Ray being Ray ❤️🐶❤️ happy Thursday everyone!
My Brutie - Top Male IG 2024! So proud of this boy! UK Champion & US Grand Champion Jaros Ferazi Et Tu Brute At Sfizimio 😍⭐💗
Ray loving her mini ball pit ❤️🐶❤️ popped into the office today to do some catch up before we reopen after our Christmas break. Lots of parcels ready to leave as soon as the courier comes on Monday ❤️🙏❤️
Ray walking with the big boys ❤️
I hope you’re having a lovely Christmas Eve! We’re taking it very easy and Ray is doing great on our walks … you can see she doesn’t look to me for reassurance as much and gaining in confidence to explore this big wide world! ❤️
Rats first walk
Ray met Brutus and Theo today on a big walk together. I carried her most of the way in a sling just to let her take in all the new sights and sounds. She was a little unsure of the boys at first but she soon grew in confidence and both boys were great with her 😍 So, so far so good! ❤️🐶❤️
Rays first night at home
Well, we finally made it into bed last night around midnight - I really wanted to stay up to try to minimise the jet lag. I have a crate set up for Ray in my bedroom but decided it might be better for both of us if she slept next to me in her airline bag. As you can see it worked a treat. She chewed her chewie for yonks and then finally went to sleep and slept all the way through the night - and no accidents which I was impressed with given she’s only 4 months old 👏👏👏 Today we’ve got a quiet day on our own for her to just take in her new surroundings and tomorrow Ray will meet the boys! Have a great weekend! ❤️🐶❤️
Entertaining Ray on a train
We caught our connecting train to Manchester and we’ve both been fast asleep for the last 2 hours 🤣 Ray has recharged her batteries and is determined to chew the popper studs on my coat 🙃 We’re around 2 hours from Manchester now, and we’ll get a cab to the office before we head home this evening. Theo and Brutus are staying with a friend called Tom at the moment and I think we’re likely to introduce the boys to Ray on Saturday so that Ray has at least tomorrow to fully rest before meeting them. I’ve missed them so much and I can’t wait to see them both and give them a big cuddle ❤️🐶❤️
Delayed again
Arghhhh! Our boat was stuck waiting for a berth to clear and we missed our train 😭😭😭 so now we have a wait for a different train that gets in to Manchester 2 hours later than our original train 😭😭😭
Docking at Fishguard
We got some sleep and we’re about to dock at Fishguard! Ray slept like a log. I’m feeling a bit icky this morning but I think that’s just tiredness and a cup of tea will sort that out 🤞 train station bound as soon as land - we’re late docking now. See you later!
Update: yikes, it’s 6.39am we’re still on the boat and my train is meant to leave at 6.53 😱
At Dublin ferry terminal with Ray
It has been an EPIC 24 hours 🤣 I’m exhausted, Ray is bush-whacked, not least because she has dealt with a gazillion firsts today … first time on an escalator, in a lift, on a plane, in a taxi, seeing a bus, so many sights and sniffs that her little brain must be fried by now 😵💫 I think this will be our last post today as once we get on the boat, we are going straight to our cabin and I am pretty sure we’ll both pass out 🤣 we dock at 6am tomorrow and then we’ve got another epic journey - approx. 6 hours by train back to Manchester but at least we’ll be able to just sit still and snooze! Thank you to all of you for keeping us company on this monster journey home ❤️🙏❤️ Home stretch tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️
Ray in amusing herself in Paris
We’ve had a quiet 90 mins at Charles de Gaulle and now off to Dublin! Ray is taking everything in her stride and being a star! I think we’re both very tired but we’ll get there! Boarding for Dublin in a tick ❤️🤣🐶