In case anyone missed the previous post, Mojo is not carrying pups this time. Of course we are very sad as we were hoping for super pups and were looking forward to keeping one which we could show. Next time! I realise that although I film the wet and grey walks too, I somehow never share them. So, here is the weather we have been 'enjoying' for the past three days. Brrrrrrrr. No kidding, I have been wearing my ski jacket, trousers and gloves!!!
We come across a couple of these water 'reservoirs' on the Midsummer Hill walk. They seem to usually form when two or three tree trunks join together. Dogs love to get a drink of rainwater from them as I am sure the birds do too. In the Autumn I remove all the leaves which fall into it. When it freezes over I remove the sheet of ice so the animals in need of a fresh water drink can help themselves to it. It's a sweet little spot and I love tending to it. It's one of those little moments I enjoy on my pawesome dog walk.
On another slightly sad note we found out Mojo isn't carrying pups. It wasn't very obvious to us so it came as quite a surprise. LOL, I was so looking forward to those naughty puppy cuddles. Everyone on a waiting list for a pup has been informed and we feel so overwhelmed with the amount of families who are willing to wait for her second and last possible litter later on this year. Fingers crossed and meantime I'll be sharing our adventures throughout the seasons. Nemi & Lawrence xx
Past the sunset time on The Worcestershire Beacon. Obi is always the impatient one when it comes to treats. Mojo is a proper lady and waits patiently. She knows I cannot resist those eyes.
#aegaeondogs #malvernhills #visitworcestershire #visitmalvern #dogwalk #dogwalks #loveourdogs #bestdogs #dogpeople #dalmatianlove #dalmatianlife #dalmatianbreeder #dalmatianpuppies #hungarianvizsla #vizslagram
Less than a week to go till Mojo is scanned to see if she is in whelp. Meanwhile, she's keeping fit on the Malvern Hills. We had fab weather today too. Who doesn't love sunshine?!
#aegaeondogs #dalmationsofinstagram #dalmatianbreeder #dalmatianpuppies #walkies #winterdogwalks #dogwalk #dogsofinstagram #cutedogs #welltrained #gooddogs #dogrecall
The weather is horrible so I am still in bed looking through all the photos I take but somehow run out of energy to post. have been meaning to post my dog walk maps for a while now. You can clearly see the walks up the hills versus the ones on flat ground! I use a free app called 'Map my walk'. It's fun to see the map contour and how far you have walked.
#mapmywalk #mapmywalkapp #dogwalk #fittnessmotivation #getwalking #malvernhills #visitmalvern
Fender found a stick and a ball on our walk yesterday. He's so funny trying to keep hold of both in his mouth 😂
#aegaeondogs #vizslagram #funnydog #hungarianvizsla #dogwalk #dogantics #walkies
Find a Dalmatian. Watch till the end 🤣
#aegaeondogs #dalmatian #snowday #funny #malvernhills #dogwalk #snowdog #dalmationsofinstagram #dalmatianworld #dally
Happy New Year everyone! I am behind with posting as Christmas got in the way. But have a look into this most amazing dog walk I had on Midsummer Hill on Christmas eve. Malvern Hills are a truly magical place to walk dogs on.
#malvern #malvernhills #visitmalvern #eastnorcastle #visitworcestershire #winterdogwalks #aegaeondogs
Slightly running behind with posting photographs and videos! Seems I take too many. Here is the pack on the North Hills.
#hungarianvizsla #aegaeondogs #lovemydog #snowfun❄️ #snowday❄️ #dalmatianuk #rawfed #malvernhills #winterwalks #dogwalks #vizslagram #flappyears #itsavizslathing #dalmatianadorable
Yes, it's Snow Day!!!
#snowday #snowday❄️ #snowvember #aegaeondogs #dogwalk #winterwalks #winterdogwalks #dalmatianuk #vizslafun #snowfun #snowfun❄️ #dogmumlife #loveourdogs #fourdogfamily #vizslagram #dalmatianworld #Dalmatian
Mum has a tendency of staying up on the hills well after the sun has set. Not that we are complaining.
We covered Swinyard Hill & Midsummer Hill. We covered 4.77km in 1.3 hours. It's a walk and not a race. The biggest surprise was meeting a lovely lady with a dog which size wise was between a Greyhound and whippet. He had a lit up collar and a hi vis coat on. My dogs could not comprehend they actually didn't come face to face with an E.T. First time for everything!
#lateevenigdogwalk #hungarianvizsla #dalmatian_feature #Vizsla #malvernhills #dogwalk #winerishere #Dalmatian
Loved our late evening walk up on the British Camp. Great chats with people with and without dogs.
#britishcamp #malvernhills #dogfriendly #dogwalk #autumndogwalks #autumnvibes🍁 #hungarianvizsla #Dalmatian #vizslagram #dalmatianbreeder #101dalmatians #dally #Vizsla #vizslaobsessed