Aid Ukraine Animals UK

Aid Ukraine Animals UK Aid Ukraine Animals UK
Aid for Animal Victims of War in Ukraine

This is reality for Ukrainian people. The war is very real and very terrible for them. People are killed, homes, hospita...

This is reality for Ukrainian people. The war is very real and very terrible for them. People are killed, homes, hospitals, shops, schools in the Eastern part of the country bombed every day. People and animals are homeless, scared, sick, injured. WE MUST NOT FORGET THAT THIS WAR GOES ON 🥰🙏


This is Masik, neurologically damaged from a bomb explosion. We have found him a specialist in Poland, who will give him the best treatment and a good chance of a happy life. We need your support to fund his transport, by train, that is the safest option. The tickets, including a return ticket back to kharkiv for his wonderful foster mum will be £80.
Please help this little guy x

Our Pheonix is STILL looking for a forever home :-( Who will adopt this amazing survivor? The brave kitten who survived ...

Our Pheonix is STILL looking for a forever home :-( Who will adopt this amazing survivor? The brave kitten who survived the flames of the bomb explosion. He's currently in Kyiv, Ukraine - waiting for a human that will love him. БФ "Київські хвостики"


Let's not forget about the innocent victims of war in Ukraine that need you more than ever. Your donations make ALL the difference to their lives.

Aid Ukraine Animals UK
Aid for Animal Victims of War in Ukraine


‼️SOS 💔 URGENT APPEAL ‼️‼️SOLDIER'S CATS. The owner is in hospital fighting for his life.

Gandalf (14 yo), Antonio (4 yo), Marsala (12 yo) need to be reunited with their family. The family lives in Poland - as they evacuated to a safe zone.

We urgently need to raise 300 EUR for the cats safe evacuation, transport and paperwork.

Please help them to reunite with their family and escape the war. 🫂


* Please put the name of the cat you wish to sponsor when you donate so we and their family knows who to send the thank you photos/videos.🐈🐈🐈🥰🥰

‼️SOS 💔 URGENT APPEAL ‼️‼️SOLDIER'S CATS. The owner is in hospital fighting for his life.Gandalf (14 yo), Antonio (4 yo)...

‼️SOS 💔 URGENT APPEAL ‼️‼️SOLDIER'S CATS. The owner is in hospital fighting for his life.

Gandalf (14 yo), Antonio (4 yo), Marsala (12 yo) need to be reunited with their family. The family lives in Poland - as they evacuated to a safe zone.

We urgently need to raise 300 EUR for the cats safe evacuation, transport and paperwork.

Please help them to reunite with their family and escape the war. 🫂


* Please put the name of the cat you wish to sponsor when you donate so we and their family knows who to send the thank you photos/videos.🐈🐈🐈🥰🥰

VETERINARY AID UPDATE - Remember the two rescue cats with facial tumours? We were able to remove them with quick and eff...

VETERINARY AID UPDATE - Remember the two rescue cats with facial tumours?

We were able to remove them with quick and efficient surgery. ARTEM - our favourite onco surgeon said. 'Let's not waste time. I can remove them now. It'll only take an hour '. And like always, he was true to his word.

One hour later, Tovstyk and Vylupaty were back in their carriers and on the way home.

The tumours were sent for pathology reports , which should be back in about 3 weeks.

Even if the pathology report confirms cancer, Artem is confident that Tovstyk and Vylupaty will not need further treatment as we caught the tumours at an early stage.

Win/win. ALL thanks to your generous donations and a Kyiv based onco vet surgeon called Artem.

If you want to support what we do, please donate so more furry 4-pawed lives can be saved. Remember, together, we are strong.

Our PayPal:

Our website:

Our website link for donations:

Thank you to Vet.generation Kyiv for the surgery and diagnosis.

Oncology vet trip - two of our rescues have developed rather nasty looking and fast growing tumours on their faces. So w...

Oncology vet trip - two of our rescues have developed rather nasty looking and fast growing tumours on their faces. So we're on our way to our favourite onco vet to get them checked, tested and decide on the extent of the surgery that will be required. Fingers crossed that they are benign.

Saving and rescueing animals is very important in this war. That's how we know that we're still human, ethical, compassi...

Saving and rescueing animals is very important in this war. That's how we know that we're still human, ethical, compassionate, etc. If we lose that, we become the same as the Russian Orcs. War brutalises, but if we allow ourselves to become like the attackers, we will lose this war. Not only will we lose our humanity and morality but also the right to win against this evil aggressor.

This is a 21st-century war in a European country that has the same or at least very similar cultural standards to ours. Therefore, saving pets and strays is important to everyone's morale. Saving animals keeps our humanity intact as we try to cling to as much of the old normal as we can.

Please donate to help us carry on with the work we do in Ukraine. 100% of your donations go directly to the animals in need in Ukraine.

Photo: Trocki - our Polish rescue cat from 2017. Still here. Still judging.

One of many dogs rescued from the streets in Ukraine. She will be sterilised, given essential vaccines. Then hopefully, ...

One of many dogs rescued from the streets in Ukraine. She will be sterilised, given essential vaccines. Then hopefully, adopted

HAPPY SUNDAY!  HAPPY TAIL! Adoption report. Sunny is a young cat who was abandoned in Mikolaiv in 2022 when it was the f...

HAPPY SUNDAY! HAPPY TAIL! Adoption report. Sunny is a young cat who was abandoned in Mikolaiv in 2022 when it was the frontline. He was evacuated by us and БФ "Київські хвостики" in May 2022. In September 2022 he arrived in Poland in our house. Unfortunately, by winter of 2023, he developed dry FIP - which without treatment is a death sentence. After GS treatment and observation period, he was finally ready for adoption. With the help of our friends at Fundacja Felineus , he finally found a forever home this week.

If you'd like to support our work and help animals, please donate to

Saving and rescueing animals is very important in this war. That's how we know that we're still human, ethical, compassi...

Saving and rescueing animals is very important in this war. That's how we know that we're still human, ethical, compassionate etc. If we lose that we become the same as the Russian Orcs. War brutalises but if we allow ourselves to become like the attackers we will lose this war. Not only will we lose our humanity and morality but also the right to win against this evil aggressor.

This is a 21st century war in a European country that has the same or at least very similar cultural standards to ours. Therefore saving pets and strays is important to everyone's morale. Saving animals keeps our humanity intact as we try to cling to as much of the old normal as we can.

Please donate to help us carry on with the work we do in Ukraine. 100% of your donations go directly to the animals in need in Ukraine.

Photo: Trocki - our Polish rescue cat from 2017. Still here. Still judging.

VETERINARY AID REPORT - Meet LUCY one of the many cats we help in Ukraine. Unlike most rescue cats, Lucy does have an ow...

VETERINARY AID REPORT - Meet LUCY one of the many cats we help in Ukraine. Unlike most rescue cats, Lucy does have an owner. Olesya is Lucy's owner. The problem is that Olesya is a young widow with a severely disabled 10-year-old son and 29 cats + 1 dog (no she is not a hoarder - all the animals are 'inherited' from her dead parents and grandmother). All of Olesya's family is dead. Now she only has her son and the many animals left by her parents that died in the last 3 years.
Being a single mum with no surviving family means that she barely survives on the meager government hand outs. And that's exactly where we and your kindness comes in.
Lucy became sick in the last few days. She has anemia and liver issues. She was quite poorly. At the moment we're still diagnosing what exactly caused these severe symptoms. Lucy has spent the last 2 days in day hospital in Umka Clinic in Kyiv. She is still very weak but is slowly improving with IV fluids and a good cocktail of medication.

The cost so far - 1700 + 1500 + 53 = 3,253 UAH (that's 2 days so far)

We do know that the treatment will take a few days to stabilise Lucy and to diagnose the cause of this major health wobble.

Each day of day hospital treatment costs 2,000 UAH.
If you want to sponsor Lucy's treatment please donate via our website:

Bank account:

Dzisiaj Dzień Kota. Pomóż nam pomóc kotom  w Ukrainie. 100% twoich darow idzie bezposrednio do kotow - na karme, zwirek,...

Dzisiaj Dzień Kota. Pomóż nam pomóc kotom w Ukrainie. 100% twoich darow idzie bezposrednio do kotow - na karme, zwirek, szczepienia i leczenie. Jak chcesz im dać nowy dom to prosimy o kontakt. Mamy setki oczekujących - Tak jak piękny Sunny na zdjeciu ponizej. Porzucony przez właścicieli w Mikołajowie.


Today is NOT a Happy Sunday! The death and destruction of Russian attack on Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Thank you Paul Hughes H.U.G.S. Helping Ukraine - Grassroots Support for the video.

Lovely baby Archa, rescued from Avdííívka looking for a home! 🏠Archa with her 4 brothers and sisters was evacuated from ...

Lovely baby Archa, rescued from Avdííívka looking for a home! 🏠

Archa with her 4 brothers and sisters was evacuated from Avdíivka at the request of the military. She is a small, humble girl who can become a friend and a protector. Archa does not have a breed, but she deserves happiness! Change her world by giving her a forever home.

Please repost so that the girl can find a family as soon as possible!

🔹City: Kyiv - rescued from Avdííivka
🔸Age: up to six months
🔹Health: vaccinated, will be sterilized
🔸Curator: +380962201858

You can help Archie by donating:

💚You can also support the furry friends with food, kitty litter, and other essentials

#притулокдлятварин #притулокдлякотів #притулокдлясобак #притулоккиїв #собакавдобріруки #шукаєдім #шукаєдомівку #шукаєдімкиїв #хочудодому

Happy Sunday! This is how your donations make a difference and directly save lives. They also change the lives of the pe...

Happy Sunday! This is how your donations make a difference and directly save lives. They also change the lives of the people that love those animals. [link below] Each 5 EUR donation saves a life!

A family of refugees from the Donetsk region, the city of Toretsk, fled with their animals. They have 18 cats and six dogs. They left all their belongings and their house but did not leave the animals when they fled from the Russians. They fled with nothing but their many animals to Poltava, Ukraine. This is just one of the 100s thousands of displaced families in Ukraine.

Their cats and dogs are now safe from disease for another year. All thanks to you and your kind donations! 100% of donations go to help the animals directly. No waste. No overheads. No money lost to admin or paying staff.

Thank you to Help.animals.poltava .animals.poltava for working with us on this project.

If you like what we do then please follow us on social media, spread the message of what we do, and maybe even donate to help to change the lives of many.

For ways to donate:

PayPal -
Our banking (EUR, GBP, USD etc) -

All your support helps the cause!

The sky in Bournemouth Uk this morning. 🇺🇦🇬🇧

The sky in Bournemouth Uk this morning. 🇺🇦🇬🇧

Harsh winter, cold, snow, and homelessness! The Food Aid programmes are essential. Without the food and the volunteers t...

Harsh winter, cold, snow, and homelessness! The Food Aid programmes are essential. Without the food and the volunteers that feed them these abandoned war pets would not survive. The Donetsk oblast is one of the most dangerous areas in this war. It has been under constant attack for years. There are entire villages and cities in this area that have been reduced to rubble. Abandoned places with abandoned pets.

It is grim. Yet, some people chose not to move. Local volunteers go out every day to help the animals that remain. To feed. To rescue. To care. To keep humanity in a war that tries to strip it away from them with its horror and brutality. there's never enough food, never enough shelter, never enough donations and veterinary aid. It's a constant battle.

We all work together behind the scenes to support them as much as we can. The WE is many orgs, those that have local volunteers, those that provide aid, those that rescue, those that give shelter, and those that fundraise. It's a network of solidarity against the ruthless Russian aggression and horror of the 'new normal' that it brings.

Remember - your donations DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE to the lives of many.
All donations go directly to where they are needed.

Thank you to Nowzad and Ksenia Parfentyeva and Friend Shelter Благотворительный фонд "Друг" г.Краматорск Kramatorsk - you are part of the Good that shall prevail.

ADOPTION ALERT! Let us know if you want to give Gerda a home in an EU country, UK or in Ukraine.Beautiful Gerda is just ...

ADOPTION ALERT! Let us know if you want to give Gerda a home in an EU country, UK or in Ukraine.
Beautiful Gerda is just created to be a member of your family 🏠
Gerda is an example of what love and care can do to a scared kitten. When she was rescued in, she was hiding in the corner of a room and wouldn't go near humans. Now this is a gorgeous purrfect cat that makes you fall in love at first sight.
The kitty is calm, contactable and very affectionate. Loves to play and be with a human, friendly with other animals😽 housetrained - great for apartment living, polite and clean.
Your repost will help the girl find a home!
Location: Kyiv , rescued in May 2022 from Mykolaiv from the shelling
Age: up to two years
Health: vaccinated, sterilized
Gerda is under the care of our sister org -
Curator: +380962201858
You can help Gerdi by donating an amount that is convenient for you at:
💚You can also support furry friends with food, kitty litter, scratch posts, leashes, bedding, toys, and other essentials to keep cats and dogs.

#кішкашукаєдім #хочукота #котикиїв #волонтерикиїв #притулокдлятварин #притулокдлякотів #притулокдлясобак #притулоккиїв #кітвдобріруки #шукаєдім #шукаєдомівку #шукаєдімкиїв #хочудодому

Happy Sunday Post! Your donations save lives of Ukrainian war rescue animals. The core/complex vaccination continues in ...

Happy Sunday Post! Your donations save lives of Ukrainian war rescue animals.
The core/complex vaccination continues in Poltava, Ukraine.
Both cats and dogs from shelters and from foster homes are being vaccinated - this means that they will be protected for 12+ months from some of the most deadly diseases which are easily preventable.
Thank you to .animals.poltava Help.animals.poltava for helping us to coordinate this local vaccination program and a big thank you to for helping us to source the vaccines. Here is to teamwork and helping those who need it most - the forgotten abandoned pets that are one of the many victims of this horrible war. 🥰

If you'd like to help us to continue please consider donating to the Vaccination and Vet Care program we run.
All help is much needed and appreciated. There are many ways to help, donations, speaking to your friends and family, and sharing the simple message:

To donate:

The veterinary debts for БФ "Київські хвостики"   have reached a catastrophic figure. By the end of 2023 - more than 300...

The veterinary debts for БФ "Київські хвостики" have reached a catastrophic figure. By the end of 2023 - more than 300 thousand UAH!
The worst thing is that every day the debt is only growing, as now there are more than 160 animals under their care😓
Thanks to you, we have already raised 100 thousand UAH and covered the most "burning" needs. Now we ask you again to help our animals and raise another 100k to cover the basic debts of treatment, food and fostering🐕🐈
If we do not collect this amount - many cats and dogs will be left without treatment, and some - on the streets in the frost.
We desperately need to raise the money to pay the clinic debts, it's a matter of survival for Kyiv Tails. So if you see this post - we beg you, don't pass by, even small amounts help us a lot! 💸
Support the rescue animals by donating:
- website:
- Bank:
- bank number: 5375 4112 1260 9171
- PayPal:
- benevity:
Also, please share the post. You can also help with feed, or free of charge adopt an animal for temporary shelter. Thank you for making a difference to the fate of animals during the war! 💙

NB - for the past 2 years and Kyiv Tails have been sharing the care of the rescues. Kyiv Tails is a sister charity.
#Благодійність #ДопомогаТваринам
#допомогатваринам #лапкадопомоги #допомогакотикам #допомогакиїв

A cat's map of the kitchen. 🙃We couldn't agree more.

A cat's map of the kitchen. 🙃
We couldn't agree more.


20-22 Wenlock Road


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