Well it’s taken a while to post. The Dodson household got struck down by lurgy this past week. I wanted to post our thanks to everyone who came and supported the Crufts semi-finals and Dog of the Year competition. Boy was it lot of work but so so worth it! The atmosphere was amazing and you could see the immense amount of work everyone had put into their routines for this special event. Such a great day with brilliant performances at all levels. Very proud of the FoF, PnM and CFGB team for pulling it off ☺️
To say I am proud of the Forest Oak crew is an understatement. The family pulled out all the stops to make the day a success and every single club member did us proud in the ring. Everyone helped each other give the best they could on the day. Thank you all, you know who you are 🙏🏻
As for the , wow so so proud to have qualified my girl, Nia, for the Crufts Finals for the first time. I was just thrilled to be back in the ring after missing most of 2023 and able to start exploring her true potential! This one is for you Kathie Kinton and Dave ❤️
After such a tumultuous end to last year, with Legend’s health taking another downwards spiral, we did not know if he would make it back to competing let alone vying for a place at Crufts. I could not have been happier to see him back, strutting his stuff, in the ring with his (and my) mum Carole Dodson. Not only that coming third in the qualifiers and getting through to the crufts Finals!
Fame deserves a special mention. She was a little super star on the day. As the smallest competitor in the HTM semi-finals (size not personality) to be so close to a qualifying position was a real credit to mum’s skill and dedication. Showing that HTM is not just for big dogs and collies 😉 - Annette Leslie you would have loved it 🥰
I will leave it there apart from congratulating every single person who took part and making it a very inspiring and motivating experience.
Credit to Richard Moss Furtography for the fab photos 🤗