The days coaching started like this. Thank you to those who still had their lesson! 💧
Ceillo and Lorain nailing the very useful, turn about the forehand to leg yield exercise.
Getting lighter!
Take care today folks, it’s a bit windy🌪but on the plus side it’s getting lighter! Yay! 😃
Hertfordshire coaching
A wet day coaching yesterday. Thanks to all my clients who braved the weather! Melvin learning his half pass yesterday…one of the dry bits! 😂💧
Another ‘Black Beauty’ from yesterday. Remember stretchy, flexy, reach along way for your carrot guy - Buddy. His carrot stretches paying off. 🥕🐎
What a lovely day to be coaching ☀️Jack and Naomi nailing a pole exercise to help Jack with suppleness and strength, in turn improving his canter.…and Jack looks fabulously shiny in the sunshine! 😮😎
Storm Franklin has felt worse here than Eunice! Hopefully abating soon and coaching can crack on again here in Herefordshire/Worcestershire/Gloucester! 🌪keep safe people.
Happy New Year to all my clients. (Not forgetting those in Herts and Beds!) Wishing you all a happy horsey 2022 🍾🐎
Not a good day to be horsing around! 🌪💦 stay safe everyone!