How fast our German Shepherd x Husky puppy grew 🫠 Felt like he wasn’t going to stop for a lil while there. Now I know how Emily Elizabeth felt with Clifford ✌🏼#germanshepherd #gsdpuppy #huskypuppy #huskymix
Trick training: the underrated and under utilised hero 🫶🏼 #tricktraining #dogtraining #boardandtrain
Condensed 8 hours into 54 seconds ✌🏼 And you know I could’ve split this into two parts and didn’t so you’re welcome 😚 #dogtraining #boardandtrain #residentialdogtraining #collietraining #herdingdog
Might need to borrow a smaller dog to try Deep Pressure Therapy 🫠 I’ve wanted to get into this for so long! Wonder if I can train the cats to alert us when Mars has a seizure 💀 #assistancedog #deeppressuretherapy #assistancedogintraining
Probably should’ve included that I know I’m a good trainer because now he’s the best dog in the world 🌍 #dogtraining #gsdmix #workingdog
Feel like I slipped and now suddenly I’m a shop owner and salesperson? I just want to train dogs 🫠 How did this happen 💀 #biothaneshop #biothanedoggear #dogtrainingleads
What to do when your dog starts emptying your bin: from a professional dog trainer. There is a post on our blog that much better explains why yelling at your dog doesn’t work. Even if it wasn’t also mean, it’s ineffective. 🗑️🐕 #dogtraining #cratetraining #gsdmix
Not me sprinting outside the second there’s a tiny bit of sun, armed with a box of biothane items, my phone and my keys (so Mars doesn’t lock me out like last time) ✌🏼 Our shop is looking so colourful and STOCKED today 🌈 #biothanedoggear #biothaneshop #smallbusiness #dogtrainer
Why is it always the weekend that they start with these things so you have to deal with out of hours vets 😖 #selfemployed #dogtraining #gsdmix #huskymix
Virtual training is ON 💻 I fully expect there will be teething problems but I’ve been making plans to hopefully prevent them 🤞🏼 #virtualdogtraining #onlinedogtraining #dogtraining
When I get refused for a mortgage this will be why x #epilepticdog #dogtraining #selfemployed
The life ruiner that is canine epilepsy ✌🏼 #epilepticdog #canineepilepsy #epilepsyawareness