Stunning baby Sanke from Dragon Ball line #quality koi
Bars of gold, Gin Rin Krashigoi, fast growing super friendly just quality.
Did somebody say just eat!
Sneaky peek at some of this seasons tosai, feeding well and looking great
Some of the better baby koi harvested yesterday
Asagi bred from Oya X ikarashi parents.
Beni kikokuryu and yamatonishki bred from Aoki x Kanno parents.
And Kin Showa bred from Tanaka x Ikarashi parents.
Some of yesterday's little special ones
More of this season's baby koi harvested today,
Some quality Asagi and Doitsu yamatonishki amongst them. These will be over wintered before moving to mud pond next summer to be grown on.
Some of the koi we are keeping from our kin Showa spawning this season.
Sample video of some of the 700 Nisai harvested over the last couple of days. Will be available for sale in shop and on website in next week or 2.
As some of you might be aware we did a grow and show kind of event with a difference, this involved those taking part to grow on a batch of fry from a selected parent set. Those taking part each received about 200 koi fry from 1 parent set at 4 weeks old all at same time, with the aim to grow and select through them for a season to see the development and progress in different environments.
We also kept 200 so we could grow record and show those taking part how ours were doing and which ones we were keeping on each sort through.
Now after 18 weeks we are down to 12 which are shown in video, growth and development has been phenomenal.