If your dog has been getting a bit plump lately, it may be an indication that more exercise is needed. Chat with your vet about what diet tweaks you might want to consider while you are also increasing daily walks, play breaks, and general activity.
Behavioral problems, and especially destructive behavior, are commonly a result of not getting enough exercise. Many dogs become bored & frustrated if they don’t get enough outdoor exercise and mental stimulation. Letting your pup release that pent-up energy with a long walk with lots of sniff breaks at least once a day may be the only treatment needed.
Some dogs will become very withdrawn and depressed when they are lacking in mental and physical stimulation. However, this can also be a sign of illness, so consult your veterinarian if you are seeing this as a symptom.
Dogs that are hyperactive are often exercise-deficient. This is commonly seen in young dogs and energetic breeds. If their energy is not used in a productive way, it will be used for naughtiness. These pooches are begging for interactive exercise time.
Some dogs that are restless and bark or whine a lot are the vocal versions of hyperactivity—they are just telling you that they need more exercise. Regular outdoor play periods are often the cure to this behavior issue.
Just like with people, a sedentary lifestyle—especially in older dogs—leads to muscle loss and stiff and painful joints. Daily exercise helps to maintain muscle tone. Do touch base with your veterinarian to see if a health problem such as arthritis is involved. But even if it is, a daily exercise plan will go a very long way to keeping your dog more limber and able to get around.