I reckon most people think they are good listeners! And I would have put myself in that category, before I lived in Canada!
Canadians are very good listeners! My husband pre-warned me that they don’t interrupt, they listen and wait for their turn to talk!
Now it can be very disconcerting at first and at my worst ‘non-listening phase’ I had one Canadian friend apologise right back at me, for me interrupting her! 😳😂
Being mindful of my Canadian experience, I am now a better listener than I ever was! 😉
Back in the UK, conversations are often a melee of interruptions, some from an eagerness to put our point across, while others are to say something before we forget!
We live in a world where it is common to compete to be heard, interrupting one another has become part of our social norm, with those talking the loudest getting the attention!
I do find myself slipping back into the habit of interrupting as much as anyone else! I reckon its social media that does this to us, we can type away and suddenly we can have our say no matter what!
A large part of teaching involves active listening, which is listening to understand!
Active listening is not only that you hear what someone (rider) is saying but also be in tune with their thoughts and feelings.
It turns the conversation to an active, non-competitive, two-way interaction! 😊
What are the skills of active listening
• being fully present in the conversation
• practice good eye contact
• noticing non-verbal cues
• Asking open-ended questions such as: What’s happening now? Can you tell me a little more about that? Do you think that’s the best way forward?
• Reflect back what you hear from the rider?
• Listening to understand, rather than respond
• Withhold judgement and advice!
What if we didn't interrupt our horses?
What would we hear?
I'm sure we’d hear our horse’s more, pick up on the poorly fitting tack, a physical problem or that they do not understand what we are asking them to do!
Allowing them to answer in a non-judgemental way!
Oh the communication we could have with them and the relationship would be for the better!
Enjoy your riding
Emma, Lady and Fiddle ###