Babyblues 🐾 Halloween Special. 👻🎃🐾
Autumn vibes. 🍂🍁
I never know if they will play along, but they do put up with me and my ideas. 😂 Happy weekend. 🫶🏻
June Funtime compilation 🫶🏻🐾
The sun made it through the clouds yay.
A clear proof that size does not matter. We bumped into our friends, giant Irish Wolfhound (you cannot get bigger than that ) and chihuahua crossed with rabbit (🤣😂). All you can see is dogs of all shapes and sizes having a great time. I do not believe in keeping small dogs away from larger ones. The right socialisation and upbringing is the key to a happy dog and owner.
Paloma and Betty reunited. 😂❤️
Sunshine, blue sky sends them crazy. 😄Happy Monday!
We have a “heatwave” of 22 degrees today, woohoo 😂. Woujd be rude not to take a dip 💦💦.
What can I say……here comes the 🌧️🌧️🌧️again.
To lighten up the mood, Sushi and Otto gave us one of their entertaining performances 😂
On another note.
I was about to take a video of a very large group of red deer peacefully grazing when this happened.
I saw the woman with her dogs already in the distance trying to get her dogs to follow her without much success. She almost caught up with us but the dogs just took off chasing the deer as soon as they saw them from distance and chased them for several minutes and quite far. She couldn’t get them back nor was she trying to recall them. Probably knowing she had no chance.
Did you notice the poor lady with her 2 dogs frozen in the middle of the chaos? I spoke to her after all the deer runaway (still being chased). She said the woman does this regularly, letting her dogs chase. Another lady came along to check if we were ok. This is the exact situation that caused me tripping and breaking my arm last December. Idiot dog owner. It’s just too dangerous on many levels.
Needles to say this time I called the police. I know the team well and have their direct mobile number so I can reach them whenever there’s anything to report super fast.
There are no bad dogs, just bad owners. And I’m sure this one will not getaway with it.