The beef brownies 🤣 went down well last night, always fun to have 🐾 friends over to share the love 🥰. Valentines was very loving and successful for dogs and us 🙏😁❤️
#dog #lovedogs #valentinesdogs #doglove #itsadogslife #adoptdontshop #rescuedogsrock #rescuedogsofinstagram
And,no, I don’t make my dogs do anything for a treat and don’t ask my friends to do something before a treat!!🤣
❤️ getting some 🐾 goodies ready for my funny 🐾 valentines tomorrow 🐾🥰. We share love and treats every day and tomorrow will be even more indulgent🤣🐾
Homemade treats are the best #makeeverydayspecial #adoptdontshop #dog #doglove
Big Trev been feeling a bit overtired and not quite himself so enjoying some scrambled egg in bed 🥰. Dogs like us can sometimes feel a bit over tired or over whelmed , nothing wrong with them enjoying a meal in their bed. Rescue dogs are survivors and may have issues, helping them to feel safe, understood, curious and relaxed is important ❤️🐾
#adoptdontshop #rescuedogsrock #giveadogahome #lovedogs #dog #doglife #rescuedogsofinstagram
My ginger nuts having fun. Big Trevor wears a tracker and long line for safety as he’s afraid of men, anyone shouting, people throwing balls or sticks, fast bicycles and when something scares him he’s a flight risk. Managing life for a dog with so many fears involves a lot of avoidance, helping him feel safe, giving choices having good dog friends and listening to him. Trevor’s improved enormously since adoption and feels safer, yesterday he chose to walk past a tennis court which is a huge milestone as people hitting a ball was a huge fear. Helping dogs to live their best life is my passion 🐾🥰.
#dog #adoptdontshop #lovedogs #rescuedogsrock #doglife #livingtheirbestlife #letdogsbedogs #walkingwithdogs #doglove #itsadogslife #overcominganxiety #overcomingfear #bekind #dogsofinstagram
Walking with dogs we have to consider what they want to do, here Vera is walking, sniffing, stopping, walking and being able to please herself as it’s her walk. We don’t drag our friends along past shops, through galleries or past aquaintances because if we did they wouldn’t like us🤣! Slow down, let dogs be dogs and be mindful of their needs and preferences 🙏🥰🐾
#dog #lovedogs #letdogsbedogs #mindfulwalking #happydog #doglove #bemoredog #itsadogslife #adoptdontshop #dogsofinstagram #slowwalking #lovedogs #livingherbestlife
Easy enrichment 🥰 for dogs 🐾. Five loo rolls each with a different treat inside, all he needs to is work out how to get the food out. He will choose the one with the smelliest treat first 🥰🤣. Trevor is a rescue dog who suffers with fear and anxiety, enrichment helps him to feel curious and more confident ❤️. Important to keep it very simple and leave them to it with no commands or demands 🙏🥰🐾
#dog #adoptdontshop #rescuedogsrock #doglove #dogenrichment #enrichmentfordogs #lovedogs #doglife #rescuedogsofinstagram #itsadogslife #podenco #dogsofinstagram #spanishrescuedog #dogfun
Senior dogs often have pain or mobility issues, may not hear or see well but they love to sniff and mooch without being rushed. My gorgeous Artie is nearly 15 now and slowing down so I slow down too, being nearby is reassuring and it’s polite to walk with each other. @slowdogmovement
#dog #adoptdontshop #seniordog #seniordogsrock #seniordoglove #rescuedogsrock #rescuedog #adoptaseniordog #doglover #rescuedogsofinstagram #spanishrescuedog #mindfulwalking #bekindtoallkinds #doglife
Ever curious Vera always exploring on our walks, a beautiful early, slow Sunday walk @slowdogmovement .
Freedom and time to enjoy beautiful space with no commands, demands or rush it vital for dogs and us to help balance us emotionally and physically 🥰🐾❤️
#dog #mindfulwalking #slowwalking #doglife #walkingwithdogs #lovedogs #adoptdontshop #rescuedogsrock #spanishrescuedogsofinstagram #bemoredog #dogsofinstagram #freespanishhounds #londonlife
Vera telling everyone that she’s loving the snow ⛄️❄️🤣❤️
#snowdog #snowdohsofinstagram #dog #itsadogslife #doglove #letdogsbedogs #dogjoy #happydog #adoptdontshop #giveadogahome #walkingwithdogs #funnydog #lovedogs #letdogsbedogs #dogdays
My fabulous 3 amigos, Vera always climbing, Artie just hangs out looking at me and Trev on a mission doing Trev stuff 🤣. Such a privilege to live with dogs ❤️🐾🥰🙏
#adoptdontshop #giveadogahome #dog
Inadvertent dog enrichment that gives opportunity for opening recycling bag, removing cardboard and exploring every inch all over the floor. Answered a phone call before putting bag in the bin 🤣, one very happy small dog ❤️🐾
#dog #dogenrichment #dogfun #itsadogslife #whatdogswant #adoptdontshop #rescuedogsrock #doglove
Trevor getting the hang of looking around to see where I am on a walk and he’s started to actively come and find me. His confidence growing all the time but there are still so many things that frighten him; people shouting, people throwing balls, picking up sticks, waving ball chuckers about, being aggressive to their dogs, loud noises, men smoking and vans to name a few. Living with a traumatised dog not easy but enormously rewarding and a huge learning curve with each and every one ❤️🐾🥰
#adoptdontshop #dog #giveadogahome #dogsofinstagram #rescuedogsofinstagram #spanishrescuedog #podenco #lovedogs #walkingwithdogs #itsadogslife #doglove #bemoredog