Tall Tails Pet Services

Tall Tails Pet Services Professional dog walking, training, behaviour, boarding, daycare. Qualified. License No.CBCAAL/069

Today a call went out, that I missed due to work commitments, from the Emergency Help Forum. One of our amazing colleagu...

Today a call went out, that I missed due to work commitments, from the Emergency Help Forum.

One of our amazing colleagues in this industry had sustained an injury to hand and wrist.

As he cared for his pack, he sent out an alert and several of the Help Squad got to him to provide First Aid and return the pups to their homes.

As he sits in A and E his only WhatsApps to the group are about the welfare of the pups.

No mention of how he will be able to work as a self employed person next week.

And that is one of the many reasons that I admire, respect and love the folks that love, admire and respect your fur family.

Our established clients already know but just as a reminder....We only walk pups up to a 'feels like' temperature of 24 ...

Our established clients already know but just as a reminder....
We only walk pups up to a 'feels like' temperature of 24 degrees
So, pups are walked early or we arrange welfare checks and pop ins.
We are truly sorry for any inconvenience caused but our pups are our first priority

Well, I didn't know I was going to meet up with these Gorgeous women today between dog walks.I'd love to tell you that I...

Well, I didn't know I was going to meet up with these Gorgeous women today between dog walks.

I'd love to tell you that I would have spent time doing my make-up and hair if I'd known.

Sadly though, I know given an hour in front of the mirror or an hour cuddling a dog my self discipline is shot 🤦‍♀️

"I think we can both agree, Ellie, that the youngsters have messed up the garden.""My thoughts exactly Missy. What's to ...

"I think we can both agree, Ellie, that the youngsters have messed up the garden."

"My thoughts exactly Missy. What's to be done?"

"Ah, leave it to the hoomans m'dear."


It started with an email that threatened sending all my contacts my browsing history if I didn't pay x amount into bitcoin....they had a password that I used...until they quoted it.

As my browsing history is dogs, cats, Mountsorrel Spotted, flood alerts....wasn't overly concerned....

But, then, email after email, text after text came through with various alterations on my accounts....

Messenger has been compromised too.

Soooo, please be careful. We have suspended my email and made a number of adjustments to our various accounts.

Our assumption is:

A) The NHS data breach due to my blood tests
B) I created an Instagram account when my son sent me a link
C) I created an uber account

Or none of the above..

Friday, walking with our daycare and boarding pups we heard the usual question..."Are these all your dogs?""No, this is ...

Friday, walking with our daycare and boarding pups we heard the usual question...

"Are these all your dogs?"

"No, this is Missy. She owns us. This is ### who daycares, this is ### who boards" etc etc


"Oh, we always thought they were all your dogs."


"Because of the way you are with them I suppose."

I'll put that to my manager during my 1 to 1....

Being in Pet Services is the greatest privilege but also heartbreaking...Have the most wonderful life in Lincolnshire Da...

Being in Pet Services is the greatest privilege but also heartbreaking...
Have the most wonderful life in Lincolnshire Darling Ruby

We'll miss you, always love you and are so glad that we got to spend time with you. Always in our hearts and memories


Well, today was an interesting one....

We are closed for personal and professional development training but....

As I walked our dog, Missy, I was challenged by a fellow walker who saw me step over some old dog poo (I was holding Missy's poo bag in my hand)

"Aren't you going to clean that up?"


"It's your job! It's been there since early this morning!"

Well actually, yes, we do often find ourselves cleaning up after other pups whose humans have missed it when we are walking our pack/s.

But it's not actually our job. It's our conscience.

And, frankly, today I just wanted to focus on Missy.


Tall Tails is closed for personal and professional development training from 6pm 17th May until 7am 28th May.

Pups are so frequently misunderstood ...This pup is so careful of his matriarch...His body language is saying...."You ok...

Pups are so frequently misunderstood ...

This pup is so careful of his matriarch...

His body language is saying....

"You okay? Sure? Do you mind if I sit with you for a while?"

She's saying "You take a nap Sweetheart, I'll keep an eye on things for a while."

The staffie is more than content just leaving things to them 🙄


A dear friend and mentor has decided to give up being in petcare.

Why? Because she charges £25 per pup for daycare. (She's open from 7.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m.)

She does courses in canine first aid at £40 to £60 per course, pays £200 + per year on insurance, pays for her licence, lives the guidelines, ensures the time needed for paperwork, inoculations, vet checks etc are up to date, pays for risk assessments, controls environment, educates, spends early hours and late nights checking the weather forecast and constantly replanning, rescheduling, updating etc.

And that's before you factor in the additional costs of electricity, gas, laundry, fuel.

She's paid for wear and tear on her home, garden and vehicle. She's bought 💩 bags, treats, laundered, bathed, walked and cared for.

She's responded to client concerns late in the evening and early in the morning.

And yet, when she needed to put her price up to £25, one of her clients said it was too much.

During this exchange, the client's window cleaner interrupted to say his charges were going up from £26 to £30.

He'd been there for 20 minutes.

The client agreed to the increase from the window cleaner.

It was at that point that one of the most devoted people I have ever met decided that she had to leave a lifestyle she loved.

She said a tearful farewell to the pup and walked away.

She rang her other clients and explained that she was done.

She rang me and tried, so hard, not to cry on the phone.

That was the hardest call I have ever taken as a "colleague" of some of the most wonderful, caring folks I have ever had the privilege to meet.

I promised I wouldn't mention your name. I won't but I would like the family I have on Facebook to know that, without you, your love, support and guidance we would still be dreaming rather than doing.

Thank you for everything you are.

I truly hope you reconsider. We'll be here for you whatever you decide to do.

With love and devotion....

The other day I was asked what it was like to love and care for other folks non human family. Short answer..."Blessed"

The other day I was asked what it was like to love and care for other folks non human family.

Short answer..."Blessed"

Over the last few years, in particular today, I've seen social media about folks not always understanding about pups. Si...

Over the last few years, in particular today, I've seen social media about folks not always understanding about pups.

Simon and I grew up in different parts of Africa where it was part of our curriculum.

I know that, as kids, my sibs and I were required to learn how to communicate with pups in a gentle way so that we could pet, snuggle, love and yet our pups would also alert us to danger (we lived in the bush about 20/30 minutes walking distance from our nearest township) and react, safely, under directions.

We always needed our pups to come back to us to protect them from harm.

We protected them and they protected us.

Along with the usual hazards of bush life, we were also a country that suffered from war and guerrilla threat.

Frankly, one of our stray rescue kittens (Mum called him Tiddles 🤦‍♀️) turned out to be a cross breed with a native wild cat. Not sure which but Tiddles growled...he was about the size of a beagle....he was the one that most folks were scared of.

Soft as putty with his family but a tyrant outside of that....we were asked to 'house' him whilst our dogs were ok to run free when we had guests or work folks.

We are so respectful of all our fur, fin and spikey friends because, along with our love, we know that for every breath we will have, they will have less.

And, no matter how much we love, we will be loved more.

What a privilege

Leicester may have won against West Brom but this is the look Simon gives me when I tell him that the pup on his lap is ...

Leicester may have won against West Brom but this is the look Simon gives me when I tell him that the pup on his lap is about to be picked up after his sleepover....

I'd like to give a massive shout out to my fellow walkers, petsitters, boarders, daycarers, trainers, behaviourists etc....

I'd like to give a massive shout out to my fellow walkers, petsitters, boarders, daycarers, trainers, behaviourists etc....

This profession is full of supportive 'competitors'.

We have an unusual business model/industry...we spend our time communicating with each other. We laugh, share, support and cry together.

What you may not know is that we are often called out to rescue strays, help locate missing pups/felines, do emergency first aid pre vet visit without expecting any acknowledgement or recompense.

When someone shows us appreciation for something we did from a genuine desire to help we are so humbled.

None of us would do anything but respond if we can.

What a privilege to work within a community that is what they say they are....

Today, I was chatting to a neighbour about our Darling Murphy (daycare, walking and occasional boarding companion)In pas...

Today, I was chatting to a neighbour about our Darling Murphy (daycare, walking and occasional boarding companion)

In passing I said that I had told Murphy's human about his last interaction with our neighbour....which was hilarious.

Our neighbour loved that we talk about 'humans' rather than owners.

Well, we have a huge responsibility to and for our dogs, cats, fish, rabbits, hedgehogs etc but

What we don't do is 'own'.....

Owning is the fridge, microwave, bed....not a breathing individual.

If that is my dog, cat, fish, rabbit....

Then I am their human....

I'm fairly certain that, if anything, they own me, more than I them 🙄

Before Missy was a year old we were informed, by the vet, that her life expectancy was four and a half due to her ongoin...

Before Missy was a year old we were informed, by the vet, that her life expectancy was four and a half due to her ongoing health conditions.

We researched extensively and ended up chatting with folks at Natural World in Syston.

On their recommendation, we changed her diet.

Frankly, there wasn't a heap to lose and so much to gain.

So, twelve years on, she's alert, happy, loving and so much more (though, recently, sometimes struggles with mobility when she's been snoozing in one position for any length of time)

Reality check here.....

By speaking to a well established, trained and customer focused team, our Darling Girl has had....as of writing....8 years longer than diagnosed.

What's it like having 'Boarders'...?Well, you don't always get much of a nights sleep.So....a Nana Nap may be in order o...

What's it like having 'Boarders'...?

Well, you don't always get much of a nights sleep.

So....a Nana Nap may be in order on occasion.

Simon headed off for a doze earlier....along with one of our Darling Daycare Pups that needed a snooze too

If any of you agree, and therefore wouldn’t mind signing and sharing the link that would be awesome.

If any of you agree, and therefore wouldn’t mind signing and sharing the link that would be awesome.

I petition for the ban of electric shock collars due to the harmful effects they can have.

Does it matter if you love and it's not reciprocated?I have had the absolute pleasure of loving so many folks, animals. ...

Does it matter if you love and it's not reciprocated?

I have had the absolute pleasure of loving so many folks, animals.

Frankly, I am just thrilled to have met, known, learned from and been entranced by so many wonderful beings.....human or not.

Truly loving, for me, is the best part of breathing

Really quite excited and hopeful!Over the last few months Simon and I have been looking at ways in which our clients can...

Really quite excited and hopeful!

Over the last few months Simon and I have been looking at ways in which our clients can have a stress free, pet filled mini break/staycation.

On Sunday, we will be taking Missy to view various locations.

Our preference is lots of 'sniffy' areas. Woodland, water but also family friendly and, ideally, within a 2 hour car journey.

We'll keep you updated.

A candle for our Precious Lad.  Night, night Darling Douglas. Sleep tight Sweetheart ###

A candle for our Precious Lad. Night, night Darling Douglas. Sleep tight Sweetheart ###


To all our clients and friends...
We wish you a wonderful Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year


In order for small businesses to keep their prices low they need invoices to be paid in a timely fashion. Cash flow avoids overdraft fees that need to be passed on.

The beast of a man I call my husband....Is currently bedridden with a virus. As an ex rugby player, he's had almost as m...

The beast of a man I call my husband....

Is currently bedridden with a virus.

As an ex rugby player, he's had almost as many broken bones as I've had Gin and Tonics....

Sooooo, quite a few.

He's the person who comes home from miles of walks and needs to be persuaded not to "drill another chuffing (or similar word) hole" in our house while I am doing the next walks.

The amount of times 🤦‍♀️

But now I am witnessing the man who'll keep going, fragile and frail in a way I have never seen.

This virus is ruthless.

Please take care folks.

As usual, we are keeping an eye on the weather, road conditions and appropriate walking areas to keep our clients inform...

As usual, we are keeping an eye on the weather, road conditions and appropriate walking areas to keep our clients informed and our pups safe.

This is our local, go to, site.

Fred.....oi FRED!!!When I suggested Eau de Toilette for your 15th Birthday.....THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!! 🤦‍♀️

Fred.....oi FRED!!!

When I suggested Eau de Toilette for your 15th Birthday.....



What's it like to be in pet services?

Well, if the 5am alarm wakes you it's because the cat isn't already sitting on your head or a pup doesn't want you to let them out/play/have breakfast....

So, bonus!

You may, like us, have 4 weekends off in the year.

You may, also like us, be thinking about what will make your hair, fur, fin, prickle friend know they are safe, loved and be happy.

You'll smell and look like a sewer rat before most folk have had a morning shower.


Big but.....

You'll love and be loved by the most wonderful beings.

And you will get to witness the joy they find in every moment......


This year we have been guided, again, by our amazing clients
And so our Christmas budget has been allocated to the PDSA & RSPCA.


On Saturday Simon and I went to refresh our canine first aid.
Mel, our trainer, was amazing and we are thrilled to be re qualified


2 The Green, Mountsorrel

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 6pm
Tuesday 7am - 6pm
Wednesday 7am - 6pm
Thursday 7am - 6pm
Friday 7am - 6pm
Saturday 7am - 1pm





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