Pali showing off her great recall around ducks. Pali has high prey drive and so we are constantly working on her recall around other animals #k9training #positivedogtraining #dogtraining #londondogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #chelseadogtraining #londondogtrainer #preydrive
It’s been a fun few days visiting 6 month old Cola in Monaco. It’s a very different place to train a dog since there are no big parks like I’m used to! Cola’s main issue was being way too excited around dogs meaning he couldn’t walk past them without going a little crazy! We had to change that or it could quickly lead to reactivity problems as he grows up, so that was our main focus. However he also did all the basics and learnt lots of new tricks in the process.#positivedogtraining #dogtraining #dogtrainingvideos #londondogtraining #monaco #monacodogtrainer #toypoodle #smalldog #smalldogtraining
Margot working on her skills, some people stop training after their dog recalls and sits but Margot is going all the way, soon she’ll be back flipping and speaking English #positivedogtraining #dogtraining #forcefreetraining #dogtrainingvideos #k9training #londondogtraining #chelseadogtraining
Benson came to me for training because he had no recall around dogs. Now he has 100% rock solid recall that just doesn’t fail even when he is desperate to make a friend. What a star 🌟 #k9training #positivedogtraining #DogTraining #londondogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #chelseadogtraining #londondogtrainer #recalltraining #bernadoodle
Rock sold recall means recalling away from even the most tempting things. For a lot of dogs that means squirrels! Lella loves more than anything to chase squirrels but today she managed to recall away from them 🌟👏 #k9training #positivedogtraining #dogtraining #londondogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #recalltraining #Labrador
Halloumi and Marshmallow may be the best friends that have ever existed. Although that’s amazing it does come with complications, the only thing they can do when they see each other is play, the second they are asked to be calm with each other they just can’t do It. So that’s what we have been working on. Yes you can play but you can also be calm! #k9training #dogtraining #londondogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #positivedogtraining #chelseadogtraining #londondogtrainer #samoyed
I love this cue, it’s not only useful but also helps mix things up for the dogs instead of always recalling them. Sometimes I don’t need them to come back but just wait there, sometimes it’s not safe for them to come back and sometimes it’s just fun! #positivedogtraining #positivedogtrainer #k9training #forcefree #forcefreedogtraining #chelseadogtraining #londondogtrainer #dogtraining #londondogtraining
⭐️ Consistency is everything ⭐️
Everyone always wants the easy way or the fastest route. However the trick is being consistent day in and day out. Fig in the video is only 1 year old and despite absolutely loving every dog, she is able to ignore them and focus on her owner when asked to! @figgy.lin
#positivedogtraining #k9training #dogtraining #forcefreetraining #londondogtraining #chelseadogtraining #smalldogtraining
Working on getting a really solid stay with 4 month old Nala. Stay is such an important one to get right as it’s the foundation for loads of other things and great early impulse training! The key is to not only teach Stay but then practice with loads of different distractions (for example someone else trying to distract them like in the video) this way it will be solid! #positivedogtraining #k9training #dogtraining #londondogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #forcefreedog #chelseadogtraining #forcefreetraining #londondogtrainer
Practing some neutrality around dogs in our Sunday session. Dogs naturally know how to play, the real work is teaching them to ignore other dogs. Don’t worry they also get tons of playtime! It’s important they know how to do both. The cause of a lot of reactivity is when people don’t teach their dogs how to be calm and neutral around other dogs. @figgy.lin #positivedogtraining #positivedogtrainer #k9training #forcefree #forcefreedogtraining #chelseadogtraining #smalldogsofinstagram #londondogtrainer 
Munchkin learning how to ‘tidy’ up his toys. He definitely loves learning so this is a fun game for indoors now it’s getting darker! #positivedogtraining #k9training #forcefreedogtraining #dogtraining #londondogtraining #chelseadog
Looking extremely dishevelled with my crazy hair! So nice to be back with my N1 after quite a lot of travel in the last two months.
The beauty of an older dog is that after years of training it can all become so subtle and smooth. I love the way Luna can read my tiny movements and understand exactly what I want. She also loves the training, and that’s all I ever wanted! #positivedogtraining #k9training #dogtraining #obediencetraining #chelseadogtraining #forcefreedogtraining