Thank you everyone for your patience over the last week whilst I've been working hard at HOYS 🫣 I'm catching up on messages and appointments over the next few days
Not sure there will be any left for a crumble!
Weighed In Wednesday
The importance of knowing your horse's weight for safe travelling
We all seem to be getting going again after the winter doldrums so I thought this one is particularity timely.
-Vehicles have maximum weight limits that are set for that vehicles safe breaking capacity and structural load
-Going out overloaded puts you, your horse and other road users at risk
and it is breaking the law
-Remember that it is not just the weight of the horse that you need to consider. It EVERYTHING that you load up - including you
Safe travelling everyone
Experiencing a different kind of horsepower on my day off 💪
On a more positive note I've been to weigh Granby this morning as part of his monitoring for his 2023 Puissance campaign. I'm pleased to report he is on track 🐎⚖️🧐
Thank you all for your patience whilst i get my Autumn diary sorted out. Having been flat out over the spring and early summer I've been on holiday for the past week, re-energising my batteries ready to come and help you track your lovely neddies for the rest of 2023.
I'm refusing to get on the weigh bridge for the next few weeks as all it will show is the results of my over consumption of 🍕🍕🍕
A grazing muzzle I think is needed 😂
Clip below is of a little rain storm we encountered in the amazing city of Venice.
We just 💕 the ones that get themselves onto the weigh bridge
Making the most of bank holiday sunshine and giving my bridge a blasting with the pressure washer and a disinfectant
It's amazing the difference some soap and water can make. This is the next step in the Weighed In development. A few things to sort out before I can share what I'm on with but it is quite exciting 😎