IMPULSE CONTROL …. Something for every dog trainers tool kit
Jump on this Sunday, such a great course 😎
#imdt #imdtdogtrainer #dogtraining #dogwalker #doggydaycare #doggroomer #dogsofinstagram #caninebehaviourist #caninebehaviour #puppy #impulsecontrol
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Biome9 and IMDT
Wow look at this …. Biome9
A game changer for so many dogs, as trainers and behaviourists you can sign up for Biome9 affiliate programme, quote IMDTBIOME9 to get special deals and even access to some case studies and a mini gut health module that is coming soon …
Websites for dog pros
We’re big fans of #upshotmedia and their ability to free up dog trainers to do what they do best, spend time training dogs. Drop them a line..
‘Dogs and training dogs should bring joy, not admin headaches 🤯. With our website booking system the humans get a break from paperwork chase, focusing more on training and less on the mundane’
Ready to upgrade your online presence? Contact us [email protected]