Why 'Chicken & Rice' is one of the worse things to feed a sick dog..
Your dogs got an upset tummy.. you go to see your vet and your vet suggests to feed a ‘bland diet’ of chicken and rice. Sound familiar?
It’s sadly a standard line when we have a sick dog suffering any form of digestive upset.
So, what’s so bad about it?
First, let’s take a look at rice.
Rice is a grain. It is inherently inflammatory. Dogs do no not digest rice too well. It takes a lot of work for the body to break down. Rice is a carbohydrate and we know dogs have little nutritional requirement for carbohydrates in their diet. White rice also has a high glycemic index, meaning it will cause a rapid spike in blood glucose levels. White rice is far too starchy to be part of any dogs daily diet, let alone when it is suffering digestive upset.
Now, Chicken.
Chicken is one of the most common protein intolerances or sensitivities to many dogs. Now the main theory for this is that most people are feeding factory farmed rather than organic chicken. Intensively farmed chicken is fed grains (often GMO grains), pumped full of antibiotics and vaccinated 3 times in its lifespan. No wonder our dogs have a problem with chicken! This aside, of course not all dogs have a problem with chicken.
So, what should we feed a sick dog?
I always recommend boiled turkey mince or turkey breast and cooked or canned pumpkin.
Canned pumpkin provides about 80 calories and 7 grams of soluble fiber per cup, compared to 1.2 grams of fiber in a cup of cooked white rice. Pumpkin is rich in soluble fiber which coats and soothes irritated bowels. Soluble fiber delays gastric emptying, slowing down digestive transit times (and the number of episodes of diarrhoea).
When animals have diarrhoea, they can lose important electrolytes, including potassium, which puts them at risk of dehydration. Low potassium levels can also result in cramping, fatigue, weakness, and heart rate irregularities. Pumpkin happens to be an excellent source of potassium. Pumpkin is also safer for diabetic patients. Unlike rice, which is a grain, and will ultimately break down into sugar, pumpkin may actually restore beta cell function – beta cells are the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas.
Rice is a bland source of fiber, but in my opinion, it isn't the most species-appropriate choice for a recovery diet for carnivores. First, it's an unnecessary food. Dogs and cats don't have a nutritional requirement for grain, so feeding pets a pro-inflammatory food when they're already having digestive upset seems counter-intuitive to me. Additionally, the FDA has issued a potential warning about arsenic loads in white rice.
Below, we have some boiled turkey breast & minced turkey thigh, cooked pumpkin, broccoli & blueberries. The ultimate, bland “upset tummy” recipe. (Please note this recipe is not intended for prolonged periods of time as it is not balanced).
Feeding What Nature Intended. 🐾