If you think that your dog could be a potential blood donor, please read this post…
We are looking to update our in house blood donor list😇
What does that mean?
Donating blood could possibly save a life of a patient in need of a blood transfusion. Most of our blood products are kindly supplied by a well known charity “Pet Blood Bank”… but of course, Pet Blood Bank can only supply the products if they have them, and unfortunately the donor list is not never ending and is dependent on demand… that means we sometimes have to look for donors closer to home when a patient is in crisis.
So what are we looking for?
We are looking for dogs that meet the following criteria whose owners would be willing to offer them as a potential blood donor. The criteria for a blood donor is as follows;
🩸 dogs aged 1-8 years
🩸 fit, healthy and confident
🩸 fully vaccinated
🩸 has not travelled outside of the UK
🩸 no known medical conditions and not on medication
🩸 25kg or over
There are certain breeds that are more favourable, and this is due to them having a DEA 1 negative blood type which is the desired blood type. Only 30% of dogs have a DEA 1 negative blood type! These breeds include;
🐶 Airedale terrier, boxer, Doberman, flat coat retriever, German shepherd, weimeraner and many more.
We have a current list of potential dog blood donors, but we are looking to *hopefully* update and extend this list to allow more flexibility when finding a donor.
If you think your dog could be the perfect fit, and want to know more, please call either of our practices and speak to one of our nurses to find out more😃
There will be future patients who will be SUPER grateful, and as will we as a practice for your support⭐️ (how amazing to say that your pet has potentially saved another much loved pet in need!)
Please share to spread the word!🩸 and if you want to find out more about Pet Blood Bank, you can do so by following the link:
Pet Blood Bank UK helps vets to save lives by providing a blood service for pets.