Elisa Scott equestrian

Elisa Scott equestrian Welcome to my page!


Happy bunch from this afternoon 💖

Been busy working all week at some lovely yards and finally got to ride Milo this morning! He is going so well at the mo...

Been busy working all week at some lovely yards and finally got to ride Milo this morning!

He is going so well at the moment 😍

1st ever show complete ✅Oh how proud I am of this horseHe went into his first class and only went and got a clear round!...

1st ever show complete ✅

Oh how proud I am of this horse

He went into his first class and only went and got a clear round!!

We did knock a pole and wing in the second 😂😂 which meant we only got one clear round but do you know what, Milo tried his absolute hardest and loved every second and THAT right there is an automatic win 💖

Now onto more shows and making him my top eventer 😁🤞🏼

It was moving day for my two boys today! My amazing mum and sister moved them as I was busy working. I’m actually glad I...

It was moving day for my two boys today!

My amazing mum and sister moved them as I was busy working.
I’m actually glad I was working as it sounded very stressful *cough cough fallons fault* 😂

Fallon was rearing up as soon as he was in the box, now we know he does this but usually it’s only when he’s travelling alone and is perfect with company.
he settled then as soon as they drove, not even off the yard, fallon had reared up and got both his legs stuck in the haynet, so mum and holly saw this in the camera and ran out to literally cut fallon free 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

He then refused to load without rearing and was getting dangerous, luckily there was a vet already at the yard and fallon had to be sedated to travel safely as he was stressing out milo
After £100 of 1 dose of sedation, he loaded and they went in their way 😂👍🏼

They’re both now happy in their new yard, had a play around in the indoor school tonight and living their best lives 😂


Milo my 5 y/o tonight

He was holding himself slightly overbent this evening but he is a bit out of practise because of my collarbone malarkey 😂🙈

I’ve just booked his first ever ridden show, just a clear round, so very excited to see how he goes in this type of environment!

He is also moving yards on Tuesday so very exciting stuff for him 🐴

Enjoyed the snowy view on Monday at a clients beautiful yard in Kent ❄️ If you need yard or holiday cover, feel free to ...

Enjoyed the snowy view on Monday at a clients beautiful yard in Kent ❄️

If you need yard or holiday cover, feel free to message for further details

Hi guys! Just a quick post about the services I offer, I will be making a services and price list post but for now The s...

Hi guys!

Just a quick post about the services I offer, I will be making a services and price list post but for now

The services I offer include:
- your daily yard jobs
- Holiday cover
- Schooling
- Hacking
- Jumping
- Lungeing
- Show groom
- Breaking in
- Lessons
Please do pop me a message if you have any questions

✨ MEET HOLLY ✨ Holly is my lightweight experienced rider (and also my sister 🤣) She currently has fallon her 12.2 full l...


Holly is my lightweight experienced rider (and also my sister 🤣)

She currently has fallon her 12.2 full loan pony who she has the most fun on. She rides with such gentle hands, quiet riding when on board but she can also push them on and get them out their comfort zone.

Holly is very quick to spot even the smallest indication of pain, unhappiness and uncomfortable signs and Holly gets straight off and figures out the problem before getting back on.

She definitely puts the horses needs first.

Holly was actually the first human to ever sit on Milo my 5y/o warmblood as she was lucky enough to be the only light enough person at the time 🙈

Holly has also ridden many different types of horses/ponies ranging from big 16.2 down to 12hh, she has experience in breaking in ponies, continuing ponies education and has been a test dummy for the small ponies also 😂

Thanks to Holly joining we can offer riding services from little ponies all the way up to your beautiful giant beasts 💖

If you’d like to book Holly for any riding services please do pop me a message and we can get you booked in !

I will be making a price list post as soon as I can

Milo looking rather handsome in his schooling session the other day!

Milo looking rather handsome in his schooling session the other day!

Hi! So I’ve been back riding now for about a month with means I’m opening up my riding services again! I can ride anythi...


So I’ve been back riding now for about a month with means I’m opening up my riding services again!

I can ride anything from 15.2/3 + (possibly a little smaller if chunky) but I also have a very experienced young rider who can ride smaller so we can cater for any size and age!

We will be moving locations to Sevenoaks Kent and surroundings from mid January.

Feel free to pop me a text to get booked in.

I also freelance any yard work/ holiday stays

Happy new year 💖

Hi guys, It’s been a tough 2 months! I broke my collarbone at the start of august l had a metal plate and 8 pins put in ...

Hi guys,
It’s been a tough 2 months! I broke my collarbone at the start of august l had a metal plate and 8 pins put in 4 weeks later and now I’ve got another 2 weeks left until my bone has had the 6 weeks to heal!

It’s been tough not being able to do what I love doing with the horses, but I hope to be back on soon!
I’m not too sure when as I don’t want to risk falling off and a pin catches an artery as they’re only 2mm from one!😳

So it’s likely I won’t be back doing the breaking and all my other services until I have had my pins out which could be mid next year! Which is so heartbreaking as I was starting to get newer clients and really enjoying my job more!

But who knows us equestrians get back on our own horses fairly quick 🙈

Lots of love


Milo going beautifully the other day!

Milo learning his self carriage, such a smart baby 🫶🏻

Milo learning his self carriage, such a smart baby 🫶🏻

Milo looking beautiful as always! 🫶🏻

Milo looking beautiful as always! 🫶🏻


Roo, who I’m currently breaking in, had his first canter under saddle over the weekend! he was doing really well in our session and I just said let’s wing it 😂👍🏼 best decision that day as he made a lovely transition into the canter also, just getting him into a nice big trot helped massively so it was easier for him to just fall into canter and would also be comfier for him, and he produced a lovely stretch of canter 🥰


Roo’s progression video!

To think roo was incapable of walking away from the gate without napping to confidently trotting past makes me so so proud of him! This was achieved in 2 sessions!!

Roo today went on his first solo hack, and wow was he amazing, the first ever hack roo went on was with milo alongside, and roo was constantly napping at every opportunity he could find, roo would drag, mum had to abort mission and jump off as roo just tanked off with no control 😂👍🏼 today however, roo was so forward, no napping, he tested a few times but was very quickly walking away! Roo had previously napped towards other horses also, we passed 4 horses today and he continued walking forward as if they weren’t there! So unbelievably proud of this baby!

Our beautiful rising 5y/o Roo! Mum has been struggling to find the time to come and ride roo and continue his ridden edu...

Our beautiful rising 5y/o Roo!

Mum has been struggling to find the time to come and ride roo and continue his ridden education, so i am now fully breaking him in, roo had a very big napping problem, he will completely drag you back to the gate with no control at all, whether you circle him or try completely stop it just wouldn’t work, and this was only in walk, roo is also bitless and a Welsh D 😂🙈, our last two sessions have been amazing! Roo has gotten past his napping stage and will walk and trot past the gate, and this is only after 2 20 minute sessions, today was Roos 3rd trot under saddle, and 0 napping fits towards the gate which is amazing! he is such a quick learner! I do have videos of Roos progress which I will soon been posting 🥰 so keep a look out for that!!

Milo, my four year old, was really good today! He popped his first jump and really tried his hardest. He still needs to ...

Milo, my four year old, was really good today! He popped his first jump and really tried his hardest.
He still needs to figure his feet out, such a honest


Milo had a lovely hack out. Really took the lead and had fun!

Hey guys, I am now offering freelance services where I will be providing all yards duties and exercising your horses, wh...

Hey guys,

I am now offering freelance services where I will be providing all yards duties and exercising your horses, whether this is ridden or on the ground!🐴

I can cover up to an hour from south east London or possibly Kent as this is where my own horses are stabled!

Im also available with being your groom on show days, training days or even fun rides!

I have many years of horse experience, I’ve worked on a professional showjumping, I’ve also had an apprenticeship at an eventing yard!
I live a challenge with horse so please don’t be afraid to ask, even if you do have a little pickle😂🙈

I also have one space, possible 2 for schooling/breaking livery where you horse will be on a lovely yard in keston with my 4 horses.

Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or enquiries 🥰

Handsome boy ❤️

Handsome boy ❤️

Milo lungeing today! What a handsome boy!

Milo lungeing today! What a handsome boy!


Milo’s first proper canter in the school, I was so proud of him this day ❤️

Roo showing us his jumping skills a coupleMonths ago 😍😍

Roo showing us his jumping skills a couple
Months ago 😍😍

Updated 31/12/2023Hi guys! I’m Elisa, I’m 20 years old and from south east London, I have 2 horses currently in London b...

Updated 31/12/2023

Hi guys!

I’m Elisa, I’m 20 years old and from south east London, I have 2 horses currently in London but will be relocating to Maidstone Kent ,
Let me introduce you to everyone.

Horse number one -
Milo, who is a 5y/o old warmblood is my main horse at the moment, I’ve owned Milo since I was 16 and he was 1, Milo was very scraggly, scared, unsure about everything and everyone, it took me a while to build his trust, I couldn’t get anywhere near him for a week, slowly but surely after about 1 week and a half Milo started to trust me, he started to realise he’s in a safe place with a forever home. He came to my apprenticeship, at a professional event yard, I started all the ground work with him, getting him to listen, getting him to understand all the new things he’s learning etc, skip forward 2 1/2 years of groundwork and taking him out on Inhand walks, we started to introduce long reining, and putting a bit of human weight on him, after the lungeing of course! Milo took this very well, I was very proud of him, we started going out for more walks etc, with the leaning over milo wasn’t keen at all and was throwing some interesting shapes 😂 so I took him back a little bit, carried on focusing more on the ground work as I didn’t want this to affect his riding brain, I also introduced free jumping properly where he showed his true jumping style, I must say I’m very excited for him! so after a couple months we started the riding again and this time Milo took it like an absolute saint, we continued the lungeing also, Milo started to drag with the canter transition, so back to the ground work with that error, i then got milo interested back into the “he needs to concentrate and not run” in the lungeing and now back to the riding, i started fully sitting on him and he would start of very tense but would soon settle, once I felt he was ready to trot, we had a go, and I honestly couldn’t fault him at all, it was only a couple strides but that for Milo was such a big thing, his breaks were perfect, he also achieved this without a lead infront, each day we got the trot longer and longer, next was the canter, Milo was feeling balanced in his trot and one day on a hack he was going so well, so I just casually asked for the canter, and again I could not fault him at all, he took it like an absolute champ, so again like the trot we would lengthen the canter, then I started to introduce poles, more hacking without leads in front, milo then came to a job I had at a professional Olympic showjumping yard, where this was his first time being ridden in a new place since he’s been riding away, he would have his moments which is understandable, he would shoot forward if another horse was trotting past, but with my reassurance he soon settled, he went over more poles, had a gallop in the gallops. Milo’s learning has come so far, now he’s back on a yard in keston where he’s just improving every ride, this year with Milo my goal is to take him out to shows, start introducing him to raised poles and jumping, im hoping to take him to some sponsored rides too, Milo is a very sensitive horse and he’s very much a horse you can’t rush, give him time and then he’ll perform like he’s been doing it for years, im very excited for this horses future, and hopefully he succeeds in being my main event horse.

Now onto the second horse, (Roo is now in his new loving home 🏠 )
Roo is a rising 5yr old Welsh D. now roo is my mums horse, who we’ve had for around 2/12 coming 3 years, when my mum got roo we thought he was much younger than what the dentist told us he was, we thought he was 21/2 turns out he was turning 5🙈 Hense the breaking in process starting a bit later than normal, I’ve helped with his breaking in process, such as ground work, getting him listening and also the loose jumping, again his jump is something I’m very excited about. Roo is still very new to the whole riding life, he’s taking it so so well, he does have a habit of just dragging you, roo is now bitless and he is doing much better, he’s shown us one of his school habits is to try lay down, so just kicking him on and getting him forward and walking is the main goal for roo, this year for roo were hoping for him to go out to some sponsored rides, shows and hunter trials too! we’re very excited for him and his future

(Smurf has unfortunately grown his angel wings)
Now lastly is Smurf who is 25, he’s an Irish cob and has been in the family for over 20 years, before I was born! Smurf was the very first horse I had ever sat on, he’s taught me to ride and also my little sister, now Smurf is enjoying a retired life after taking us to shows, improving both mine and my sisters riding.

Now I’ll introduce myself,
My name is Elisa and I’m 20 years old, I was born in London and moved to Kent for around 13 years, now I’m back in London 😂🙈 I’ve always had a passion for horses and I’ve always said it’s the profession I’d love to do, I’ve worked with horses since I was 13 as I left school early due to bullying, I’ve worked at riding schools, professional dressage, showjumping and eventing yards, where I’ve been lucky enough to gain all the professional help and experience I’ve now got, I’ve also been a riding instructor at 2 riding schools.
When I was younger I was the child that would be chucked on the cheeky ponies as I loved it and would find it so fun 😂, my previous horses have all been different, I’ve had an ex racer who I brought on and sold him to a lovely home, i could not fault him he was an absolute sweetheart, I also had a mare who was very difficult under saddle and would end up in her vertically rearing and even falling back onto me, she would bronc and would nap wherever you took her, she suffered bad separation anxiety which affected her on the ground and ridden, now I did manage to take her out to a few shows, which she did find very stressful, I also got her jumping which she actually loved but again her anxiety would just ruin it for her, which was a real shame, she had all the checks you could think of, I even got a professional to come and ride her for me as a last resort and thats when we quickly realised riding was just stressing her out even more, so much that she just could not settle, I owned her when I was 15 and I couldn’t financially pay for her as a companion in the field and another ridden horse so I sold her as a companion home to live happily and anxiety/stress free, I’m so glad I did as I could see how much her past life had traumatised her riding career, many of my others horses had taken me to many competitions, winning a good amount at the age I was, I’ve always enjoyed the breaking in process, and riding horses who need some help and understanding with their riding life. I’m always up for a challenge and I love seeing the horses transform into something improved and happy!







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