Hi , Our own 5 year old baby has been diagnosed with spleen cancer. Her insurance will cover the cost of her surgery, but not the chemotherapy she will need. She is a young and otherwise healthy, much loved family member and we will do anything possible to help her.
I know I am often fundraising for the rescue, but this is different. I am asking from the bottom of my heart for your help, because we just do not have the funds for her chemo. We will throw everything we have at her care plan, but we are going to need help.
KS Angels Rescue have helped around 50 dog in 2024 - many of whom wouldn't be here at all, let alone in their new family, without us. Please help us to save our pup. I don't even have the words to describe how much she means to us
Please donate if you can and share either way to help us save our baby.