New Forest Dog Training Academy

New Forest Dog Training Academy Kind, compassionate, force free dog training in the New Forest

Why don't I run dog training classes at weekends in the summer?!  You will find me chasing dreams all over the UK! This ...

Why don't I run dog training classes at weekends in the summer?! You will find me chasing dreams all over the UK! This weekend I was lucky enough to catch my biggest dream EVER! Don't give up on your dreams with your dogs - No matter how complicated / impossible you think that dream may be.....You never know where the journey will take you!!!

Obedience Champion Caldonbeck Perfect Storm

This weekend, the final piece of our obedience jigsaw slotted into place….

The dream began many years ago to win one “green edged” Championship Certificate, to follow my childhood dream of standing on the green carpet at Crufts with this incredible soul standing by my side, once the impossible became possible, the journey continued, dreaming bigger and daring to try to reach the ultimate destination…. Storm gaining his Obedience Champion title.

A heart felt thank you to Kate McCartney who awarded Storm his obedience “crown” – My first ticket dog and now he has been awarded this incredible title. My smile is getting bigger, I am floating on a cloud that will last forever…

My heart skips a beat every time I see his incredible rosette and his final green card, I am so blessed to have this incredible once in a lifetime dog. Storm has taken me on this incredible journey, adventures to some beautiful parts of the country and for this, I am so very grateful.
Our destination has been reached for this year, time to rest, reset and plan for Crufts 2025!

THANK YOU to everyone who has been part of our journey - The kindness on Saturday was overwhelming, the sound of the cheer made more tears flow, the messages, gifts, cards and phone calls are all appreciated and incredibly kind.
So, until Crufts 2025.

Time for Storm to enjoy life in the New Forest while the sun shines -for me, time to make memories for the rest of the year with my daughter- The mummy guilt is finally fading away…

Dream BIG and don’t give up.

Batman – Meet Robin! 🦸‍♂️When you have been used to being a superhero for over four years and then a little brother (AKA...

Batman – Meet Robin! 🦸‍♂️

When you have been used to being a superhero for over four years and then a little brother (AKA Robin) arrives!

It’s tricky trying to train a side kick- especially when they follow you everywhere and struggle with the superhero handbook of social etiquette, especially toileting outside!

Partnerships take time to develop, often it can be challenging to juggles the needs of a puppy and an adult dog. Burley has taken it all in his big stride even when Bunsen attempts to suckle in areas that aren’t designed to be suckled! 🙈

Bunsen’s puppy consultation focused on how to build a positive relationship with Burley, how to help them both build confidence without each other and for Bunsen to begin exploring out and about with Batman- Although his vaccination course is not complete and weighing 10kg his owners are busy looking for a Batmobile! A big doggy stroller to help him explore Gotham city! 🚔

Developing safe foundations early on in a multi dog family is important-especially when introducing a puppy in the home with an adult dog- It won't be long before Batman and Robin will become and inseparable duo! 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️

Oh no!!!!!!!! - Honestly I'm a really good boy Michelle 🤎When your Dad's away for a few months,  it's time to keep Mum o...

Oh no!!!!!!!! - Honestly I'm a really good boy Michelle 🤎

When your Dad's away for a few months, it's time to keep Mum on her toes!

Cheeky Nelson has begun to exhibit really uncharacteristic behaviours which are due to changes in routine within the home..

He has begun to exhibit signs of separation distress when his Mum leaves along with a new dislike of black Labradors! Out and about he has sudden developed "selective deafness" especially when his doggy playmates are hanging around!

We have begun to address his change in routine, helping Nelson to settle and relax within in the home, reducing his need to follow his mum to the toilet!...Out and about we have begun to help Nelson become more engaged and focused on his recall cues! 🤎

💙 Anxiety and worry ..... Being brave - Little Dash💙Dash can sometimes be over whelmed when life around him becomes busy...

💙 Anxiety and worry ..... Being brave - Little Dash💙

Dash can sometimes be over whelmed when life around him becomes busy, unpredictable, especially around bigger dogs- He has learnt over time, that to get his mum's attention, he scratches legs, pulls on clothing which results in him being lifted up and protected from life...💙

Pawing and scratching at legs is painful and often a common anxiety behaviour for small dogs, it helps them achieve the attention that they need at that moment...

We have begun to help build confidence when out and about with lots of awesome food games and searches, we have given him lots of new behaviours to help him cope in the big wide world and importantly he has learnt that scratching is hard work when simply sitting still mean he has some incredible rewards! 💙💙

Go Dash and show the world how brave you are 💙

Tiggy 💛  Being home alone is not like the movie! Learning about being brave and confident when owners leave is hard- it ...

Tiggy 💛 Being home alone is not like the movie!

Learning about being brave and confident when owners leave is hard- it can seem like the end of the world, often, dogs will bark, whine, destroy the house in a desperate attempt to ease their distress... Just like any behaviour, it can be adjusted and modified over time with systematic training / planning and small steps at a time...

Tiggy barks! A lot! when she is left and it's getting louder.. Over the last four years she has never been left alone and the emotional bond to her owner is strong..

We have begun the training journey to help Tiggy.. It's a long journey learning about Netflix, relaxing on the sofa and eating popcorn ( not really! 🤣) Tiny little steps of learning to relax have begun.... 💛

Off into the big wide world to show off their pawsome puppy skills🐾Five weeks has fly by! Once again a really lovely gro...

Off into the big wide world to show off their pawsome puppy skills🐾
Five weeks has fly by! Once again a really lovely group of puppies and their owners have been busy mastering the foundations of life with a puppy!

High five to our new Kennel Club Puppy Foundation Graduates -

Barney 💜
Willow 💜
Sandy 💜
Willow 💜
Eddie 💜
Teddy ( Who decided not to pose for his photo!) 💜

The next course begins on the 29th August - One space remaining 💜

Next Puppy Classes - Thursday 29th August 2024! Booking form and details below! What makes our classes different… (if tr...

Next Puppy Classes - Thursday 29th August 2024! Booking form and details below!

What makes our classes different… (if training with Michelle isn’t enough!) 😆
⭐️Our classes our designed to be low stress for both puppies and owners!
⭐️We specialise in small groups – Maximum of six puppies, allowing for puppies to get to know their classmates in a controlled environment, designed to boost confidence rather than being overwhelming, noisy and busy!
⭐️Having small classes allow for more individual assistance, you get to know your classmates. Providing “closed” classes mean that for the five week of training we don’t introduce new puppies- It’s the same puppy buddies each week.
⭐️You and your puppy will complete the Kennel Club Puppy Foundation Award – a recognised syllabus covering basic training including skills for life!
⭐️Without any doubt, the training methods used are kind, compassionate, force free, using lots of varying rewards and FUN!
⭐️We pride ourselves on the personal touch, informal and friendly indoor classes – We get to know you and your puppy, always on hand for any questions and we provide support between classes (also, I have more puppy experience than Google! No more late nights searching the internet for help! )

⭐️[email protected]

You're gorgeous Bernie 💙 Bernie had been showing reactive behaviour, barking, lunging in various locations, usually in r...

You're gorgeous Bernie 💙

Bernie had been showing reactive behaviour, barking, lunging in various locations, usually in relation to things that move! Not very often and very sporadically, he like to bark at Joggers, cyclists and children on scooters! He also like to use his voice, barking for attention and while defending his castle! 💙

Bernie has been checked to see if his behaviour could be related to pain and given the all clear - He was referred on for training modification.

Bernie is stunning boy, he is also a sensitive soul, and likes his own space, and this includes being stroked by strangers, he will be more than happy for physical touch when he is ready..💙

We have begun to help Bernie learn more about the moving objects and importantly our session included a training walk, so that his mum feels confident in helping him, learning all about engage and disengage games, keeping Bernie in his safe zone, what to do when he feels worried... He was an absolute superstar!💙

I'm looking forward to hearing all about Bernie's stress free adventures over the summer!

Fantastic Flora! 🌻Tenacious Flora loves her own space and has become increasing determined to keep her space free of jog...

Fantastic Flora! 🌻

Tenacious Flora loves her own space and has become increasing determined to keep her space free of joggers, cyclists and other dogs! She has become more vocal and often lunges at the demons to keep her space free!

On her walks she takes the lead, exploring the environment and her behaviour is influenced by lots of smells and wildlife, she loves squirrels and birds! She considers her owners a hinderance as they often spoil her fun, so she has learnt that selective deafness works well! 🐰

We have begun to enhance the foundations in training, fun, play relationship building, using food rewards and toys, importantly having fun out in the big wide world! We are also beginning to help Flora become calm in the presence of all the triggers that she finds scary…

Our first success, a fabulous game of tuggy and “killing” the tuggy toy in true terrier style, all while walking on the forest! A great start on Flora’s new training journey. ❤

Arty... Understanding behavioural spectrums in dogs...Is it a "thing"? As a trainer, over the years, I have met so many ...

Arty... Understanding behavioural spectrums in dogs...Is it a "thing"?

As a trainer, over the years, I have met so many dogs that just don't "get it, simple tasks become challenging, a lack in clarity in training and not breaking down behaviours into tiny steps result in confusion, changes in routine results in stress behaviours - some dogs avoid engaging in training, running away from situations that they just don't understand - often labelled as stubborn, independent or goofy! 😔

Research is available looking into autism in children and similar behavioural patterns in dogs.. It's a fascinating subject and I do believe that some dogs are on a ADHD / Autistic spectrum... Me and Arty's mum has this very conversation...🧠

Arty has extreme fear of the car... (it may not be the "car" it could be the darkness of the boot, the height to jump in , the smell, the visual obscurity - that's not even adding movement and the journey into the mix!!) He frequently disengages with any training and takes himself off.. He is worries by sounds and changes in routine, the environment causes stress and his not keen on Labradors or French bulldogs! 💡

We have have begun training Arty to simply engage with the car, get close to the car, explore, feet on the bumper- he has the freedom to choose, engage or go ..No pressure.. The entire process is broken down into tiny wins.. small stages, clear criteria with reward delivery using a marker (clicker) lots of success, reduced emotional conflict... He was AWESOME- for the initial session - numerous light bulb moment when you see him "get it".... The behavioural chain formed, to the car, feet on the bumper and jump in and slowly build duration.....

I lOVE ❤️ dogs like Arty - The live in a special sensory world, with the incredible ability to learn if taught in the way in which they understand....❤️

Always follow your gut feelings....💡Little Aggie has travelled from Essex to have an in person training session.. She is...

Always follow your gut feelings....💡

Little Aggie has travelled from Essex to have an in person training session.. She is a reactive little soul to dogs - She is a rescue dog who had in the past used as a breeding bitch 😔)

Back at home, her owners have been attending reactive dog classes especially for dogs that are reactive towards other dogs, the classes are large, in a field, all the dogs are muzzled and the training ethos has been for her to "get use to dogs" by walking past them- Twice she has been "attacked" by dogs that have slipped their lead ( even wearing muzzles the dogs would pin her down!! 😡😡😡😡) The owners "didn't feel right" about the methods and over twenty sessions later - little Aggie made no improvement and did not want to go.. ( Not really a surprise)

These training methods are outdated and dangerous and will not work - Just imagine being scare of spiders and the answer to your fear is to place you in a room with hundreds of spiders! 🕷

Our session began with an understanding of how Aggie feels about dogs, how to adjust her emotional feelings in relation to the presence of dogs, understanding her safe space, beginning to desensitise her to dogs, engage and disengage games and finally...... Not all dogs need doggy friends! She is happy alone, doing her own thing and has a fully enriched life...This little soul is happy in her doggy free bubble and this is how it will stay....

We won't ever burst her safety bubble! 🫧🫧

What a boy!!! STORM 💙💙It's tricky when your this handsome, full of love and willing to share the love with other people ...

What a boy!!! STORM 💙💙

It's tricky when your this handsome, full of love and willing to share the love with other people and dogs...BUT people find you just a little intimidating running full speed ahead ready to play smaller dogs! 💙 His love is often not gratefully receive...😌

We have begun to help Storm realise that coming back means he can share his love with us 💙 ( and have fun!) He has begun to learn that watching other dogs and not needing to join in is even more fun! we have begun using a longline, learning engage and disengage games and lots of play / seeking games on the beach...

Awesome work Storm! 💙

Archie 🍾 Like a bottle of fizziness!  Archie loves to do the Zoomies!! 🌪Puppy zoomies! The posh term is Frenetic Random ...

Archie 🍾 Like a bottle of fizziness!

Archie loves to do the Zoomies!! 🌪

Puppy zoomies! The posh term is Frenetic Random Activity Periods' or FRAPs

If you’re a puppy owner, it’s likely you’re well versed in the sudden bursts of energy that have puppies spinning like tornados and doing laps around the coffee table like it’s an Olympic track. But have you ever paused to wonder, what are they doing exactly?

Although it’s caused by excess energy build-up, there are a few occasions that are likely to cause a FRAP, including:

🌪Just before bed: your puppy may be trying to blow off steam before a longer period of rest

🌪After a bath: puppies may experience an adrenaline rush after bathing and may either feel relief that they’re out of the bath or are trying to dry off (or perhaps both)

🌪After eating: this is particularly common with very food orientated puppies

🌪During a training session: sometimes when we’re trying to teach our puppies something and they’re not quite getting it, it can lead to a build-up of nervous energy

Enjoy the zoomies! Sit back and smile - in your dog's golden years you will miss them...

Just the most perfect collie name - JIM! ❤Jim is a typical working sheepdog and a handsome ickle fella! He has strong co...

Just the most perfect collie name - JIM! ❤

Jim is a typical working sheepdog and a handsome ickle fella! He has strong collie genes, very independent, sensitive and coming as no surprise a clever cookie too! 🍪

Our puppy consultation has begun to focus on reducing some of the typical collie behaviours from developing - Sound sensitivity, exposure to livestock and moving vehicles ( and children!) along with how to begin to reduce Jim's tendency to nip ( and attack the broom in the garden!) 🐑

Genes are genes... There is no magic wand to stop genetic behaviours developing. Simply appreciate the way your puppy is made and understand what years of selective breeding has achieved.. A puppy with a pre-programmed purpose!

So... " let's just get this straight- You want me to go inside the fabric play pen, be lavished with a lickimat, treats ...

So... " let's just get this straight- You want me to go inside the fabric play pen, be lavished with a lickimat, treats and that's it?! - Why would I want to come back out again?! TEDDY ❤

Day two of being home and this confident little chap has made himself at home, settled in really well and taken everything in his little stride.... except getting use to his fabric playpen...

A puppy consultation session later and little Teddy loves his new little home inside his home 🏠

Thank you 💐For over eight years our puppy classes have provided puppies with a unique training environment, specialising...

Thank you 💐

For over eight years our puppy classes have provided puppies with a unique training environment, specialising in small classes and a pawfect introduction to building the foundations in training that will last a life time...

Many puppies move onto the puppy improver course adding more life skills along the way to help them adapt to this very busy human world!

More and more new dog trainers are popping up locally, copying class format, designs and offer considerably reduced fees- I feel flattered that my business model is blooming! I am eternally grateful that so many puppy owners entrust me to help them on their puppy journey 💐

This month are awesome puppy graduate flourished! Congratulations to

Margo 💐
Sunny 💐
Ruby 💐
Maya 💐
Salty 💐

And a BIG heartfelt thank you to the puppy improvers class and the lovely gesture of flowers! THANK YOU

Sadie 💐
Jasper 💐
Wilba 💐

The next Kennel Club Puppy Foundation Award classes begin on the 13th June 7pm in Pennington...

Booking details -

Oh Barnaby ❤️It's a hard life being so cute! Its even harder to keep smiling when his needle sharp teeth are busy nippin...

Oh Barnaby ❤️

It's a hard life being so cute! Its even harder to keep smiling when his needle sharp teeth are busy nipping and biting!

Our Puppy Consultation focused upon why nipping and biting occurs, importantly just like young children, puppies can get frustrated and irritable when they don't get enough sleep!
Barnaby is a very busy puppy and spends a lot of time hanging out with the other dogs in the family, he catches forty winks here and there but get up to follow around his human family too.. He is one very busy puptser!

Adjusting his daily routine will make time for a battery recharge is paramount, allowing him to sleep soundly and awake feeling refreshed! 💤

We explored the importance of textures to chew, cooperative handling, routines and techniques to help when those pesky teeth keep coming back for more! 🦈

QUICK!!!!! Just in time....📷ROLO 🤎 Just a sweet as chocolate....🍫 Half cocker, half springer and genetically,  his  jump...

QUICK!!!!! Just in time....📷

ROLO 🤎 Just a sweet as chocolate....🍫

Half cocker, half springer and genetically, his jumping ability matches that of a kangaroo!! He does spend a lot of time jumping on his hind legs saying Hello.

His adorable chocolate brownie centre has affected his ability to recall back to his owner and he pops marshmallows into his ears so he can't hear anyone calling him...

Not everyone falls for those heart melting eyes and it's getting him into trouble...

He is such a clever soul - Loves to learn and we have now begun to add clarity into his training - Making training very clear using a clicker / markers to really focus on those moments of genius! We have begun teaching him that jumping up and then sitting doesn't result in a reward.. But sitting or offering nose touch to his hand will (all without jumping first!) He nailed it!

Playing tuggy games, food finds and rapid response recall are the best fun in the entire chocolate factory! 🍫🍫

🤎 A great start in Rolo's new training journey 🤎

Amber and Bela 🧡  I love a double act! I love the antics, clever attention seeking behaviours and simply copying each ot...

Amber and Bela 🧡

I love a double act! I love the antics, clever attention seeking behaviours and simply copying each other as it's the coolest thing to do! You can't help but smile living in a multidog household!

Amber and Bela are the most adorable "double act"- Sometimes they can double up on naughtiness which involves barking, lots of kissing of guests and barking when guests leaves - Obviously everyone comes to the house to offer an abundance of love to the girls only...🧡

Being home alone can also result in barking- Setting up a camera in the initial stage help identify what triggers the vocalisation..

We have begun to help Amber and Bela learn some boundary training when guest arrive, how barking is acknowledge but not rewarded, using a clicker / marker in training and how making the right choices result in some yummy rewards! 🧡

I'm so looking forward to continuing to help these these beautiful girls on their training journey. 🧡



New Classes 🍎 Puppy Pre-School 🍎Do you have a young puppy and looking to begin expanding your knowledge and your new pup...

New Classes 🍎 Puppy Pre-School 🍎

Do you have a young puppy and looking to begin expanding your knowledge and your new puppy's experiences in safe hands?

Our new classes are designed as a vital early stage of socialisation with an emphasis on you learning to help your puppy learn about life in a fun and safe environment. We will look at safe puppy play with other puppies, building confidence and resilience with fun experiences along with learning the building blocks in training!

We will focus on not just the very basics in training but helping you learn so much about life with puppies- from developing routines, co- operative handling, veterinary care, and lots of interactive quizzes /discussions to really help you become the best puppy owners in the New Forest!

🍎The course runs for four weeks- each week covering a new area of your puppies life, such a teething , dental care, through to car travel and crate games!

🍎For puppies from 8 weeks to 16 weeks

🍎 Safe and clean indoor environment - No other dogs trainers use our hall ensuring that our floors are cleaned with high level veterinary disinfectant

🍎 Our pre-school classes are an ideal introduction to life leading onto our Kennel Club Puppy Foundation Award classes

🍎 Only five puppies ( The same puppies each week)

Classes begin on the 16th of May

🍎 Get in touch to find out more!

I ❤️ this post.....

I ❤️ this post.....

Loving your dog is easy. Being passionate about the trials is easy.
Success is hard.
Improvement doesn’t happen overnight yet, with the first 2 in place + a growth mindset, you’re well set up to help success happen.

There are 5 traits that come up time and time again that can setback handler/dog teams and there are 6 things you can do to unlock you and your dogs full potential……

Setback traits include:

1. Fear of failure
2. Perfectionism (“perfect is the enemy of good”)
3. Focusing on results, rather than the process
4. Expectations are too high or too low
5. Lack of self awareness

Losing your ego and being humble does away with much of this pretty well.

When you realize if you’re not at the top, very few are watching, you don’t need to be self conscious.
‘Perfect’ isn’t attainable. Not for you, your dog or anyone else, full stop. If you strive for perfection, rather than greatness, you’ll put unrealistic and unfair expectations on your dog, likely spoil a good bit of his enjoyment, risk losing his confidence and miss lots of joy along the way.
Everyone wants to do well with their dog but some don’t want to hear that it takes years of study and dedication to be successful.
It’s the work that leads to the results.
If your expectations are too high, see losing ego above. If your expectation are too low, you’ll not reach your potential, but because you’re humble, hopefully you’ll realize that by trying, you’re already more of a champion than anyone sitting on the fence criticizing and in turn raise expectations.
Self awareness is about honest assessment. Once you can do that for yourself and for your dog, you can get help developing areas in which you or he are not inherently talented. It provides direction and is a key to improvement.

6 Tips to unlock full potential + improve your partnership:

1. Practice consistently and with intention: Clearly outline the objective of the training session bf you start. Focus on specific skills (not just ‘exercise’ for your dog). It’ll not only improve your handling but prepare your mind to react as you recognize situations, even subconsciously. It’ll also grow you and your dogs confidence.(If its not working, you might have to take a step back or revisit fundamentals)

2. Set goals: Make them specific and measurable. If you have lots of goals, sift through them. Try to limit it to 3 at a time.

3. Get feedback: From coaches, trainers, or experienced handlers to help identify areas for improvement. Get an experts input for a new exercise or next steps. It’ll help with motivation.

4. Fundamentals: Mastering the fundamentals is essential. It makes learning the more complex aspects easier and elevates your dogs confidence.

5. Watch and learn: Watch videos of yourself. Objectively. Videoing your training sessions and well as your trials can help immeasurably. It’ll influence both your goal setting and your motivation. Also watch accomplished handlers, study techniques and strategies. Get help from an expert; always be learning.

6. Believe. In yourself and your dog. Follow a proven methodology and believe in the process. Believe in the work. Believe there is not one definition of success and believe that you and your dog will be successful!

This happen to one of my collies many years ago at a dog club by an instructor -in the bottle was diluted vinegar to mak...

This happen to one of my collies many years ago at a dog club by an instructor -in the bottle was diluted vinegar to make it sting more!
Needless to say - after the shock at the speed this instructor physically “abused” my collie - I never returned

Spray Bottles!

When people tell me they use one, it's always done under a precursor of a threat to do it, before then following through.

They offer a warning, which means they know that the dog is not going to like being sprayed.

The question I have is, what does this actually achieve.

Yes it might stop the dog from say barking, at that moment in time, but if it REALLY changed the dogs behaviour long term then why would you keep needing to use it?

Also, how would you feel about someone spraying you in the face, seriously, its a good job our dogs are way more tolerant and forgiving than humans!

There is also a good chance you could make the behaviour you are correcting worse.

Example: Your dog barks at other dogs, you spray them. They don't think their behaviour was inappropriate, they start to link other dogs with being sprayed in the face, they bark more to keep them away to avoid being sprayed.

Spray bottles are a tool that should be used for watering plants and wetting hair, NOT for " training" a dog!!

If anyone tells you it's all about timing and how and when you use it, spray THEM in the face and see how they feel.

Oh we had some giggles!! 😉  New Puppy Graduates! ❤I'm so lucky- Not only to have the most delightful puppies attend pupp...

Oh we had some giggles!! 😉 New Puppy Graduates! ❤

I'm so lucky- Not only to have the most delightful puppies attend puppy training classes but also some incredibly lovely owners too! You all make the evenings fun with the added touch of lots of humour, giggles and that competitive edge! Thank you!

The role of graduation honours go to.......

Hamish ❤
Jasper ❤
Ziggy ❤
Sadie ❤
Pedro ❤

And lovely Wilba who was on her holidaybobs!

Keep smiling everyone and enjoy those precious puppy moment! 🐾

Augie ⭐Little Augie is a Romanian rescue who did have a really lovely life in a pet home until her family didn't want he...

Augie ⭐

Little Augie is a Romanian rescue who did have a really lovely life in a pet home until her family didn't want her anymore😞

She has found a lovely new family and this little soul is just so loving and very clever!

Being alone is very scary for her, she suffers from separation distress. We have begun the journey of helping Augie settle without having to be on a nice warm lap! A small step on a long learning journey....

This journey is all about building confidence for Augie and learning that being alone is awesome! ❤️


Scentwork UK Workshop! Scentastic Sunday 14th May 10am - 12noon

I have had a lot of enquires about the workshops and Scentwork UK! 🐶 So here is a little taster worskshop!

As always number will be limited and we we aim to cover the main areas in starting scent work!

⭐ Learning to search
⭐ Boxes and luggage
⭐ Vehicle searches ( outside)
⭐ Tables and chairs

Suitable for all ages! The workshop will give your dog time to search, for you to observe other dogs working and learning about the wonderful world of scent work..

Venue - St Marks Community Hall - Pennington

Drop me a meesage if you would like to come along!


2, Island View

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm


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Life with dogs......

I’ve been training dogs for over twenty five years using kind, force free training methods. My passion for dog training began when at the age of nineteen I owned my “dream” dog a Border Collie called Ross. The saying goes that “you never get the dog that you want but the dog that you need!” and this was Ross. I loved the canine sport obedience and began training using a clicker, his love for food and his ball as a reward and he was incredible. We competed all over the UK and reached the highest level in obedience....

Today my training methods have not changed and the success of my boys Storm and Drift continues to reach incredible why become a dog trainer?

As a veterinary nurse, on a daily basis owners would ask for recommendations for “good” dog trainers and advice on dog training. Sadly, some of the advice people were given by trainers was poor, not evidence or science based (learning theory) and very harsh. Colleagues suggested why not set up your own- hence New Forest Dog Training Academy was nurtured and WOW the demand has been incredible.

I became a member of the Institute of Modern dog trainers ( to provide owners with the confidence of a recognised force- free dog trainer who has under gone vigorous assessment to ensure a sound understanding of dog training) I have gained a COAPE canine behavioural qualification and I attend regular continuing education in dog training and behaviour to ensure my knowledge is up to date. I am also a qualified ScentworkUK instructor and next year aiming to run agility training as well.