And just like that, my first year of shows are over and out, and the puppucino board packed away for the winter! Knebworth house was fabulous and loved doing my first southern show 🫶🏼
Though the weather was forecast to be thunderstorms the entire weekend ⛈️☔️ it ended up being glorious on Saturday and even held out for the Sunday (until we had to pack down in a storm 😅)
I’ve learnt so much from my first year of shows, and have loved meeting so many of you. Doing the shows this year has reminded me how much people really do love my business and how it fills such a niche market. So many people said they hadn’t seen prints/branding like mine and it was so nice to meet so many BIG dog owners who didn’t know we existed/catered for big dogs.
I’ll be completely honest, I can get really disheartened sometimes, seeing all the other businesses bringing out new prints/products every season, or even month/week! Financially that just isn’t something I’ve been able to keep up with and then I always think, well there’s no point because I’m just falling behind and nobody will want to support that. But if you’ve all taught me anything this summer it’s that you want me to carry on and bring out more products and prints! And that I shall try and do!
I’ve met some other amazing small businesses along the way too that have taught me so much about doing shows!
who we were so lucky to be next to at our first ever show at Tatton. It was lovely to meet you both and be near you at both shows we did, and bonus- the girls have some new beautiful latte robes!
spoilt.doggo who might be the lovliest human to walk the dog fest fields! Who very kindly offered to help us yesterday when we couldn’t get onto the fields with our stock. The girls are now all stocked up on treats and have advents on route for Christmas too!
And who has given so much advise about the best shows for next year and just general advise on all things busines. Watch this space as we both have a lot of cross over with prints like Orcas and trees and who knows what else in the future 👀