Out with the mad pup again, here’s her take on the day out 😃 ….
As promised Daddy Mike took me out again this week even though after he asked me not to, otherwise we wouldn’t be going anywhere, I spent the whole evening before our day out randomly barking at walls, windows, doors and especially dogs on the TV for no reason at all 😃
Today I got to see the biggest and smallest puddles I’ve ever seen. Daddy Mike told me the big one was called Carsington Water and the small one was in something called a toilet. I was banned from drinking and paddling in both for reasons to complicated for my puppy mind 🤯
Daddy Mike did finally come through with a request I’ve been barking madly for the past few weeks, a throne for me to sit on 🥳
Unfortunately it wasn’t in my kingdom which he stupidly keeps calling his house but stuck in the middle of a field. I still lorded it up whilst sat there feeling all high and mighty and even though I did sit down .. eventually, it was at my own doings and not at the commands Daddy Mike kept shouting at me!!
At the end of our walk Daddy Mike pulled out all the stops as a reward for my random behavior during our walk with a feast of watermelon, cheese, apple and salt and vinegar chipsticks .. I must misbehave more often if I get this served in an upside down frisbee at the end of a walk 😃
Go Daddy Mike 😘