It's been far too long since I posted on my author page, something I intend to correct. Motivated by the opportunity to interview my writer friend, Nick Stuart, whose cosy crime novel has just been published.
Nick, welcome to my author page and many congratulations on the publication of your cosy crime novel, Murder is a Port of Call - a great title.
A - Thanks and thank you for featuring me. Yes titles are a whole topic in themselves aren't they, particularly as people are often attracted to a book by its title alone. This wasn't the working title while I was writing the novel, but I changed it to give a better impact and feel for the story.
Did writing interest you at school? Was English a subject you especially enjoyed. Or were you more of a maths and science guy?
A - I didn't really make the most of my school years, I just had the overwhelming urge to leave the academic world and start an apprenticeship. But English was always my favourite subject, even then I found great escapism in writing stories. A few years later at college I got into the technical maths and science stuff. Weirdly, around that time I also decided I should get some private tuition and take that O level English I ducked out of as a teenager. I sat in an assembly hall full of school kids for the exam - but I got a grade A.
I remember, and please correct me if I'm wrong, you mentioned writing emails and reports at work on rather dull subjects such as widgets and other technical gadgetry. Thereby turning a rather boring but necessary subject into something more fun. Doubtless entertaining others as well as yourself. Your writing is full of humour.
A - You are correct. Technical reports and e-mails can be pretty dry and factual, plus they generally have to convey a serious subject. And you do have to choose your audience carefully, but a bit of honest creativity often went down well. I did quickly discover however that accountants are probably not the most receptive to humour when releasing money is involved.
Were widgets the start of your interest in writing, and what else did you gain from your job for use in future books? Weird colleagues, drunken Xmas parties?
A -Not widgets in isolation, but I seemed to get lumbered with more than my share of report writing, but I didn't mind because I seemed to have a flair for it - plus I had some excellent trips on the back of it too. And did I have any weird colleagues? Loads. And some of them have already popped up in my books - lots of material. Now Xmas parties might just land me in hot water if I started on those!
Thank you for chatting to me on my author page. The very best of luck with the sales of Murder is a Port of Call. Which incidentally I’m loving. And finding hard to put down.
A - Thanks for having me. And I'm glad you are enjoying the book.