeks and am already getting bookings for the summer. With good weather on the horizon (🤞) there is no better time to get started with you and your horses journey so you can achieve all those summer dreams!

I am a qualified equine behaviour consultant and am available to assist with all behavioural issues as well as general groundwork. I specialise in young horses but LOVE helping all horses and owners to be happy and relaxed in whatever they chose to do together.

Message me today to see how I can help :)

FUN FACT FRIDAY Equine Pain Face Did you know that even a slight move of the ear can indicate pain in horses? An excelle...


Equine Pain Face

Did you know that even a slight move of the ear can indicate pain in horses?

An excellent study by Gleerup et al, (2015) was one of the first of its kind to prove the most subtle actions can indicate that a horse is in pain.

Horses are incredibly stoic and they tend to put up with a lot before they depict pain signals! But they are also all individuals and can have different pain thresholds. It is our duty as their caregivers to know the subtle signs they may show us, then we can ensure they receive the appropriate veterinary care to help this potential pain.

So what signs can tell us our horses may be in pain?

😞 Base wide ears - the ears are out to the side or slightly backwards
😔 Wrinkles above the eyes - triangular shaped eyes with wrinkles above them
😒 Tension in the muzzle
😞 Elongated nostrils
🐴 Body tension
And much more!

Keep an eye on these subtle signals that your horse may be in pain. Not only can this help you recognise how your horse is feeling. It can also help you pick up on medical conditions early and help your vet treat them quickly!

Try and register what is your horses 'normal'!

Check out the full pain face study by Gleerup et al, (2015)

YOUNG HORSE CLINIC - 4TH APRIL IN SUFFOLKThe next date for my young horse clinics is the 4th April at Water Farm Equestr...


The next date for my young horse clinics is the 4th April at Water Farm Equestrian in Suffolk.

This is an excellent opportunity to bring your young (or old!) horse along for an afternoon of training. Perfecting your understanding of when a horse is approaching their threshold and what we can do to help them stay relaxed and confident in new situations.

Spaces are limited to message me now to book in!

NEW SERVICE I am very excited to announce that from today I have added a new service which involves elephant training. P...


I am very excited to announce that from today I have added a new service which involves elephant training.

Primarily this is focussed on team liberty with elephants and horses.

Get in touch to start your journey today! 🥰

YOUNG HORSE CLINIC - SUFFOLK A highly requested young horse clinic in Suffolk. Why not bring your young or inexperienced...


A highly requested young horse clinic in Suffolk. Why not bring your young or inexperienced horse along to a no pressure, relaxed environment and learn how to help them stay calm in new situations!

Message me to book.

Spaces won't last long!

HAPPY EASTERHappy Easter to all those who celebrate! I hope you all have a lovely day and eat lots of chocolate! If you ...


Happy Easter to all those who celebrate! I hope you all have a lovely day and eat lots of chocolate!

If you want your ponies to feel special today why not give them an enrichment box using your Easter egg boxes. Fill them will a variety of plants and herbs for your horse to enjoy.

📸 of my gorgeous Darcy having a lovely sunset ride last night ❤️



The next young horse clinic is on the 4th April at Water Farm Equestrian in Suffolk. They have a fabulous newly refurbished indoor arena.

This young horse clinic will involve a variety of novel objects and is great to help your horse feel calm and confident in a new place with other horses.

Message me to book :)

Don't forget I can also run these clinics at your own yard with a minimum of 4 horses and owners taking part.
I also offer 1-1 groundwork lessons and problem solving!

EQUINE BEHAVIOURAL TRAINING I have some availability remaining for March and my diary is now open for April. The weather...


I have some availability remaining for March and my diary is now open for April.
The weather is finally (fingers crossed) starting to improve, so now is the perfect time to start your training ready for a fun and relaxed summer for both you and your horse!

I am available for training for everything from:

✅Positive Reinforcement Training
🐴Problem Solving - aggression, loading, phobias and much more!
🥕Enrichment/Management Consultations
😀Young Horse Training - from leading up to the backing process
👍Rescue/Fearful Horses
💚Desensitisation Lessons
🐴Groundwork Lessons

And much more!

Message me today to get an appointment booked :)

📸by Jessica Grange Photography




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