She’s so funny. When treacle learns something new. She keeps offering the behaviour. Even when you don’t ask for it. You can see I give her the reins and let her choose what to do.
Turn on the forehand, kisses, smile, anything new.
So we have been working on walking and trotting through puddles. She will avoid them usually but happily stand in mud!
Well today she was cantering through them.
When I gave her the reins she just kept going back and standing in the puddle.
The behaviourist in me can’t work out if it’s the novelty of doing something new or the praise of doing it.
I wasn’t snivelling in the video but laughing at her. 😂
I often hear people say “ my dog dosent like x,y,z chew so they give them all away or never try again.
This beef chew Sheba never touches. She’s not actually chewed one for well over a year probably even 2 years.
I obviously have them in stock as we give out samples to clients.
So there’s usually one laying about untouched.
Today she had a chew on it. Teeth cleaning and enjoying herself.
Just because your dog has gone off something, it don’t mean it’s always going to be that way.
Animals are much more in tune with themselves than we as humans are with ourselves. Except puppies.::: they never know when it’s nap time and the are over tired 🤣
But seriously, always make sure the option is there for your dog.
Ahh take me back to slightly warmer weather 😂
Having a phone clear out….
How cute are these two?
Rose clearly wants to play and Sheba is having none of it!
Make sure you give your human the glare of “you are inconveniencing my nap time” should they dare to try and clean up the ‘dog glitter’ that you kindly leave for them.
This should also be done with a poor me eyes for extra effect.
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Wanstead festival dog show
Well done Shane! Someone’s been busy with their studies. As always our team learn all the ins and outs of why your dogs are doing what they are doing. To help us to help them. To ensure that we can give them the best experience that you can expect from your dog walker. #e12 #e17 #puppy #puppylove #puppydog #puppyplay #lifeskillstraining #lifeskills #puppyoftheday #puppylife #dogtrainingisfun #dogtraining #positivereinforcementdogtrainer #dogtrainerlife #positivereinforcementdogtraining #e11 #dogtraininglife #puppytraining #interactive #puppygram #redbridge #confidencecoaching #e18 #walthamforest #training #dogwellbeing #caninecare #bestfriendshipchallenge #dog #enrichment
Awww the old girl has still got it. She doesn’t get many off lead moments these days.
1) she’s an old lady now and achy so gets grumpy with new dogs.
2) she can’t do the level of exercise that she used once did.
But it was so special seeing this yesterday and I saw her love for training come alive again.
It was only a few days ago that I was quite upset and talking to Tracey about how hard it is her getting old now. She had lost her love of training.
It could have been the new location, could have been my mind set, could be pure fluke.
But it made me super happy. Made her happy and a lovely addition to my week off.
#dogwellbeing #caninecare #bestfriendshipchallenge #dog #enrichment #positivereinforcementworks #positiveresults #dogwelfare #dogwellness #bestfriendsforlife #enrichmentideas #e12 #lifeskillstraining #funtimestogether #joinourfamily #dogwalking #dog #doglover #dogtrainingisfun #dogstagram #joinourtribe #dogwalkinglondon #joinourteam #positivereinforcementdogtrainer #dogsofinstagram #dogtrainerlife #dogsoflondontown #dogsofinstaworld #dogwalker #dogsarefamily
I love their relationship! 😍
Sheba might be bigger but rose is the boss.
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Phone clear out incoming 😂
I love what a team my cat and dog are. Rose was eyeing up the magpie who was clearly telling her to do one. Sheba was there to have her back 😂
#teamies #bestfriends #bestbuds